Friday, October 31, 2008

Master VISUALLY Microsoft Windows Vista

"One picture is worth a thousand words." If you prefer instructions that show you how rather than tell you why, then this intermediate to advanced level reference is for you. Hundreds of succinctly captioned, step-by-step screen shots reveal how to accomplish more than 200 Windows Vista tasks, including:
* Handling new, upgrade, or dual-boot installation
* Using the new desktop and start menu
* Creating toolbars and changing display settings
* Managing the firewall and antivirus software
* Installing CD and DVD burners
* Working with the new productivity features
* "Master It" sidebars answer questions and present shortcuts
* High-resolution screen shots demonstrate each task
* Succinct explanations walk you through step by step
* Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules


Dietary Supplements

The use of dietary supplements has continued to increase steadily in recent years with, for example, 40 per cent of UK adults said to be taking such supplements on a regular basis. Although they are widely used, the use of dietary supplements is controversial in relation to their efficacy and safety and much recent research has been published considering these questions. This comprehensive new edition of "Dietary Supplements" has been completed revised and updated to include the latest findings on the most commonly used dietary supplements. This edition contains 82 regularly structured monographs with information on: uses, action, safety (adverse effects, pregnancy, interactions), efficacy, and dosage; full revised and updated with findings from the recent literature on common supplements such as: aloe vera, calcium, creatine, glucosamine, selenium, and vitamin C; includes 10 monographs new to this edition on: methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), nickel, pcynogenol, phytosterols, psyllium, quercetin, resveratrol, silicon, tin and vanadium; considers regulations relating to dietary supplements in UK, Europe and the USA; and useful appendices include a summary of interactions with conventional medicines.



Tablet And Capsule Machine Instrumentation

A guide to all aspects of tablet and capsule machine instrumentation in pharmaceutical research, development and production.In order to produce a satisfactory tablet or capsule it is necessary to combine a sound formulation with a proper control of the tabletting or capsule filling process. These considerations involve the need to make accurate measurements and this text provides a practical guide to the techniques and applications of instrumentation used to make these measurements.This text provides a sound understanding of the principles and techniques involved, and of how data generated by instrumented machines can be applied to problems in pharmaceutical research, development and manufacture.It encompasses major advances in instrumentation methodology as well as in both tablet presses and capsule filling equipment. In particular there are new methods of measurement, the feeding of the output of instrumentation into computers has become routine, and instrumentation techniques have been expanded to tablet press simulators, automatic press control and capsule filling equipment.


Digital Principles and Logic Design

This text/reference provides students and practicing engineers with an introduction to the classical methods of designing electrical circuits, but incorporates modern logic design techniques used in the latest microprocessors, microcontrollers, microcomputers, and various LSI components. The book provides a review of the classical methods e.g., the basic concepts of Boolean algebra, combinational logic and sequential logic procedures, before engaging in the practical design approach and the use of computer-aided tools. The book is enriched with numerous examples (and their solutions), over 500 illustrations, and includes a CD-ROM with simulations, additional figures, and third party software to illustrate the concepts discussed in the book.
* Designed as a text/reference to provide students and practicing engineers with information on both classical methods and modern industry applications
* Modern applications are discussed in detail, including Karnaugh maps, PLD notation (PAL, PLA, FPGA) and more
* Covers fundamental topics as Boolean algebra, logic gates, flip-flops, minimization, etc.
* CD-ROM includes simulations, figures, and third-party software

1. Data & Number Systems.
2. Codes and Conversions.
3. Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates.
4. Simplification of Boolean Functions.
5. Combinational Logic Circuits.
6. Programmable Logic Devices.
7. Sequential Logic Circuits.
8. Registries.
9. Counters.
10. A/D and D/A Conversion.
11. Logic Families.
About the CD-ROM.


