Wednesday, December 31, 2008

TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview

Comprehensive, authoritative introduction to the protocols that drive the Internet. Covers internetworking, routing, transport protocols, multicast, and more. Includes detailed coverage of the latest trends in networking and infrastructure. Softcover.

From the Back Cover

* The comprehensive, authoritative introduction to the protocols that drive the Internet
* Covers internetworking, routing, transport protocols, multicast, and much more
* Includes detailed coverage of application protocols—DNS, TELNET, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, RTP/RTCP, SNMP, and WAP
* Presents techniques for maximizing security, availability, and scalability
* Extensive new coverage includes QoS, MPLS, IP telephony, and WAP
* An in-depth introduction to the entire TCP/IP suite—including the latest protocols and concepts
* Systematic coverage of internetworking, routing, transport, multicast, and application protocols
* New and updated coverage of QoS, MPLS, IP telephony, security, WAP, and more

TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview is an exceptionally complete, easy-to-understand, and up-to-date guide to the protocols that drive the Internet. Ideal for beginners—and for networking professionals who want to deepen their understanding—this book covers the entire TCP/IP suite, including emerging protocols that address the Internet's key challenges.

The authors—an expert team of IBM TCP/IP instructors and consultants—begin by introducing TCP/IP's fundamental goals, roles, components, and underlying concepts. They survey today's core TCP/IP application protocols, from DNS to HTTP, SMTP to RTP, as well as protocols designed for advanced wireless and multimedia applications.

The book includes detailed coverage of the latest trends in networking and infrastructure, including Quality of Service, MPLS, security, IP mobility, IP telephony, and IPv6. The authors also introduce leading tools for maximizing availability and scalability in IBM and Cisco environments, including IBM Sysplex Distributor, Cisco MultiNode Load Balancing, and OS/390 DNS/WLM.


Making Use Of Python

This book owes its existence to the collaboration made possible by the Internet and the free software movement. Its three authors|a college professor, a high school teacher, and a professional programmer|have yet to meet face to face, but we have been able to work closely together and have been aided by many wonderful folks who have donated their time and energy to helping make this book better. We think this book is a testament to the benefits and future possibilities of this kind of collaboration, the framework for which has been put in place by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation.


3ds Max 9 Essentials: Autodesk Media and Entertainment Courseware

Autodesk "3ds Max 9 Essentials: Autodesk Media and Entertainment Courseware"

Focal Press | 2006-10-06 | ISBN: 0240809084 | 640 pages | PDF | 19,5 MB

Bring 3D film effects to the big screen. Generate realistic characters for a top-selling game. Create rich and complex design visualization. Autodesk® 3ds Max® 9 lets you maximize your productivity and tackle challenging animation projects. And this book, developed by Autodesk insiders, lets you master the essential tools and techniques.
Learn how to use 3ds Max 9 confidently in a production environment. Each chapter of this book has a series of theory lessons and one lab. The theory lessons introduce you to the functional areas of 3ds Max and explain these features with short simple examples. The lab demonstrates a practical application of the theory. Combined, each chapter delivers a sound understanding of the functions, features and principles behind 3ds Max 9, and shows you how to apply this knowledge to real-world situations.
* A hands-on introduction to 3ds Max 9 from the Autodesk development team
* Tutorials and exercises designed for flexibility and ease of use


The C Puzzle Book

The C Puzzle Book
Addison | 263 Pages | 1998 | ISBN: 0201604612 | PDF | 5 MB


Focus on IELTS Foundation

A complete and integrated pre-IELTS course that provides skills development and graded practice. The course raises awareness of and provides step-by step training in the language and skills needed to tackle a full IELTS course confidently, and aim for a high exam score.

This book includes Interesting texts and material keep students motivated, Key structures and Quick check boxes highlight useful grammar points, DIY Learning strategies and projects encourage out-of-class study to speed-up progress, Key Language Practice Bank provides additional support and practice in grammar and vocabulary – ideal for mixed level classes and self-study, Writing Practice Bank gives practice in basic writing skills, guided tasks and model answers.

Student Book
Teachers Book
Skill book helps students develop the skills required for the IELTS exam


Audio (MP3 CD01)

Audio (MP3 CD02)

Audio (MP3 CD03)


Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems: Principles, Operation and Maintenance

Butterworth-Heinemann's Aircraft Engineering Principles and Practice Series provides students, apprentices and practicing aerospace professionals with the definitive resources to advance their aircraft engineering maintenance studies and career.

This book provides an introduction to the principles of aircraft digital and electronic systems. It is written for anyone pursuing a career in aircraft maintenance engineering or a related aerospace engineering discipline, and in particular will be suitable for those studying for licensed aircraft maintenance engineer status as part of an EASA or FAR-147 approved course or taking Aerospace Engineering City and Guilds modules, EDEXCEL National Units, EDEXCEL Higher National Units or a Degree in aircraft engineering.

