Friday, January 30, 2009

Careers in Finance

Ideal for college-bound students or anyone thinking about making a career change, this series offers information needed to explore and choose a profession and then narrow it down to a job that suits them. Each book details the responsibilities, education and training required, and employment outlooks for dozens of satisfying careers in the field.


Ubuntu Hacks:Tips & Tools for Exploring, Using, and Tuning Linux

The Ubuntu distribution simplifies Linux by providing a sensible collection of applications, an easy-to-use package manager, and lots of fine-tuning, which make it possibly the best Linux for desktops and laptops. Readers of both Linux Journal and TUX Magazine confirmed this by voting Ubuntu as the best Linux distribution in each publication's 2005 Readers Choice Awards. None of that simplification, however, makes Ubuntu any less fun if you're a hacker or a power user.

Like all books in the "Hacks" series, Ubuntu Hacks includes 100 quick tips and tricks for all users of all technical levels. Beginners will appreciate the installation advice and tips on getting the most out of the free applications packaged with Ubuntu, while intermediate and advanced readers will learn the ins-and-outs of power management, wireless roaming, 3D video acceleration, server configuration, and much more.


Electronic and Electrical Servicing - Level 3, 2 Ed: Consumer and Commercial Electronics

Electronic and Electrical Servicing Level 3 follows on from the Level 2 book and covers the more advanced electronics and electrical principles required by service engineers servicing home entertainment equipment such as TVs, CD and DVD machines, as well as commercial equipment including PCs.
All the core units of the Level 3 Progression Award in Electrical and Electronics Servicing (Consumer/Commercial Electronics) from City & Guilds (C&G 6958) are covered. The book also offers a fully up-to-date course text for the City & Guilds 1687 NVQ at Level 3.
The book contains numerous worked examples to help students grasp the principles. Each chapter ends with review questions, for which answers are provided at the end of the book, so that students can check their learning.
Units covered:
Unit 1 Electronic principles
Unit 2 Test and measurement
Unit 3 Analogue electronics
Unit 4 Digital electronics
Ian Sinclair has been an author of market-leading books for electronic servicing courses for over 20 years, helping many thousands of students through their college course and NVQs into successful careers. Now with a new co-author, John Dunton, the new edition has been brought fully up-to-date to reflect the most recent technical advances and developments within the service engineering industry, in particular with regard to television and PC servicing and technology.


Big Java

No one brews up a better Java guide than Cay Horstmann and in this Third Edition of Big Java he's perfected his recipe. Thoroughly updated to include Java 6, the Third Edition of Horstmann's bestselling text helps you absorb computing concepts and programming principles, develop strong problem-solving skills, and become a better programmer, all while exploring the elements of Java that are needed to write real-life programs.

A top-notch introductory text for beginners, Big Java, Third Edition is also a thorough reference for students and professionals alike to Java technologies, Internet programming, database access, and many other areas of computer science.

Features of the Third Edition:
The 'Objects Gradual' approach leads you into object-oriented thinking step-by-step, from using classes, implementing simple methods, all the way to designing your own object-oriented programs.
A strong emphasis on test-driven development encourages you to consider outcomes as you write programming code so you design better, more usable programs
Helpful "Testing Track" introduces techniques and tools step by step, ensuring that you master one before moving on to the next
New teaching and learning tools in WileyPLUS--including a unique assignment checker that enables you to test your programming problems online before you submit them for a grade
Graphics topics are developed gradually throughout the text, conveniently highlighted in separate color-coded sections
Updated coverage is fully compatible with Java 5 and includes a discussion of the latest Java 6 features


Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference: A concise companion for day-to-day Ubuntu use

Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is a compact yet comprehensive guide for everyday Ubuntu use, written by the award-winning and best-selling Ubuntu author Keir Thomas. First, you'll learn about installation--getting Ubuntu onto your computer--after which you'll learn how to configure your computer's hardware. Following this, you'll be introduced to the Ubuntu desktop, and the tricks and techniques of efficient day-to-day usage. The book then describes the highways of the Ubuntu filesystem, and gives a full run-down of the Ubuntu file manager. Next, the command-line is tackled in-depth, after which software management is explained. Finally, system security is described. Appendixes provide a glossary, and a guide to technical documentation. Written for anybody switching to Ubuntu, particularly Windows users, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference assumes zero Linux knowledge and conveys expert knowledge.