Differential Geometry: Theory and Applications

This book gives the basic notions of differential geometry, such as the metric tensor, the Riemann curvature tensor, the fundamental forms of a surface, covariant derivatives, and the fundamental theorem of surface theory in a self-contained and accessible manner. Although the field is often considered a classical one, it has recently been rejuvenated, thanks to the manifold applications where it plays an essential role.
The book presents some important applications to shells, such as the theory of linearly and nonlinearly elastic shells, the implementation of numerical methods for shells, and mesh generation in finite element methods.
This volume will be very useful to graduate students and researchers in pure and applied mathematics.
Contents: An Introduction to Differential Geometry in 3 (P G Ciarlet); An Introduction to Shell Theory (P G Ciarlet & C Mardare); Some New Results and Current Challenges in the Finite Element Analysis of Shells (D Chapelle); A Differential Geometry Approach to Mesh Generation (P Frey).


JSTL: Practical Guide for JSP Programmers

Web developers and page authors who use JavaServer Pages (JSP) know that it is much easier and efficient to implement web pages without reinventing the wheel each time. In order to shave valuable time from their development schedules, those who work with JSP have created, debugged, and used custom tagsa set of programmable actions that provide dynamic behavior to static pagespaving the way towards a more common, standard approach to using Java technology for web development. The biggest boost to this effort however has only recently arrived in the form of a standard set of tag libraries, known as the JSTL, which now provides a wide range of functionality and gives web page authors a much more simplified approach to implementing dynamic, Java-based web sites.
JSTL: Practical Guide for JSP Programmers is a timely resource for anyone interested in doing large-scale J2EE application development. It sticks to the main features of the JSTL so that developers don't have to sift through unnecessary details to begin using the tags and working with the expression language. Sue Spielman's straight-forward, practical approach is enhanced with numerous code samples and insightful descriptions to make learning the JSTL a quickly and easily accomplished task.
* Written by a best-selling author with a wealth of development experience and recognition in the Java community.
* Covers the core elements of the JSTL including the four standard tag libraries (core, internationalization/format, XML, and SQL) and expression language.
* Includes a reference section for all of the tabs and attributes contained in the JSTL.
* Via a companion web site, provides downloadable code for the code samples in the book.


Design Patterns for Searching in C#

Intended for the experienced C# programmer, this book presents a simple object-oriented interface to many of the classic combinatorial and graph searching algorithms. No prior experience with these is necessary. Many solved problems and applications are presented. The source code and algorithm library are available for download at:


Recent Advances in Nonlinear Analysis

This volume considers the most recent advances in various topics in partial differential equations. Many important issues such as evolution problems, their asymptotic behavior and their qualitative properties are addressed. The quality and completeness of the articles make this book both a source of inspiration and reference for future research.


Advances in Statistics: Proceedings of the Conference in Honor of Professor Zhidong Bai

This book, which is split into two parts, is about Prof. Zhidong Bai's life and his contributions to statistics and probability. The first part contains an interview with Zhidong Bai conducted by Dr Atanu Biswas from the Indian Statistical Institute, and seven short articles detailing Bai's contributions. The second part is a collection of his selected seminal papers in the areas of random matrix theory, Edgeworth expansion, M-estimation, model selection, adaptive design in clinical trials, applied probability in algorithms, small area estimation, and time series, among others. This book provides an easy access to Zhidong Bai's important works, and serves as a useful reference for researchers who are working in the relevant areas.



Invariant Algebras And Geometric Reasoning

The demand for more reliable geometric computing in robotics, computer vision and graphics has revitalized many venerable algebraic subjects in mathematics among them, Grassmann Cayley algebra and Geometric Algebra. Nowadays, they are used as powerful languages for projective, Euclidean and other classical geometries.
This book contains the author and his collaborators' most recent, original development of Grassmann Cayley algebra and Geometric Algebra and their applications in automated reasoning of classical geometries. It includes two of the three advanced invariant algebras Cayley bracket algebra, conformal geometric algebra, and null bracket algebra for highly efficient geometric computing. They form the theory of advanced invariants, and capture the intrinsic beauty of geometric languages and geometric computing. Apart from their applications in discrete and computational geometry, the new languages are currently being used in computer vision, graphics and robotics by many researchers worldwide.
Projective Space, Bracket Algebra and Grassmann Cayley Algebra;
Projective Incidence Geometry with Cayley Bracket Algebra;
Projective Conic Geometry with Bracket Algebra and Quadratic Grassmann Cayley Algebra;
Inner-product Bracket Algebra and Clifford Algebra;
Geometric Algebra;
Euclidean Geometry and Conformal Grassmann Cayley Algebra;
Conformal Clifford Algebra and Classical Geometries.


Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein Volume III

This book is intended as a guide for students using the text, Calculus III by Jerrold Marsden and Alan Weinstein. It may be unique among such guides in that it was written by a student user of the text. For each section of the text, the guide contains a list of prerequisites, a review quiz (with answers), a list of study goals, some hints for study, solutions to the odd-numbered problems, and a quiz on the section (with answers). For each review section the guide includes solutions to the odd exercises and a chapter test with solutions.




Database and Data Communication Network Systems: Techniques and Applications

Database and Data Communication Network Systems: Techniques and Applications



English Synonyms: Their Meanings and Usage

The purpose of this book is to help students to discriminate between words that form synonymic groups, but differ in the shades of meaning, in nuance and in usage.
The book may prove useful both for oral and written practice, for self-instruction and as reference material as well.


Electricity Two

This volume is one of series designed specifically to teach electricity. Each volume covers a given area of knowledge, which in itself is complete, but also prepares a student for ensueing volumes.


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Data Warehousing: Using the Wal-Mart Model

At 70 terabytes and growing, Wal-Mart's data warehouse is still the world's largest, most ambitious, and arguably most successful commercial database. Written by one of the key figures in its design and construction, Data Warehousing: Using the Wal-Mart Model gives you an insider's view of this enormous project. Continuously drawing from this example, the author teaches you the general principles and specific techniques you need to understand to be a valuable part of your organization's own data warehouse project, however large or small. You'll emerge with a practical understanding of both the business and technical aspects of building a data warehouse for storing and accessing data in a strategically useful way.
What further sets this book apart is its focus on the informational needs of retail companies-including both market and organizational issues that affect the data's collection and use. If retail is your field, this book will prove especially valuable as you develop and implement your company's ideal data warehouse solution.
* Written by a member of the team of four engineers who designed and built the Wal-Mart Data Warehouse database, a team whose database design was recognized internally in 1991 by Wal-Mart with the company's Team Innovational Technical award.
* Provides essential information for project managers, consultants, data warehouse managers, and data architects.
* Takes an in-depth look at a wide range of technical issues, including architecture, construction approaches, tool selection, database system selection, and maintenance.
* Addresses issues specific to retail business: vendors, inventory, sales analysis, geography, article categories, and more.
* Explains how to determine business requirements at the outset of the project-and how to develop return on investment analyses after the warehouse has been brought online.



Network Security: A Practical Approach

Network Security is a comprehensive resource written for anyone who plans or implements network security measures, including managers and practitioners. It offers a valuable dual perspective on security: how your network looks to hackers who want to get inside, and how you need to approach it on the inside to keep them at bay.
You get all the hands-on technical advice you need to succeed, but also higher-level administrative guidance for developing an effective security policy. There may be no such thing as absolute security, but, as the author clearly demonstrates, there is a huge difference between the protection offered by routine reliance on third-party products and what you can achieve by actively making informed decisions. Youll learn to do just that with this books assessments of the risks, rewards, and trade-offs related implementing security measures.
+ Helps you see through a hacker's eyes so you can make your network more secure.
+ Provides technical advice that can be applied in any environment, on any platform, including help with intrusion detection systems, firewalls, encryption, anti-virus software, and digital certificates.
+ Emphasizes a wide range of administrative considerations, including security policies, user management, and control of services and devices.
+ Covers techniques for enhancing the physical security of your systems and network.
+ Explains how hackers use information-gathering to find and exploit security flaws.
+ Examines the most effective ways to prevent hackers from gaining root access to a server.
+ Addresses Denial of Service attacks, "malware," and spoofing.
+ Includes appendices covering the TCP/IP protocol stack, well-known ports, and reliable sources for security warnings and updates.