* Covers the essential principles & knowledge base required by Airframe & Propulsion (A&P) Mechanics for Modules 5, 11 and 13 of the EASA Part-66 syllabus & BTEC National awards in aerospace engineering
* Self-test questions, exercises & multiple choice questions to enhance learning for both independent & tutor-assisted study
* Online image bank for use in lectures & teaching materials


Understanding Macromedia Flash 8 ActionScript 2: Basic Techniques for Creatives

Andrew Rapo and Alex Michael explain all the important programming concepts from a designer's point of view, making them completely accessible to non-programmers. Completely revised and rewritten this second edition will help you develop professional ActionScript 2 applications, and communicate knowledgably about current, Object Oriented ActionScript 2 techniques.
Divided into four sections to take you from novice to professional results:

* Flash Fundamentals: Introduces the Flash authoring environment and basic core Flash concepts.
* ActionScript 2 Fundamentals: Explains basic programming concepts and terminology, and shows how ActionScript 2 classes are constructed and used.
* Built-in Classes: Describes the built-in ActionScript classes that are available for use in applications, including the MovieClip class, Key class, Sound class, etc.
* Using ActionScript to Build a Game: Describes the development process for creating a complex Flash application and presents commercial-quality game coding examples.


Sams Teach Yourself Linux Security Basics in 24 Hours

This book is an introductory, tutorial-style text designed to give the reader a strong foundational knowledge of securing a Linux system. This book teaches the reader how to securely install and run Linux as it comes shipped from most Linux distributors. Most other titles in this market focus on the use of tools and software not normally included with Linux. Our approach teaches fundamentals the reader can take to other operating systems. This text is designed to provide a basic guide to resolving security involved in the use of Linux in workstation, small server, or small network environments.

Covered topics include the following:
Securing network services such as Samba and NFS
Installation security details
Firewalling with ipchains and iptables
Intrusion detection, auditing, and monitoring
BIOS and motherboard security issues
Kerberos authentication
Data encryption
Eliminating ID and device risks
Preserving data
Steps to take if hacked


Distributed .NET Programming in C#

Distributed .NET Programming in C# by Tom Barnaby (Author) With the release of .NET, Microsoft has once again altered the distributed programming landscape. Almost everything has changed, from data access, to remote object calls, to the deployment of software components. And of course, .NET introduces a new technology in XML Web services that may revolutionize Web development.

Distributed .NET Programming in C# describes how to use these new .NET technologies to build fast, scalable, and robust distributed applications. Along the way, it answers common questions such as, How do I use the .NET Remoting Framework? What role does COM+ play in the .NET universe? How can I interoperate with COM components? What's the difference between .NET Remoting and Web services? How will these changes affect the architecture and design of a distributed application? Author Tom Barnaby assumes the reader is already familiar with the fundamentals of .NET. However, a .NET overview is provided to concisely explain several of the core .NET technologies that are essential for distributed programming, including building, versioning, and deploying assemblies, garbage collection, serialization, and attribute-based programming.


The Principles of Beautiful Web Design

Tired of making web sites that work absolutely perfectly but just don't look nice?
If so, then The Principles of Beautiful Web Design is for you. A simple, easy-to-follow guide, illustrated with plenty of full-color examples, this book will lead you through the process of creating great designs from start to finish. Good design principles are not rocket science, and using the information contained in this book will help you create stunning web sites.

Understand the design process, from discovery to implementation
Understand what makes "good design"
Developing pleasing layouts using grids, the rule of thirds, balance and symmetry
Use color effectively, develop color schemes and create a palette
Use textures, lines, points, shapes, volumes and depth
Learn how good typography can make ordinary designs look great
Effective imagery: choosing, editing and placing images
And much more
Throughout the book, you'll follow an example design, from concept to completion, learning along the way.


Study Tactics (SparkCharts)

SparkChartsTM—created by Harvard students for students everywhere—serve as study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, including Business, Computer Programming, Medicine, Law, Foreign Language, Humanities, and Science. Titles like How to Study, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows, and HTML give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond. Outlines and summaries cover key points, while diagrams and tables make difficult concepts easier to digest.
This four-page chart covers:
How to focusPlanning and budgeting your time Remembering informationTaking notes In-class discussionsPreparing for exams, including crammingTest-taking tips and helpful hints


Head First Software Development

Even the best developers have seen well-intentioned software projects fail -- often because the customer kept changing requirements, and end users didn't know how to use the software you developed. Instead of surrendering to these common problems, let Head First Software Development guide you through the best practices of software development. Before you know it, those failed projects will be a thing of the past.
With its unique visually rich format, this book pulls together the hard lessons learned by expert software developers over the years. You'll gain essential information about each step of the software development lifecycle -- requirements, design, coding, testing, implementing, and maintenance -- and understand why and how different development processes work.
This book is for you if you are:
Tired of your customers assuming you're psychic. You'll learn not only how to get good requirements, but how to make sure you're always building the software that customers want (even when they're not sure themselves)
Wondering when the other 15 programmers you need to get your project done on time are going to show up. You'll learn how some very simple scheduling and prioritizing will revolutionize your success rate in developing software.
Confused about being rational, agile, or a tester. You'll learn not only about the various development methodologies out there, but how to choose a solution that's right for your project.
Confused because the way you ran your last project worked so well, but failed miserably this time around. You'll learn how to tackle each project individually, combine lessons you've learned on previous projects with cutting-edge development techniques, and end up with great software on every project.