Modern Communication Circuits

With coverage that includes the latest information on three key areas--frequencies above 100 MHz, digital receivers, and circuit analysis with SPICE--this revision has what practicing engineers are looking for. Invaluable techniques for making real-world approximations using computer tools are also included.


Java(TM) Look and Feel Design Guidelines

Guidelines for creating cross-platform Java applications and applets with the JFC components. The CD-ROM contains code samples and a large collection of graphics designed for use with Java Foundation Classics (JFC) components. Also includes a companion Web site. Previous edition not cited. Softcover. DLC: Java (Computer program language).

Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines, from Sun Microsystems, provides programmers with the requirements for creating user interfaces using the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). This handsomely printed book uses rich color on every page while demonstrating how you can create Java programs that will look great on any computer.

The book focuses on the built-in Java look-and-feel (called Metal). Early sections discuss the philosophy of Java user interfaces, which include excellent support for different languages and accessibility, keeping disabled users in mind.

Much of this text covers Java UI elements offering advice on creating more intuitive interfaces. Sections of the book look at the rudimentary, visual sensibilities needed for using colors and text appropriately, including how to design artwork (like icons and graphics) that fits in with the rest of the JFC interface. One example shows the step-by-step creation of a proper Java icon. Other sections propose standards for the number of pixels that should be used to separate onscreen elements. Sections on mouse, keyboard, and drag-and-drop user operations make clear how your Java programs should handle user actions.

Later this text surveys JFC components beginning with basic windows, dialog boxes, menus, and toolbars. Next it's on to individual components from basic controls (like buttons, checkboxes, and text controls) to more advanced components (like tables and tree controls). (This section, which lists the extensive options for selecting data and resizing table columns, shows the real sophistication of today's JFC package.)

Though it contains no actual Java code, Java Look and Feel Guidelines defines the visual design standard for the next generation of Java programs. It will useful for anyone who builds user interfaces during the software design process. --Richard Dragan


Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques

This book is an innovative and essential short guide for everyone on how to structure your data and set-up your MySQL database tables efficiently and easily.

If you're creating a dynamic web application using open-source tools, then you're probably going to be setting up a MySQL database. Getting the design of this database right for your application and its data is vital, but it's often an intimidating and little-known process for non-developers and developers alike. Written by the creator of the popular phpMyAdmin tool, this book is a short but complete guide on how to design good data structures for MySQL.

For most of us, setting up the database for an application is often an afterthought. While you don't need to be a professional database designer to create a working application, knowing a few insider tips and techniques can make both the process easier and the end result much more effective. This book doesn't set out to make you an expert in data analysis, but it does provide a quick and easy way to raise your game in this essential part of getting your application right.

The book covers:
- Asking users the right questions to collect relevant data for the system you are building
- Detecting bad structures
- Sound data-naming techniques for both table and column names
- Modeling data with future growth in mind
- Implementing security policies with data privileges and views
- Tuning the structure for performance
- Producing system documentation (data dictionary, relational schema)
- Testing the model with appropriate SQL queries

This book takes a practical approach, implementing all theoretical concepts with examples. It is a fast-paced tutorial that focuses on critical decisions that you need to make every time you build MySQL databases. It is rich with tips and advice from an experienced practitioner. The book is ideal for anyone working with applications that use a MySQL database backend will benefit greatly from the advice and techniques in this book. Although a working knowledge of both SQL and MySQL is assumed, the book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you read it through and absorb the advice or work through it on a live project, the efficiency and maintainability of your databases will certainly improve as a result.


Economics: Concepts and Choices

McDougal Littell Economics: Concepts and Choices uses a concept-driven and interactive approach to develop economic literacy. A variety of print and technology resources are integrated into this comprehensive program providing teachers and students with the tools needed for success.

Real-World Examples, Frequent Concept Application, and Continuous Updating
McDougal Littell Economics: Concepts and Choices illustrates economic concepts by using real-world examples that connect directly to students’ lives. Additional motivation and relevance to students is provided through frequent application of presented concepts in the form of challenging problems, activities, and case studies. Continuous content updating at ensures that students and teachers stay abreast of the very latest in economic news and information.

Teachers can teach they way they choose
Easy-to-use tools that fit multiple teaching styles are a hallmark of McDougal Littell Economics: Concepts and Choices. From a full array of traditional print materials to time-saving technology resources that are portable, adaptable, and editable, the right resources at the right time are always at the teacher’s fingertips.