Encyclopedia of Foods

The Encyclopedia of Foods: A Guide to Healthy Nutrition is a definitive resource for what to eat for maximum health as detailed by medical and nutritional experts. This book makes the connection between health, disease, and the food we eat.
The Encyclopedia describes more than 140 foods, providing information on their history, nutrient content, and medical uses.
The Encyclopedia also describes the "fit kitchen", including the latest in food safety, equipment and utensils for preparing fit foods, and ways to modify favorite recipes to ensure health and taste.
* Details healthy eating guidelines based on the RDA food pyramid
* Provides scientific basis and knowledge for specific recommendations
* Beautifully illustrated
* Extensive list of reliable nutrition resources
* Describes the fit kitchen from the latest in food safety to equipment and utensils for preparing fit foods to ways to modify favorite recipes to ensure health and taste



Teach Yourself VISUALLY Computers

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something — and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 135 basic computer tasks.


Teach Yourself VISUALLY Outlook 2007

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something - and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 140 Outlook 2007 tasks. Each task-based spread includes easy, visual directions for performing necessary operations,


Numerical Methods (3 Ed.)

This book emphasizes the intelligent application of approximation techniques to the type of problems that commonly occur in engineering and the physical sciences. Readers learn why the numerical methods work, what type of errors to expect, and when an application might lead to difficulties. The authors also provide information about the availability of high-quality software for numerical approximation routines. In this book, full mathematical justifications are provided only if they are concise and add to the understanding of the methods. The emphasis is placed on describing each technique from an implementation standpoint, and on convincing the reader that the method is reasonable both mathematically and computationally.


Handbook of Food-Drug Interactions

While pharmacists may know that a particular drug is inactive in a given pH environment, they may not know the pH of common foods. For dietitians the situation is reverse. With contributions from pharmacy, dietetics, and medicine, this book serves as a guide to the interdisciplinary prevention or correction of negative food-drug interactions. While other books simply list potential food-drug interactions, this book gives specific recommendations based on frequency and severity of reactions. It provides special dietary modifications necessary for prevention of adverse side effects. It also identifies new foods, supplements, and ethnic dishes that may contribute significantly to food-drug interactions.


Electricity One

This volume is one of series designed specifically to teach electricity. Each volume covers a given area of knowledge, which in itself is complete, but also prepares a student for ensueing volumes.


Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS

Are you a data mining analyst, who spends up to 80% of your time assuring data quality, then preparing that data for developing and deploying predictive models? And do you find lots of literature on data mining theory and concepts, but when it comes to practical advice on developing good mining views find little how to information? And are you, like most analysts, preparing the data in SAS?
This book is intended to fill this gap as your source of practical recipes. It introduces a framework for the process of data preparation for data mining, and presents the detailed implementation of each step in SAS. In addition, business applications of data mining modeling require you to deal with a large number of variables, typically hundreds if not thousands. Therefore, the book devotes several chapters to the methods of data transformation and variable selection.
* A complete framework for the data preparation process, including implementation details for each step.
* The complete SAS implementation code, which is readily usable by professional analysts and data miners.
* A unique and comprehensive approach for the treatment of missing values, optimal binning, and cardinality reduction.
* Assumes minimal proficiency in SAS and includes a quick-start chapter on writing SAS macros.



Presentation Skills for Students

Presentation Skills for Students is a practical, accessible guide for all students in further or higher education. It discusses speaking effectively in seminars, tutorials, and formal presentations, and, unusually, in leisure activities, such as standing for office, and speaking at or chairing a committee or society meeting. Finally, it helps with career research, including a practical, step by step guide to a successful job interview. Regular checklists and the friendly, down to earth style make this an ideal reference tool.