Algebra Part 1 (Quickstudy: Compact)

For a subject that is a challenge at all levels of education. Parts 1 and 2 combined cover principles for basic algebra, intermediate algebra and college algebra courses. Multi-fold laminated guide covers: - set theory - operations of real numbers - algebraic terms - order of operations - factoring & rational expressions - roots & radicals - and much more


Algebra, Part 2 (Quick Study)

For a subject that is a challenge at all levels of education. Parts 1 and 2 combined cover principles for basic algebra, intermediate algebra and college algebra courses. Multi-fold laminated guide covers: - set theory - operations of real numbers - algebraic terms - order of operations - factoring & rational expressions - roots & radicals - and much more


Anatomy2 (Quickstudy Reference Guides - Academic)

Rich Marino, Vincent Perez " Anatomy2 (Quickstudy Reference Guides - Academic)"
Barcharts Inc | 2003-01 | ISBN: 1572224916 | 6 pages | PDF | 10,1 MB


Color Management for Photographers: Hands on Techniques for Photoshop Users

Color Management for Photographers: Hands on Techniques for Photoshop Users, by Andrew Rodney, addresses the difficult subject of color management in a way that can help you get real work accomplished. This is the first book that moves beyond esoteric color management theory and detailed explanations of how things work to explain how to achieve a desired effect with step-by-step instructions so you can get on with creating and printing successful images. Complete with what-button-to-push-when explanations, this guide will help you navigate color management and further solidify comprehension of techniques with self-paced tutorials that enable you to practice what Rodney preaches.

Written with the photographer in mind, this book is also a great hands-on guide for graphic designers, those in prepress/print and, more generally, the majority of people who feel color management is too difficult. This book will help to explain this difficult concept in terms you can understand so that you may control and enhance your photographic vision.


Quickstudy Vitamins & Minerals

Jill E. Winland-Brown "Quickstudy Vitamins & Minerals (Quick Study) "
Barcharts | 2004-07 | ISBN: 1572228237 | 4 pages | PDF | 5,3 MB


Nanobiotechnology II: More Concepts and Applications

This second volume on a burgeoning field retains the proven concept of the spectacularly successful first one, extending and supplementing it. Individual sections are each dedicated to nanoparticles, nanostructures and patterns, nanodevices and machines, and nanoanalytics. Essential reading for an entire generation of scientists, this authoritative survey defines one of the most important new scientific fields to have emerged for many decades.


Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives

Nanotechnology is the key technology of the 21st century. The possibility to exploit the structures and processes of biomolecules for novel functional materials, biosensors, bioelectronics and medical applications has created the rapidly growing field of nanobiotechnology.
Designed as a broad survey of the field, this book combines contributions from bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, molecular biology, materials science and bioanalytics to fathom the full scope of current and future developments.
It is divided into four main sections:
* Interphase Systems
* Protein-based Nanostructures
* DNA-based Nanostructures
* Nanoanalytics
Each chapter describes in detail currently available methods and contains numerous references to the primary literature, making this the perfect "field guide" for chemists, biologists and materials scientists who want to explore the fascinating world of nanobiotechnology.


Biotechnology, Special Processes (Biotechnology: A Multi-Volume Comprehensive Treatise; 2nd Completely Rev. Ed.)

Volume 10 on Special Processes completes the Second Edition of the Biotechnology series providing an overview on innovative and special fields of biotechnology. In the other volumes of the series many larger areas of biotechnology are treated with respect to principal aspects, while Volume 10 covers more specialized topics.
Areas which are anticipated to have a highly promising future are nanobiotechnology, bioelectrochemical fuel cells, bacteriorhodopsin and other substances used as information systems.
Further fields - although small - are of current importance such as marine biotechnology, biotechnology in phytopathology, biotechnology with extremophiles, and biotechnology with protozoa.
Volume 10 enables the reader to access these and further special fields of biotechnology. The proven quality of extensive references provides a good basis to gain further insight into the fields.


Sams Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed

This comprehensive guide can help you administer Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5 effectively in any production environment, no matter how complex
or challenging.

Long-time Red Hat insider Tammy Fox brings together today's best
practices for the entire system lifecycle, from planning and deployment
through maintenance and troubleshooting. Fox shows how to maximize your
efficiency and effectiveness by automating day-to-day maintenance
through scripting, deploying security updates via Red Hat Network,
implementing central identity management services, and providing shared
data with NFS and Samba.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed contains extensive
coverage of network and web services, from the Apache HTTP server and
Sendmail email services to remote login with OpenSSH. Fox also describes
Red Hat's most valuable tools for monitoring and optimization and
presents thorough coverage of security-including a detailed introduction
to Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux).