Assessment tools that inform instruction
McDougal Littell Economics: Concepts and Choices offers teachers a plethora of testing tools that are also teaching tools. More than a measure of progress, available tools also target areas where students need additional help, and suggest the necessary reteaching materials.


Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3 Ed

This best-selling title, considered for over a decade to be essential reading for every serious student and practitioner of computer design, has been updated throughout to address the most important trends facing computer designers today. In this edition, the authors bring their trademark method of quantitative analysis not only to high performance desktop machine design, but also to the design of embedded and server systems. They have illustrated their principles with designs from all three of these domains, including examples from consumer electronics, multimedia and web technologies, and high performance computing.
The book retains its highly rated features: Fallacies and Pitfalls, which share the hard-won lessons of real designers; Historical Perspectives, which provide a deeper look at computer design history; Putting it all Together, which present a design example that illustrates the principles of the chapter; Worked Examples, which challenge the reader to apply the concepts, theories and methods in smaller scale problems; and Cross-Cutting Issues, which show how the ideas covered in one chapter interact with those presented in others. In addition, a new feature, Another View, presents brief design examples in one of the three domains other than the one chosen for Putting It All Together.
The authors present a new organization of the material as well, reducing the overlap with their other text, Computer Organization and Design: A Hardware/Software Approach 2/e, and offering more in-depth treatment of advanced topics in multithreading, instruction level parallelism, VLIW architectures, memory hierarchies, storage devices and network technologies.
Also new to this edition, is the adoption of the MIPS 64 as the instruction set architecture. In addition to several online appendixes, two new appendixes will be printed in the book: one contains a complete review of the basic concepts of pipelining, the other provides solutions a selection of the exercises. Both will be invaluable to the student or professional learning on her own or in the classroom.


Roaming in Wireless Networks

A cell phone’s roaming feature allows the user to get service when traveling beyond the boundaries of his/her service provider. Wireless service providers make approximately 30% of their operating profit from roaming. But despite being a major source of income, roaming suffers from a number of technological problems in the handoff between networks. Signal strength is wildly variable, calls are frequently dropped, and quality of service is poor. Based upon training courses the author teaches at Agilent and Hewlett-Packard, this is the first book to give communications engineers the know-how to faultlessly design and manage roaming services.


Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency

Together with "Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate", this book forms part of a series of grammar and vocabulary preparation books for classes taking the Cambridge First Certificate, Advanced and Proficiency exams. Each book provides coverage of the essential structures and vocabulary needed for success in the exams. Each unit contains clear, concise presentation of grammar, with varied and challenging practice exercises, as well as integrated coverage of vocabulary. Genuine learner errors are corrected through the "Longman Learner's Corpus".


Adobe Creative Suite 2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques

“The fully updated Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium software (which includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, and Acrobat) is a unified design environment. The Creative Suite 2 enables you to realize your ideas anywhere–in print, on the Web, or on mobile devices, and this info-packed guide lets users get right down to doing just that by focusing on the Creative Suite 2 features they're most likely to use and showcasing each in a stand-alone tip – complete with a relevant hint or two and a graphic example. In this fashion, readers learn just what they need to know, exploring the programs in a way that makes sense to them”.


The Outsourcing Revolution: Why It Makes Sense and How to Do It Right

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a $6 trillion global industry involving thousands of companies and millions of employees. Business process outsourcing (BPO) is one of the very few business tools available to managers with the power to fundamentally transform their organizations. Done on a global scale, BPO enables companies to simultaneously reengineer their existing operations, create a more flexible and adaptable organizational structure, and tap the best minds in the world to create an innovation explosion. For the first time ever, BPO's best-known expert and pioneer, Michael Corbett, who helped craft IBM's entry into the outsourcing business, details the opportunities presented by BPO as well as a plan for implementing and sustaining its benefits. The Outsourcing Revolution is written for executives and managers in organizations of any size who want to learn how BPO can improve their company's performance. More than a "how-to" book, it provides a comprehensive framework for decision making and action based on the real-life experiences of executives heading up successful initiatives for their companies today. Readers will learn how to:
* Determine the value of BPO for any process.
* Analyze risk, evaluate its potential impact, and use a range of techniques to reduce, eliminate, and manage that risk.
* Identify, evaluate, and select the right partner or partners.
* Turn contractor relationships into long-term, successful BPO relationships.
* Transition people, processes, and technologies to the BPO state.
* Identify, develop, and reward outsourcing managers.
* Create new ways of doing business ahead of the competition. The Outsourcing Revolution features case studies detailing how specific companies planned, implemented, and are managing BPO. Results from surveys of more than 1,500 companies provide real data on what organizations around the world are doing and why, as well as what does and doesn't work.