Effective Speaking: Communicating in Speech

Effective Speaking provides the hard scientific information about audience psychology, text preparation, presentation methods, voice production, body language and persuasive advocacy which will help would-be speakers improve their performance. The emphasis throughout is on practical self-help, on methods which have been shown to work, with clear explanations of just why they are effective.



Cases on Database Technologies And Applications

The field of database applications and research has seen many advances in techniques and technologies, which have created an explosion in database technology use in all types of organizations. Many of these organizations have been successful in the utilization of database technologies, while others have failed. These successes and failures can help systems professionals and students achieve success in the design and application of database technologies. Cases on Database Technologies and Applications presents many real-life examples and experiences of those involved in database research, database technology applications, and database management. It includes a wide range of the most current development, design, and analysis of databases, and assists practitioners and students alike in learning about emerging issues, problems, and challenges in developing database applications without pitfalls.


J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration

For enterprises seeking to streamline their own processes -- or integrate with partners and suppliers -- the #1 challenge is enterprise application integration (EIA). Sun's new Connector Architecture gives Java developers powerful new tools for simplifying EIA. In this definitive book, the creators of the Connector Architecture explain it in detail -- and demonstrate how to make the most of it. The authors introduce the fundamentals of application integration and the J2EE Connector architecture, including the system contracts it defines for connections, transactions, and security. Next, they present in-depth coverage of J2EE resource adapters from the application developer's perspective. Coverage includes: new connection pooling mechanisms; effective use of the J2EE platform's transactional support; techniques for leveraging J2EE security in application integration projects; and much more. The book shows how to use XML data within the J2EE and Connector framework; and concludes by walking through the construction of a working resource adapter, with extensive code examples. Appendices provide a detailed API reference and glossary.


Leadership for Learning: How to Help Teachers Succeed

In a follow-up to his earlier book, Developmental Supervision, distinguished educator and author Carl D. Glickman provides instructional leaders-supervisors, principals, and teachers-with practical guidance and thoughtful insight to help them succeed as they work with teachers to improve classroom teaching and learning. In a straightforward and easy-to-read manner, Glickman discusses
Structures of classroom assistance--clinical supervision, peer coaching, critical friends, and action research groups;
Formats for observations--frameworks for teaching, open-ended questionnaires, samples of student work, and student achievement on high-stakes tests; and
Approaches to working directly with teachers--directive, collaborative, and nondirective.
Scenarios that describe interactions with teachers of diverse backgrounds and skill levels bring the various approaches to life. The author also provides useful information on summative and formative evaluation of teachers. In addition to forms and examples that readers can duplicate or adapt to their own situation, the book includes an extensive list of resources on the topics of looking at student work, professional development and instructional leadership, and educators' ethnic, cultural, and personal diversity.
Leadership for Learning goes beyond the basics of supervision to place the work of instructional leadership within the context of whole-school improvement. Drawing on his years of experience in working with schools in varied settings, Glickman offers both advice and inspiration to instructional leaders who strive toward the ultimate goal of providing the best possible classroom experience for every student.


Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide (4th Ed.)

Text covers medical terminology with an organizational structure, full-color illustrations, and a strong clinical focus. Includes exercises and numerous case studies for each chapter. Also includes information on alternative and complementary medicine.


Biology (4 Vol.set)

Part of the Macmillan Science Library series, Biology serves students from middle school to the undergraduate level. It provides 432 signed entries on a broad range of topics pertaining to biology, including basic concepts (Antibody, Genetic code, Nervous systems, Wetlands); history of the science (Crick, Francis; History of medicine); related fields (Agronomist, Emergency medical technician); and issues (Environmental health, Genetic control and development) as well as topics of interest to young adults, such as smoking, birth control, alcohol, and STDs. Emphasis is on molecular genetics, human physiology, and biodiversity. The articles range in length from a few paragraphs to a few pages. They appear in alphabetical order, and each concludes with see also references as well as suggestions for further reading, including Web sites.
Helpful reference tools appear in the front matter of each volume, among them a geologic timescale, a metric conversion table, and diagrams of a typical plant and animal cell. Some 550 words appear in bold type in the text and are defined in the page margins as well as in a glossary. Each of the volumes contains a topic outline and index, and a cumulative index is found in volume 4.
The eye-pleasing layout features many colorful photographs and diagrams that will appeal to casual browsers, and the articles contain more than enough information to meet the needs of students. This informative set is highly recommended and would be a useful addition to a middle- or high-school library as well as a public library.