- Streamline deployment with Kickstart
- Find, install, update, remove, and verify software
- Detect, analyze, and manage hardware
- Manage storage with LVM, RAID, ACLs, and quotas
- Use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on 64-bit and multi-core systems
- Administer users and groups more efficiently and securely
- Ensure trustworthy backup and rapid recovery
- Script and schedule tasks to run automatically
- Provide unified identity management services
- Configure Apache, BIND, Samba, and Sendmail
- Monitor and tune the kernel and individual applications
- Protect against intruders with SELinux and ExecShield
- Set up firewalls with iptables
- Enable the Linux Auditing System
- Use virtualization to run multiple operating systems concurrently

Tammy Fox served as technical leader of Red Hat's documentation group,
where she wrote and revised The Red Hat Enterprise Linux System
Administration Guide. She was founding editor of Red Hat Magazine, now
an online publication reaching more than 800,000 system administrators
and others interested in Linux and open source. She wrote Red Hat's
LogViewer tool and has written and contributed to several Red Hat
configuration tools. Fox is also the founding leader of the Fedora Docs


Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB: Rafael C. Gonzalez

For Image and Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Computer Vision courses. This is the first text that provides a balanced treatment of image processing fundamentals and an introduction to software principles used in the practical application of image processing. A seamless integration of material from the leading text, Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez and Woods and the Image Processing Toolbox from Mathworks, Inc. This text works in the MATLAB computing environment; the Toolbox provides a stable, well-supported set of software tools capable of addressing a broad spectrum of applications in digital image processing. The major areas covered include intensity transformations, linear and nonlinear spatial filtering, filtering in the frequency domain, image restoration and registration, color image processing, wavelets, image data compression, morphological image processing, image segmentation, regions and boundary representation and description, and object recognition.


Notes on Set Theory

The axiomatic theory of sets is a vibrant part of pure mathematics, with its own basic notions, fundamental results, and deep open problems. At the same time, it is often viewed as a foundation of mathematics so that in the most prevalent, current mathematical practice "to make a notion precise" simply means "to define it in set theory." This book tries to do justice to both aspects of the subject: it gives a solid introduction to "pure set theory" through transfinite recursion and the construction of the cumulative hierarchy of sets (including the basic results that have applications to computer science), but it also attempts to explain precisely how mathematical objects can be faithfully modeled within the universe of sets. In this new edition the author added solutions to the exercises, and rearranged and reworked the text in several places to improve the presentation.
The book is aimed at advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate mathematics students and at mathematically minded graduate students of computer science and philosophy.


Implementing 802.11 with Microcontrollers

This book is intended to provide you with everything you need to know to create and deploy a microcontroller-based 802.11b wireless network. You read it correctly, I did indeed say everything you need to know. I’ve spent the last year being rejected, ignored and hung up on. When I wasn’t being subjected to any of the aforementioned disrespectful acts, I was being lied to, promised to and conveniently forgotten. Some of the folks holding the 802.11b Holy Grail had no scruples and performed all of the despicable acts I’ve mentioned against my person. All of that angst was directed at me (or rather not directed at me) because I wanted to learn how to implement 802.11b in the world of microcontrollers. Well, I have seen the 802.11b light and I am here to spread the word to all in microcontrollerdom. 802.11b communication with inexpensive off-the-shelf microcontrollers


Network Routing Basics: Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems

A fresh look at routing and routing protocols in today's networks. A primer on the subject, but with thorough, robust coverage of an array of routing topics
Written by a network/routing instructor who could never find quite the right book for his students -so he wrote his own
Coverage of all routing protocols. In-depth coverage of interior routing protocols, with extensive treatment of OSPF. Includes overview of BGP as well
Not written as a "pass the test" guide. Rather, a close look at real world routing with many examples, making it an excellent choice for preparing for a variety of certification exams
Many extras including a networking primer, TCPIP coverage with thorough explanations of subnetting / VLSMs / CIDR addressing, route summarization, discontiguous networks, longest match principal, and more.


Intelligent Internet Knowledge Networks: Processing of Concepts and Wisdom

Introducing the basic concepts in total program control of the intelligent agents and machines, Intelligent Internet Knowledge Networks explores the design and architecture of information systems that include and emphasize the interactive role of modern computer/communication systems and human beings. Here, you'll discover specific network configurations that sense environments, presented through case studies of IT platforms, electrical governments, medical networks, and educational networks.


Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5/E

For a one-semester undergraduate course in operating systems for computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering majors.
This text covers concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Stallings presents the nature and characteristics of modern-day operating systems clearly and completely.

1. Computer System Overview

2. Operating System Overview

3. Process Description and Control

4. Threads, SMP, and Microkernels

5. Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization

6. Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation

7. Memory Management

8. Virtual Memory

9. Uniprocessor Scheduling

10. Multiprocessor and Real-Time Scheduling

11. I/O Management and Disk Scheduling

12. File Management

13. Distributed Processing, Client/Server, and Clusters

14. Distributed Process Management

15. Computer Security

Appendix 15A Encryption


Software Engineering: Update 8th Edition

Sensible choice and organization of topics, made all the more authoritative by the author's credentials as a senior academic in the area Prof. David S. Rosenblum, University College London I find Somerville inviting and readable and with more appropriate content Julian Padget, University of Bath Sommerville takes case studies from radically different areas of SE. This avoids excessive stereotyping (hence blinkering), but permits some depth and detail. Dr C Lester, Portsmouth University Software Engineering 8 presents a broad perspective on software systems engineering, concentrating on widely used techniques for developing large-scale systems. Structured into 6 parts: 1: Introduction; 2: Requirements Engineering; 3: Design; 4: Software Development; 5: Verification and Validation; 6: Management And now with additional new chapters on System Security Engineering, Aspect-oriented Software Development, and Service-oriented systems! Building on the widely acclaimed strengths of the 7th edition, 8 updates readers with the latest developments in the field, whilst maintaining the structure and content of the 7th easily upward compatible for those using the text in a teaching environment.