Creating a Web Page in Dreamweaver 8: Visual QuickProject Guide

You may not be a professional Web designer, but you do want to design a decent Web page. There's no place better to start than with the de facto tool of choice for just about anybody creating Web pages and this slim, low priced guide to it! The same things that have made Dreamweaver so popular with the pros an easy-to-use, no-nonsense interface and a slew of features and utilities also make it the perfect tool for your purposes. This full guide provides the quickest route to creating a fun and functional Web page with it. Each short chapter uses big, bold screen shots and step-by-step instructions to illuminate one aspect of the process. By the end of the volume, you will have created a simple Web site, filled it with text and graphics, added navigation and links, and tested and posted the final product. Timely tips and occasional sidebars detailing good design practices round out the package.


Vitamin C: Its Functions and Biochemistry in Animals and Plants

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a key vitamin to animals and plants. This book looks at all aspects of vitamin C; its chemical and biochemical properties, its role in various plants and animals and its effect on our health. Written by an international team of experts, together they represent much of the expertise on vitamin C throughout the world.


Sams Teach Yourself e-Banking Today

Sams Teach Yourself e-Banking Today is a comprehensive tutorial of this emerging online trend. Learn the practices of online banking, how to compare services and fees, and how to determine which online bank is right for you. The book explains the security risks of online banking in clear, friendly terms. Take control of your money by employing the information available on the Internet. The book also shows you how to link popular software packages like Quicken and MS Money to your online bank.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008

LINQ is the project name for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that provide a generic approach to querying data from different data sources. LINQ will premier in Visual Studio 2008, and will become the next must-have skill for .NET developers. For more information about LINQ, you can check out the author’s portal at
Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is all about code.
Literally, this book starts with code and ends with code. In most books, the author shows the simplest example demonstrating how to use a method, but they so rarely show how to use the more complex prototypes. Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is different. Demonstrating the overwhelming majority of LINQ operators and protoypes, it is a veritable treasury of LINQ examples.
Rather than obscure the relevant LINQ principles in code examples by focusing on a demonstration application you have no interest in writing, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 cuts right to the chase of each LINQ operator, method, or class. However, where complexity is necessary to truly demonstrate an issue, the examples are right there in the thick of it. For example, code samples demonstrating how to handle concurrency conflicts actually create concurrency conflicts so you can step through the code and see them unfold.
Most books tell you about the simple stuff, while few books warn you of the pitfalls. Where Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 returns your investment is in the hours, and sometimes days, spent by the author determining why something may not work as expected. Sometimes this results in an innocent looking paragraph that may take you a minute to read and understand, but took days to research and explain.
Face it, most technical books while informative, are dull. LINQ need not be dull. Written with a sense of humor, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 will attempt to entertain you on your journey through the wonderland of LINQ and C# 2008.


Deploying Voice over Wireless LANs

Recent advances make it possible to deliver high-quality voice and video communications over a wireless LAN (WLAN), replacing costly wired telephone and video surveillance systems and dramatically reducing support costs. However, today’s new voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) technologies require fundamentally different skills and techniques from those used in traditional voice and video systems. Now, there’s a complete guide to every facet of VoWLAN deployment: planning, design, installation, security, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Authored by wireless industry expert and leader Jim Geier, Deploying Voice over Wireless LANs draws on Geier’s extensive experience with real-world VoWLAN deployments. Geier brings together state-of-the-art insights into VoWLAN technologies, standards, products, services, implementation strategies, and much more.

Geier begins by introducing key components of today’s VoWLAN systems, including phones, client software, and voice encoders/decoders, as well as VoWLAN signaling essentials such as analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion and compression. Using examples drawn from actual enterprise settings, you’ll learn exactly how VoWLAN products integrate with existing IP infrastructure.