Handbook of Clinical Drug Data

"...will be useful to all health care professionals in a clinical setting." - Review of the previous edition from the Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
*Comparison charts compare and contrast drugs within the therapeutic classes, enabling readers to decide which is the best drug to use and prescribe
*Written from primary literature, not compiled from drug manufacturers promotional material
*Provides a wealth of clinical information on the use and misuse of drugs not found in any other drug reference


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beginning PHP5

PHP5 is the newest version of the preferred language for rapidly creating dynamic Web page content. While its main use is as a cross-platform, HTML-embedded, server-side Web scripting language, it now works equally well when creating multi-tiered applications or XML-based applications as well as Web applications. This book teaches you the features and functionality of PHP5, from installing and configuring it to designing and constructing complex data-driven Web sites.

As you proceed, you will build a number of fully functional applications. You’ll be introduced to basic programming logic, relational databases, OOP, PEAR, GTK, MSI, CLI, SQLite, and more. When you’re finished, you will understand how to create, test, debug, and put your applications to work in the real world.

What you will learn from this book
The fundamentals of object-oriented programming in PHP5
How to write PHP5 applications that run on Windows®, Linux®, Mac OS® X, and other operating systems
Why PHP5 works effectively in small to enterprise-level applications
Error handling with try/catch
Data manipulation in MySQL® using PHP
How to build practical applications such as an online text editor, a Web-based e-mail application, and an object-oriented contact manager application
Command-line scripting and GUI application development
Effective methods of maintaining and organizing your code, and more...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People

Powerful Lessons in Personal Change was a groundbreaker when it was first published in 1990, and it continues to be a business bestseller with more than 10 million copies sold. Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are as frequently from family situations as from business challenges. Before you can adopt the seven habits, you'll need to accomplish what Covey calls a "paradigm shift"--a change in perception and interpretation of how the world works. Covey takes you through this change, which affects how you perceive and act regarding productivity, time management, positive thinking, developing your "proactive muscles" (acting with initiative rather than reacting),
and much more.


Soldering in Electronics Assembly

Managers, engineers and technicians will use this book during industrial construction of electronics assemblies, whilst students can use the book to get a grasp of the variety of methods available, together with a discussion of technical concerns. It includes over 200 illustrations, including a photographic guide to defects, and contains many line drawings, tables and flow charts to illustrate the subject of electronics assembly.

Soldering in Electronics Assembly looks theoretically at everything needed in a detailed study, but in a practical manner. It examines the soldering processes in the light of electronic assembly type; solder; flux; and cleaning requirements. It has information on every available process, from the most basic hand soldering through to latest innovatory ones such as inert atmosphere wave soldering and zoned forced convection infra-red machines. The book provides a detailed analysis of solder and soldering action; purpose of flux and relevant flux types for any application; classification of assembly variants; assessment and maintenance of solderability. There is also a detailed analysis of soldering process defects and causes. In addition, Soldering in Electronics Assembly contains a new chapter on Ball Grid Array (BGA) technology.

Mike Judd is MD of Mike Judd Marketing and former MD of Electrovert UK, Director of Marketing Europe for Electrovert, part of the Cookson Group, and Director of OEM at Speedline.

Keith Brindley is a technical author with a wealth of experience of all aspects of electronics technology.