Perl Hacks Tips & Tools for Programming

With more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl has proven to be the best computing language for the latest trends in computing and business. While other languages have stagnated, Perl remains fresh, thanks to its community-based development model, which encourages the sharing of information among users. This tradition of knowledge-sharing allows developers to find answers to almost any Perl question they can dream up.

And you can find many of those answers right here in "Perl Hacks," Like all books in O'Reilly's Hacks Series, "Perl Hacks" appeals to a variety of programmers, whether you're an experienced developer or a dabbler who simply enjoys exploring technology. Each hack is a short lesson--some are practical exercises that teach you essential skills, while others merely illustrate some of the fun things that Perl can do. Most hacks have two parts: a direct answer to the immediate problem you need to solve right now and a deeper, subtler technique that you can adapt to other situations. Learn how to add CPAN shortcuts to the Firefox web browser, read files backwards, write graphical games in Perl, and much more.

For your convenience, "Perl Hacks" is divided by topic--not according to any sense of relative difficulty--so you can skip around and stop at any hack you like. Chapters include: Productivity Hacks User Interaction Data Munging Working with Modules Object Hacks Debugging

Whether you're a newcomer or an expert, you'll find great value in "Perl Hacks," the only Perl guide that offers something useful and fun for everyone.


Word Processing with Word: Learning Made Simple

This handy textbook covers all you need to know about word processing.
Learning Made Simple books give you skills without frills. They are matched to the main qualifications, and written by experienced teachers and authors to make often tricky subjects simple to learn. Every book is designed carefully to provide bite-sized lessons matched to your needs.
Learning Made Simple titles provide both a new colorful way to study and a useful adjunct to any training course. Using full color throughout, and written by leading teachers and writers, Learning Made Simple books will help you learn new skills and develop your talents.
Whether studying at college, training at work, or reading at home, aiming for a qualification or simply getting up to speed, Learning Made Simple books will give you the advantage of easy, well-organised training materials in a handy volume with two and four-page sections for each topic for ease of use.
*Bite-sized two and four-page sections for each topic
*Learning Made Simple, a colorful approach to support self-study and training courses alike
*Written by experienced trainers for inexperienced learners to succeed, matched to main qualifications


Hacking Exposed Windows : Microsoft Windows Security Secrets and Solutions

Windows security with the exclusive Hacking Exposed "attack-countermeasure" approach. Learn how real-world malicious hackers conduct reconnaissance of targets and then exploit common misconfigurations and software flaws on both clients and servers. See leading-edge exploitation techniques demonstrated, and learn how the latest countermeasures in Windows XP, Vista, and Server 2003/2008 can mitigate these attacks. Get practical advice based on the authors' and contributors' many years as security professionals hired to break into the world's largest IT infrastructures. Dramatically improve the security of Microsoft technology deployments of all sizes when you learn to: Establish business relevance and context for security by highlighting real-world risks Take a tour of the Windows security architecture from the hacker's perspective, exposing old and new vulnerabilities that can easily be avoided Understand how hackers use reconnaissance techniques such as footprinting, scanning, banner grabbing, DNS queries, and Google searches to locate vulnerable Windows systems Learn how information is extracted anonymously from Windows using simple NetBIOS, SMB, MSRPC, SNMP, and Active Directory enumeration techniques Prevent the latest remote network exploits such as password grinding via WMI and Terminal Server, passive Kerberos logon sniffing, rogue server/man-in-the-middle attacks, and cracking vulnerable services See up close how professional hackers reverse engineer and develop new Windows exploits Identify and eliminate rootkits, malware, and stealth software Fortify SQL Server against external and insider attacks Harden your clients and users against the latest e-mail phishing, spyware, adware, and Internet Explorer threats Deploy and configure the latest Windows security countermeasures, including BitLocker, Integrity Levels, User Account Control, the updated Windows Firewall, Group Policy, Vista Service Refactoring/Hardening, SafeSEH, GS, DEP, Patchguard, and Address Space Layout Randomization.


Hacking Exposed Wireless

Defend against the latest pervasive and devastating wireless attacks using the tactical security information contained in this comprehensive volume. Hacking Exposed Wireless reveals how hackers zero in on susceptible networks and peripherals, gain access, and execute debilitating attacks. Find out how to plug security holes in Wi-Fi/802.11 and Bluetooth systems and devices. You'll also learn how to launch wireless exploits from Metasploit, employ bulletproof authentication and encryption, and sidestep insecure wireless hotspots. The book includes vital details on new, previously unpublished attacks alongside real-world countermeasures.