Next, he introduces crucial emerging 802.11 standards for effective VoWLAN deployment, including 802.11e quality of service (QoS) standards, 802.11r to minimize packet loss between access points, and 802.11k network discovery. He carefully reviews the security implications of VoWLAN voice, systematically covering both risks and countermeasures. Finally, Geier walks through implementation from start to finish, thoroughly covering analysis, design, installation, configuration, testing, and support.

Whatever your role in planning, delivering, managing, or creating wireless voice and video solutions, Deploying Voice over Wireless LANs is your most comprehensive, authoritative resource.

Jim Geier founded Wireless-Nets, Ltd., and serves as its principal consultant. His 25 years of experience includes the analysis, design, software development, installation, and support of numerous wireless networking systems. He has been active within the Wi-Fi Alliance and the IEEE 802.11 Working Group and helped develop international standards for WLANs. His books include Wireless Networks First Step (Cisco Press), Wireless LANs (Sams), Wireless Networking Handbook (MTP), and Network Reengineering.

* Understand VoWLAN components, applications, and benefits
* See VoWLAN at work in actual enterprise environments
* Master VoWLAN signaling, including voice signal characteristics, A/D conversion, and compression
* Discover the latest 802.11 VoWLAN standards, including 802.11e, 802.11r, and 802.11k
* Secure IP-based VoWLAN systems against intrusion and compromise
* Analyze your organization’s requirements and design an optimal VoWLAN solution
* Plan for capacity, roaming, and integration with cellular systems
* Install, configure, test, verify, and validate your VoWLAN system
* Plan for operational support and implement appropriate administration tools and methods
* Includes a complete VoWLAN glossary


The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book: The Complete Guide for Photographers

While Adobe Photoshop has long been their choice for editing digital photographs, many photographers want a more focused tool. That’s where Adobe Photoshop Lightroom comes in. Designed from the ground up with digital photographers in mind, Photoshop Lightroom offers powerful editing features in a streamlined interface that lets photographers import, sort, and organize images. The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book was also written with photographers in mind. Best-selling author Martin Evening describes Photoshop Lightroom’s features in detail from a photographer’s perspective. As an established commercial and fashion photographer, martin knows firsthand what photographers need for an efficient workflow. He’s also been working with Photoshop Lightroom from the beginning, monitoring the product’s development and providing feedback on the public beta. As a result, Martin knows the software inside and out, from image selection to image editing to image management. In this book you’ll learn how to:
Work efficiently with images shot in the raw formatn import photographs with ease and sort them according to your workflow
Create and manage a personal image library
Apply tonal corrections to multiple images quickly
Integrate Photoshop Lightroom with Adobe Photoshop
Export images for print or Web as digital contact sheets or personal portfolios

Photographers will find Adobe Photoshop Lightroom—and The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book—indispensable tools in their digital darkroom.


IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide,3 Ed

The only Cisco authorized textbook that for the IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software course from the Cisco Networking Academy Program
New Companion Guide format complements the online curriculum with insight and instruction from Academy instructors
A portable reference that supports all the topics in the new course, aligning 1:1 with course modules
Features improved readability, enhanced topic explanations, real-world examples, and all new graphical presentations
Alignment to A+ objectives
The IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide supplements and complements the IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 online curriculum offered by the Cisco Networking Academy Program.
The Companion Guide is designed as a supplemental textbook for the Networking Academy course, offering students a portable desk reference of the course content to use anytime anywhere as a study aid. The chapter content aligns 1:1 to the online course module topics, but does not merely mimic the content word-for-word. The authors present the course material in the Companion Guide in a comprehensive manner, providing their own examples where necessary to augment a student's understanding of the course material.
Chapter Objectives as stated as questions at beginning of each chapter
Key terms listed in the Chapter openers
Enhanced readability for younger student comprehension
How To Feature provides step-by-step tasks for common activities
Key concept recaps, Check Your Understanding Questions, and next chapter previews are in a concise summary at the end of each chapter
The Companion Guide serves as an additional instructional tool for the instructor to assign take-home reading or give vocabulary quizzes to better prepare the students for in-class lab assignments.