- A practical guide for the industry covering all the main soldering processes currently in use
- Cleaning, faults, troubleshooting and standards are all major topics
- Considers safety and solder process quality assessment


Its Great! Oops, No It Isnt: Why Clinical Research Cant Guarantee The Right Medical Answers.

This book dissects medical research methodology and through a penetrating inquiry into its triumphs and tragedies explains why correct answers are so hard to achieve. What emerges from this inquiry is the unexpected and stunning conclusion that medical researchers can never be sure that they’ve ended up with a truthful answer. In IT’S GREAT! readers learn why the quest for knowledge through clinical trials is fraught with problems that even the best researchers cannot overcome.

A fascinating gallery of cases illustrates the perils investigators face. Particular emphasis is given to the "clinical trial", the so-called gold standard for medical research, and its seven fatal flaws show succinctly why getting the right research answer is so problematic. In example after example, the author challenges the notion that medical research is too complex for the average citizen to comprehend. Understanding the imperfect world of clinical research allows the reader to step up and begin to ask his or her own questions, to challenge conclusions, to have doubts and not be afraid to raise them. People who care about their health and the health of others should not be innocent bystanders; they have a right, maybe even an obligation to become involved. After all, its their health that is at stake.

"Written by someone well versed in the complexities of biomedical research, this easy to understand book provides valuable information on the difficulty of finding the truth about drug safety and efficacy. (Dr.) Gauch has done us all a great service by explaining in a lucid and insightful manner why we need to be cautious in interpreting the results of preliminary, unconfirmed, or less than definitive clinical trials. This book is must reading not only for those involved in biomedical research, health care professionals, students and disease related society members but for the general public as well."
Stuart D. Cook, M.D. Past President, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey -currently the Ruth Dunietz Kushner and Michael Jay Serwitz Professor of Neurology and Neurosciences at the University


Encyclopedia of Clinical Pharmacy

This reference presents the latest procedures, practice guidelines, consensus documents, technological strategies, and regulatory standards for optimal pharmaceutical care--offering summaries for practical applications in a variety of clinical settings, including community and health-system pharmacies, clinics, hospice and long-term care facilities, government agencies, and pharmaceutical research and development organizations.


Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire

Not much has happened in the Roman Empire since 1994 that required the first edition to be updated, but Bunson, a prolific reference and history author, has revised it, incorporated new findings and thinking, and changed the dating style to C.E. (Common Era) and B.C.E. (Before Common Era). For the 500 years from Julius Caesar and the Gallic Wars in 59-51 B.C.E. to the fall of the empire in the west in 476 C.E, he discusses personalities, terms, sites, and events. There is very little cross-referencing.


Encyclopedia Of Space And Astronomy

This is a huge, up to date, single volume encyclopedia. It is not a text, but an alphabetical listing of just about everything there is to know about the subject. More than most astronomy books, this one contains a lot more information about the various space oriented NASA projects. I can't say that every mission is documented, but in looking several up I couldn't find any that were missing. Likewise other aspects of space technology aren't left out. You don't find discussions for instance on the de Laval nozzle in most other books.
On the astronomical side, his discussions on dark enery and dark matter are as good as any I've seen. This is not to say that he claims to know what they are, but he gives a good description what the leading current theories say. I notice that he has no comment on the speed of gravity (which nobody seems to know), but I guess you have to draw the line somewhere.
One problem with this book is putting it down. It is so big, and has so much information that you tend to want to read it from beginning to end. Except that you get distracted and start jumping around as something new grabs your interest.


Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation


Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANCIENT EGYPT is the first single-volume reference guide to the remarkable culture that flourished on the banks of the Nile from the predynastic period, 3200 B.C., to the fall of the New Kingdom in 1070 B.C.
Illustrated with more than 175 line drawings, maps, and time charts, over 1,500 entries span all the gods, rulers, cities, and themes important in ancient Egypt, including:
-Art and Architecture
-The Sphinx
-The Military
In addition, several extensive essays on such key topics as astronomy, mortuary rituals, agriculture, further illuminate this fascinating period of civilization.


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