* Understand the concepts behind RF electronics, Wi-Fi/802.11, and Bluetooth
* Find out how hackers use NetStumbler, WiSPY, Kismet, KisMAC, and AiroPeek to target vulnerable wireless networks
* Defend against WEP key brute-force, aircrack, and traffic injection hacks
* Crack WEP at new speeds using Field Programmable Gate Arrays or your spare PS3 CPU cycles
* Prevent rogue AP and certificate authentication attacks
* Perform packet injection from Linux
* Launch DoS attacks using device driver-independent tools
* Exploit wireless device drivers using the Metasploit 3.0 Framework
* Identify and avoid malicious hotspots
* Deploy WPA/802.11i authentication and encryption using PEAP, FreeRADIUS, and WPA pre-shared keys


Hacking Exposed Web 2.0: Web 2.0 Security Secrets and Solutions

"This book concisely identifies the types of attacks which are faced daily by Web 2.0 sites, and the authors give solid, practical advice on how to identify and mitigate these threats." --Max Kelly, CISSP, CIPP, CFCE, Senior Director of Security, Facebook

Protect your Web 2.0 architecture against the latest wave of cybercrime using expert tactics from Internet security professionals. Hacking Exposed Web 2.0 shows how hackers perform reconnaissance, choose their entry point, and attack Web 2.0-based services, and reveals detailed countermeasures and defense techniques. You'll learn how to avoid injection and buffer overflow attacks, fix browser and plug-in flaws, and secure AJAX, Flash, and XML-driven applications. Real-world case studies illustrate social networking site weaknesses, cross-site attack methods, migration vulnerabilities, and IE7 shortcomings.

* Plug security holes in Web 2.0 implementations the proven Hacking Exposed way
* Learn how hackers target and abuse vulnerable Web 2.0 applications, browsers, plug-ins, online databases, user inputs, and HTML forms
* Prevent Web 2.0-based SQL, XPath, XQuery, LDAP, and command injection attacks
* Circumvent XXE, directory traversal, and buffer overflow exploits
* Learn XSS and Cross-Site Request Forgery methods attackers use to bypass browser security controls
* Fix vulnerabilities in Outlook Express and Acrobat Reader add-ons
* Use input validators and XML classes to reinforce ASP and .NET security
* Eliminate unintentional exposures in ASP.NET AJAX (Atlas), Direct Web Remoting, Sajax, and GWT Web applications
* Mitigate ActiveX security exposures using SiteLock, code signing, and secure controls
* Find and fix Adobe Flash vulnerabilities and DNS rebinding attacks


Monday, December 29, 2008

The Agile Manager Series

Plan your way to success, set the right goals, overcome setbacks, overcome stress, boost self-esteem, get ahead at work.


Mac OS X: The Complete Reference

On the surface, Mac OS X isn't all that different from Mac OS 9.1. Indeed, most users will be just as happy with the slightly older version of the Macintosh operating system as with version X. But for people who have longed for a more robust kernel with true preemptive multitasking, better graphics support, and a stronger suite of programming tools, Mac OS X is manna. Like too many other books that choose to focus on Mac OS X as just another Mac System for everyday home and office users, Mac OS X: The Complete Reference explores the new Mac OS in terms of its basic features before delving into its new architecture, server capabilities, and BSD Unix-derived features.

Feiler's coverage of the new features isn't terribly deep--readers might expect more from a "Complete Reference." In explaining the new low-level architecture of Mac OS X, for example, Feiler does a fine job of explaining that Mach manages system resources and that an implementation of BSD Unix handles tasks associated with networking, the filesystem, and threads of execution. Great, but there's nothing about configuring a machine at the BSD command line or the "Unix way" of thinking about hardware and settings. Read this book if you're a beginner or interested in a high-level guide to the new features, but look elsewhere for deep documentation.

The features of Mac OS X, explained at a level suitable for everyday users, with some sections of interest to administrators and power users. Specialized sections address architectural fundamentals, hardware and software setup, networking, and programming with AppleScript, Carbon, and Cocoa.


Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 in 21 Days teaches you all the skills you need to get up and running effectively with Dreamweaver UltraDev 4. The tutorial approach aids you in learning the basics quickly and then moves on to the more advanced features and concepts. By the end of the 21 days, you will know how to create dynamic Web sites containing database interactivity, streamline ASP content, write custom validations and extend functionality with JavaScript, design enhanced navigation of the Web site, and incorporate interactivity. Written by leading trainer and developer John Ray, you will benefit from expert tips for more effective site design.


Sams Teach Yourself Photoshop Elements 2 in 24 Hours

Photoshop Elements is a more accessible version of Adobe's flagship product, Photoshop. Elements is geared to business users, students, and home users who nonetheless want professional-looking images for their print and Web projects. Topics covered in the book include capturing and editing photos from traditional or digital cameras, correcting color, working with layers, erasing backgrounds and creating photo-illustrations, editing Web graphics, and simulating print and drawing techniques. Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Photoshop Elements in 24 Hours is an easily accessible tutorial that uses a friendly, conversational writing style to teach readers the basics--an approach that should especially appeal to Photoshop Elements users.


Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Acrobat 5 in 24 Hours

Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Acrobat 5 in 24 Hours shows readers how to effectively create, manage, and use PDF files to improve productivity.
Going beyond the "how-to" involved with making and distributing PDF files, this book also explores when to use PDF files for collaboration on projects.
Adobe Acrobat accommodates a wide range of users' different needs, and Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Acrobat 5 in 24 Hours clearly spells out the steps and settings necessary for each type of project.


Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 Hours

Linux is an open-source, Unix-like operating system that has become a viable desktop system for many users, especially those involved with system and network administration.
Red Hat Linux has remained a leading choice of Linux distributions for years, owning more than 80 percent of the U.S. Linux market.
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux in 24 Hours covers all the most important topics for the reader who wants to get Red Hat Linux up-and-running and to become productive with the operating system as quickly as possible. The book covers topics such as installing, setting up, and negotiating the new desktop environment.


Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 in 24 Hours

Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver in 24 Hours shows Web developers and designers how to use Macromedia's powerful Web development tool to create sophisticated Web sites. Written by Betsy Bruce, an authorized trainer who has taught Dreamweaver to thousands of beginning students, the book does not dwell on elementary Web page authoring techniques, but focuses more on intermediate-level Web development topics like building dynamic Web sites, creating image maps and interactive forms, designing animations, setting up frames, and adding interactivity. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover all the new features of the latest version of Dreamweaver.


Expert C Programming

By Peter van der Linden Defying the stereotypical notion that technical books tend to be boring, Expert C Programming offers a lively and often humorous look at many aspects of C from how memory is laid out to the details of pointers and arrays. The author reveals his points through invaluable anecdotes, such as stories of costly bugs, and through folklore, such as the contents of Donald Knuth's first publication. Each chapter ends with a section entitled "Some Light Relief," which discusses topics (topics that some may consider to be "recreational"), such as programming contests. A fabulous appendix on job interview questions finishes the book. This is a very different book on the C language! In an easy, conversational style, Peter van der Linden, of Sun's compiler and OS kernel group, presents dozens of astonishing examples drawn from practical experience, including:
* Software that blew up the space probe to Venus
* The C bug that shut down the entire AT&T phone system
* C programmer job interview secrets
* Why programmers can't tell Halloween from Christmas day
* The C code for a complete BASIC interpreter


Homework Book Course 1

ch 1: Ordering and Manipulting Numbers.
ch 2: Expressions and Equations.
ch 3: Fractions and Percentages.
ch 4: Ratio, Proportion, and Rate.
ch 5: Data Sets.
ch 6: Probability.
ch 7: Geometry.


Resumes for Health and Medical Careers

Nearly 100 sample resumes and 20 cover letters for each field-more than any competing series
A workbook format to organize information before writing a resume
Perfect for college grads and people changing careers or re-entering the job market
A variety of eye-catching resume formats


Microsoft Office Project 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Microsoft Office Project 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is a compilation of multiple short reference-style books covering Microsoft Project, enhanced by the format of a single, easy-to-use, task-oriented step-by-step package. All-in-One For Dummies books are made up of multiple minibooks that could each stand alone. Each minibook covers one topic completely.
This book features a companion Web site where readers can download Microsoft Project add-ins, templates, and author-generated materials. The book also features a gate-fold cheat sheet that contains myriad quick-reference information, tips, and shortcuts for reference when using Microsoft Project 2007.

The structure of the book is as follows:
Book I: Project Basics
Book II: Structure of a Project
Book III: Defining Task Details
Book IV: Establishing Task Timing
Book V: Working with Resources and Costs
Book VI: Communicating Project Information
Book VII: Resolving Problems with Your Plan
Book VIII: Tracking
Book IX: Advanced Project Topics
Book X: Project in the Enterprise Environment
Book XI: Project Case Studies


Java (SparkCharts)

SparkChartsTM—created by Harvard students for students everywhere—serve as study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, including Business, Computer Programming, Medicine, Law, Foreign Language, Humanities, and Science. Titles like How to Study, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows, and HTML give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond. Outlines and summaries cover key points, while diagrams and tables make difficult concepts easier to digest. This four-page chart covers:
Java basics, including types and variables Conditional and iterative statements Classes and objects
MethodsPolymorphismExceptionsThe Java API
SparkCharts pack tons of information on hundreds of subjects into a compact, convenient package.


HIV/AIDS Treatment Drugs

Drugs are everywhere--on our streets, in our homes, and in our schools--but the straight facts about drugs are not.