Sham Bhangal: Flash Hacks

If you've ever seen an especially cool Flash effect on the web, gone straight to your trusty Flash book to find out how to do it, then turned away empty-handed--Flash Hacks is for you. This unique book offers a collection of expert Flash tips and tricks for optimization, creating interesting effects, ActionScript programming, sound and video effects, and much more--and you don't need to be an expert to use them (although you'll certainly look like one). With Flash technology, you can create compelling web content, expressive user interfaces, and rich applications for the Internet--all of which dramatically enhance the user experience. But Flash is not just practical, it's a wellspring of opportunities to unleash your creativity and have fun. Flash Hacks dives straight into all that's fun and creative about Flash, while presenting useful programming techniques and practical--although never mundane--hacks that can make your work easier. Geared to cover Flash MX, Flash MX 2004, and Flash MX Professional 2004, Flash Hacks begins with hacks on authoring, testing, and web environments. You'll learn how to beat the Flash bloat bug, realistically simulate the web, create a JavaScript-free Flash sniffer, and hack a spellchecker for Flash. Other hacks in the book are grouped in the following areas:

* Primitives
* Timelines
* Symbols
* Flash Assets (sound, video, and bitmaps)
* Code hacks
* Events and event handling
* Advanced animation
* UI design hacks

True to O'Reilly's popular Hacks series, Flash Hacks tackles problems and solutions that aren't dealt with elsewhere. You'll pick up insider tips from the experts, and learn about amazing and sometimes quirky aspects of Flash. If you want more than your average Flash user--you want to explore and experiment, unearth shortcuts, create useful tools, and come up with fun things to try on your own--Flash Hacks is the book you'll need.


Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises With key

This book of supplementary grammar exercises for elementary and lower intermediate students of English accompanies the second edition of Essential Grammar in Use. It contains a wealth of additional exercises which provide students with further practice of the grammar they have studied.
* Provides challenging contrastive practice of the forms students of this level find most difficult.
* Offers a wide variety of interesting exercise types with clear illustration.
* Is clearly cross-referenced to the second edition of Essential Grammar in Use but is flexible enough to be used independently.
* Contains useful revision material suitable for class use or for homework.


Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions

Want to learn how to create great user experiences on today's Web? In this book, UI experts Bill Scott and Theresa Neil present more than 75 design patterns for building web interfaces that provide rich interaction. Distilled from the authors' years of experience at Sabre, Yahoo!, and Netflix, these best practices are grouped into six key principles to help you take advantage of the web technologies available today. With an entire section devoted to each design principle, Designing Web Interfaces helps you:
Make It Direct-Edit content in context with design patterns for In Page Editing, Drag&Drop, and Direct Selection
Keep It Lightweight-Reduce the effort required to interact with a site by using In Context Tools to leave a "light footprint"
Stay on the Page-Keep visitors on a page with overlays, inlays, dynamic content, and in-page flow patterns
Provide an Invitation-Help visitors discover site features with invitations that cue them to the next level of interaction
Use Transitions-Learn when, why, and how to use animations, cinematic effects, and other transitions
React Immediately-Provide a rich experience by using lively responses such as Live Search, Live Suggest, Live Previews, and more

Designing Web Interfaces illustrates many patterns with examples from working websites. If you need to build or renovate a website to be truly interactive, this book gives you the principles for success.


Check your vocabulary for law

This workbook provides material to learn English with law vocabulary. Tests vocabulary with crosswords, word games and puzzles. Self-study exercises and practical speaking activities for classroom use. Based strictly on a single dictionary, eliminating problems of source.
The format of the workbook is clear and easy to use, comes complete with full instructions and combines both self-study and classroom exercises.


Ace the TOEFL Essay (TWE): Everything You Need for the Test of Written English

EVERYTHING YOU NEED to write the TOEFL essay with confidence. And the essay, also known as the Test of Written English, is the hardest part of the test-one that keeps many test takers from succeeding. Ace the TOEFL Essay (TWE) gives you simple and clear instruction on what you need to know to score well and provides real essay samples that you can relate to. You'll get the lowdown on what you need to score high in an easy-to-understand format, with everything from lessons on punctuation to real sample essays, plus more than 50 pages of exercises.


Application Acceleration and WAN Optimization Fundamentals

IT organizations face pressure to increase productivity, improve application performance, support global collaboration, improve data protection, and minimize costs. In today’s WAN-centered environments, traditional LAN-oriented infrastructure approaches are insufficient to meet these goals. Application Acceleration and WAN Optimization Fundamentals introduces a better solution: integrating today’s new generation of accelerator solutions to efficiently and effectively scale networks beyond traditional capabilities while improving performance and minimizing costs through consolidation.

Ted Grevers and Joel Christner begin by reviewing the challenges network professionals face in delivering applications to globally distributed workforces. You learn how accelerators are transforming application business models, enabling IT departments to centralize and consolidate resources while also delivering consistently superior performance.

Grevers and Christner show how to identify network consumers, prioritize traffic, and guarantee appropriate throughput and response times to business-critical applications. You learn how to use quality of service techniques such as packet classification and marking and traffic policing, queuing, scheduling, and shaping.

Next, you compare options for integrating accelerators and optimization services into your network and for optimizing content delivery. The authors show how to address application protocol-related performance problems that cannot be resolved through compression or flow optimization alone. In the final chapter, the authors walk you through several real-world scenarios for utilizing accelerator technology.

Ted Grevers, Jr., is the solution manager for the Cisco® Video IPTV Systems Test and Architecture (C-VISTA) team. He has extensive experience in the content delivery network (CDN) market, focusing on enterprise and service provider content delivery and application optimization needs.

Joel Christner, CCIE® No. 15311, is the manager of technical marketing for the Cisco Application Delivery Business Unit (ADBU). He has extensive experience with application protocols, acceleration technologies, LAN/WAN infrastructure, and storage networking. Grevers and Christner are key contributors to the design and architecture of Cisco application delivery and application acceleration solutions.

* Provide high-performance access to remote data, content, video, rich media, and applications
* Understand how accelerators can improve network performance and minimize bandwidth consumption
* Use NetFlow to baseline application requirements and network utilization
* Ensure network resources are allocated based on business priorities
* Identify performance barriers arising from networks, protocols, operating systems, hardware, file systems, and applications
* Employ application-specific acceleration components to mitigate the negative impact of latency and bandwidth consumption
* Integrate content delivery networks (CDN) to centrally manage the acquisition, security, and distribution of content to remote locations
* Leverage WAN optimization technologies to improve application throughput, mitigate the impact of latency and loss, and minimize bandwidth consumption
* Optimize the performance of WANs and business-critical WAN applications


Joseph W. Lowery, Derren Whiteman, David Morris, Fireworks MX Bible

* Covers all Fireworks features, including new interface elements, the Properties Inspector, on-screen text editing, vector tools, new transparency and object layer tools, and more!
* Provides amazing tips for rollovers, layers, frames and slices.
* Shows how to take advantage of Fireworks' excellent image compression, export options, and image tweening, plus its easy-to-use GIF animation engine.

Includes "Fireworks Technique" ideas such as Incorporating Rollovers in Image Maps and Mastering Creative Edges provide real-world examples throughout the book.
Shows how to work more effectively by taking advantage of Fireworks' special integration with Dreamweaver and Flash.


Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, 12 Vol. Set

This completely new Third Edition of the Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology brings the state-of-the-art to the twenty-first century, with coverage of nanotechnology, new imaging and analytical techniques, new methods of controlled polymer architecture, biomimetics, and more. Whereas earlier editions published one volume at a time, the third edition is being published in three parts of four volumes each. Each of these four-volume parts provides an A-Z selection of the latest in polymer science and technology as published in the updated online edition of the Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology.


Think on These Things

The material contained in this volume was originally presented in the form of talks to students, teachers and parents in India, but its keen penetration and lucid simplicity will be deeply meaningful to thoughtful people everywhere, of all ages, and in every walk of life. Krishnamurti examines with characteristic objectivity and insight the expressions of what we are pleased to call our culture, our education, religion, politics and tradition; and he throws much light on such basic emotions as ambition, greed and envy, the desire for security and the lust for power all of which he shows to be deteriorating factors in human society.From the Editors NoteKrishnamurtis observations and explorations of modern mans estate are penetrating and profound, yet given with a disarming simplicity and directness. To listen to him or to read his thoughts is to face oneself and the world with an astonishing morning freshness.Anne Marrow Lindbergh


How to Teach English

The How to... series is a new collection of straightforward, user-friendly teacher development books designed for use by a broad range of teachers and trainers. These titles offer practical introductory information within a clear theoretical framework. This straightforward, highly readable handbook is an essential introduction to the theory and practice of teaching English. It examines a variety of teaching methods based on the author's extensive experience in the classroom and with teachers in training. The book offers ideas on lesson planning and textbook use that can be put into practice immediately.-- Explains and gives examples of current teaching methods including the Engage-Study-Activate model-- Contains a basic introductory grammar guide-- Offers practicaThis is an introduction to the teaching of English. Its emphasis is on practical issues and it is appropriate for self-study and for use with classes of trainee teachers. A variety of teaching methods are examined.