Biochemistry For Dummies

Covers proteins, carbohydrates, and genetics
Grasp biochem basics, apply the science, and ace your exams

Are you baffled by biochemistry? This unintimidating guide makes it easy to understand, explaining all the topics and practical applications in plain English. From cell ultrastructure and carbohydrates to amino acids, proteins, and supramolecular structure, you'll identify biochemical structures and reactions, improve your grades, and get ready to tackle your tests.
John Moore, EdD, is the author of Chemistry For Dummies and an editor for The Journal of Chemical Education. Richard Langley, PhD, is a grader for the Free Response portion of the AP Chemistry Exam.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam by Arun Tiwari

The book is very well written, one that would have been an interesting reading even if "Kalam" would not have been a president .My special congratulations to Mr.Arun Tiwari, the co-author who made it possible to blend in science with a human touch and human values.As usual in most autobiographies,the childood days of Kalam is the best part of the book ( the first few chapters) probably because these are purely emotional devoid of major goals and aspirations.
Another most conspicuous aspect of the book is practically no complaints or remarks about the Indian bureaucracy and the poor governance - manifestation of a scientist who saw as "half cup full" rather than "half cup empty". Special hats off for resisting the temptation to write about the failures of bad governance and sticking to the marvellous success of Indian science.

A minor weakness of the book is his repeated "Sarabai"sermons, continuously stressing the greatness of Vikram Sarabhai,something that you do not see in contemporary Autobiographies.The book is a must read for every Indian born after independence,especially for the youngsters and children . Ignorance ( even among teachers ) and Lack of these type of books are some of the reasons for low esteem and pride among Indians. India has done it..The children do not have to get inspirations and quotes from ancient history - they have among them "Abdul Kalam" to fall back upon as an example.

" I wanted to retire with a clean conscience " - If you can learn and understand his attempts to maintain ethics , that alone is worth more than the price of the book

I would compare "Wings of Fire" with "Made In Japan" by Akio Morito of Sony Corp. Both of them demonstrated the success of their country in critical fields during fragile times."Wings of Fire" is one of the finest chronicles of Post 1947 India's success in space programs. Unfortunately India has equally successful or failed projects that have literally vanished because of lack of authentic literature of this kind....

Not many of you would have read AUTHENTIC, UNBIASED books (biased,politicised books are in plenty) of Swaminathan's single minded Pioneering efforts in bringing agricultural revolution... Noon Meal scheme that transformed Tamilnadu's Literacy demographics, Manmohan singh's efforts to transform from socialism to Capitalism, Sanjay Gandhi's disastrous population control policy, PT Usha's attempt to bring in pride to Indian sports , failed war with China...The list goes on and on..Fortunately Space programme has an authentic,first hand,inspirational information from the finest officer of India.

Wanted to wrap up with a small quote from his childhood :

"I was homesick and wanted to get back to Rameswaram..I used the power of positive thinking to control my thoughts and my mind through these to influence my destiny. Ironically, that destiny did not lead me back to Rameswaram,but rather, swept me farther away from the home of my childhood"


Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications

For one-semester graduate-level Electrical Engineering courses covering simulation-based design and analysis of communication systems, as well as a reference for professional engineers responsible for the design or analysis of communication systems, or professionals who wish to learn computer-based simulation techniques. This book presents a comprehensive overview of computer-based simulation models and methodologies for communication systems. Because such models are a useful and necessary tool in the design, analysis, and performance of communication systems as well as a means of evaluating design changes in these systems, Principles Of Communication Systems Simulation With Wireless Applications uses MATLAB as a basis for developing effective computer-based simulations. Such simulations are intended to capture the essential features of the system to assure accurate results while minimizing the complexity of the model, ensuring execution of the simulation code in a reasonable amount of time. Among the fundamental topics covered are probability, random, process, and estimation theory and their roles in the design of computer-based simulations.


Effective Executive's Guide to the Internet: The Seven Core Skills Required to Turn the Internet into a Business Power Tool

Written specifically for busy executives, managers, and other professionals, Effective Executive's Guide to the Internet provides a fast-paced, executive summary of the seven core skills you need to know to use the Internet at work, on the road, or at home:
Skill 1: Understanding the Environment. This skill gives you an overview of the Internet: what it is, how it works, and how it came to be.
Skill 2: Making Internet Connections. This skill provides step-by-step instructions for connecting your computer or network to the Internet.
Skill 3: Browsing the Web. This skill focuses on the Internet Explorer Web browser included with all the latest versions of Windows. We explain how a Web browser works and how to customize Internet Explorer so that it is maximized for your personal use.
Skill 4: Communicating with Electronic Mail. In this skill, we describe how to use Outlook Express, the mail and news reader that is included with the latest versions of Windows.
Skill 5: Using Search Services. This skill describes in detail how search services work and you can best use them. A special topic at the end of this skill gives you some ways to get started gathering business information.
Skill 6: Understanding Other Internet Services. In this skill, we look at FTP, Telnet, Mailing lists, and using your computer as a fax machine and as a telephone. We also discuss connecting to a remote commuter as a terminal, and we show you how to use NetMeeting, a conferencing application.
Skill 7: Publishing on the Web. Learn how Web pages work, how to develop a Web strategy, how to set up your domain and your server, how to collect and create digital content, and how to create your Web page. In addition, we give you the steps for testing your Web site, publishing it, and publicizing it.
More than just a book about the Internet, Effective Executive's Guide to the Internet provides the information that business professionals, managers and executives must possess.


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