Longman English Grammar

The Longman English Grammar is an indispensable guide for all students at intermediate and advanced levels. First, it provides a comprehensive reference book of modern English grammar. Second, it looks at language from the students' point of view and so gives them clear and precise guidance on the areas of grammar they need to master for effective communication. Explains each area of grammar clearly and concisely. Uses traditional and familiar descriptions, yet takes account of modern research into grammar. Pays attention to areas where errors are commonly made. A useful Appendix gives additional help, with lists of words and phrases which often cause difficulties for learners Takes each major area of grammar, such as nouns, articles, tenses or prepositions in turn. Chapter 1 covers word order and sentence structure. Presents sections clearly with headings and numbered subsections for ease of use. Uses extensive cross references and a comprehensive index to make the information readily accessible to students. Explains each area of grammar clearly and concisely Uses traditional and familiar descriptions, yet takes account of modern research into grammar Pays attention to areas where errors are commonly made.


AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD LT 2004: No Experience Required

AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD LT 2004: No Experience Required is your step-by-step introduction to the latest versions of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, the industry-leading design and drafting programs used by architects, engineers, drafters, and design teams worldwide. Inside this perfectly-paced guide are the clear-cut explanations and practical, step-by-step tutorials that you need to create, develop, and complete even the most elaborate AutoCAD projects.


Test Your Professional English - Management

The book is organised into 8 sections and covers over 500 key words and expressions in areas such as management styles, team-building, organisational culture, managing change, management control and systems management, and international management. Wide variety of tests, including crosswords, cartoons, fill-the-gaps, and many more Tips on using English for work A-Z word list and full answer key Ideal for self-study and classroom use.


Test Your Professional English - Marketing

The book is organised into 8 sections and covers over 500 key words and expressions in areas such as product management, pricing, promotion, market research, planning, and international marketing. Wide variety of tests, including crosswords, cartoons, fill-the-gaps, and many more Tips on using English for work A-Z word list and full answer key Ideal for self-study and classroom use.


Encyclopedia of E-commerce, E-government and Mobile Commerce

The Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce provides the most inclusive and up-to-date coverage of the e-technologies field. This two-volume encyclopedia includes quality contributions highlighting current concepts, trends, challenges, applications, and dot-com experiences in the field of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce. With over 200 contributions from more than 300 experts and researchers worldwide, and extensive reference sections which list more than 4,400 additional research works, this encyclopedia stands as the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia in the ever-evolving field of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce.


Test Your Professional English - Business Intermediate

Test Your Professional English: Business Intermediate is organized into eight sections and covers words and expressions in areas such as business strategy, project management, business jargon, meetings, presentations, the internet and business culture.
This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.


Test Your Professional English - Business General

Test Your Professional English: Business General is organized into eight sections and covers words and expressions in areas such as marketing, finance, human resources, computing, meetings, presentations and business travel.
This text gives students of English for professional purposes over 500 words and expressions to refer to. It can be used for self-study or in-class. An answer key is provided.


Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, 2 Vol. set

Covering accounting, management, marketing, law, finance, and economics, this set aims "to summarize the body of knowledge that we know as business in a single place and in language accessible to the layperson." Special emphasis is placed on careers and ethics in various areas of business, such as "Careers in Finance" and "Ethics in Finance." The 300-plus alphabetically arranged entries do more than simply define a term; for example, the entry for accounting also describes its history, principles, and agencies, shows how students can enter the profession, and provides cross references to related topics such as "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles." All the entries are in fact cross-referenced and include bibliographies offering print resources and web sites. In addition to business terms, legislation such as "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977" and agencies, including the "General Accounting Office," have featured entries. An alphabetical index is included, with numbers in bold face indicating main entries. Many of the entries are illustrated with photographs, tables, and figures.


Neurosurgery Board Review: Questions and Answers for Self-Assessment

Featuring more than 1,000 challenging, clinically relevant questions, this book provides the preparation needed to succeed in the Neurosurgery Written Board Examination. To help achieve the best results, NEUROSURGERY BOARD REVIEW follows the exam's multiple-choice format and includes referenced answers to all questions. The book covers all seven sections of the exam (neurosurgery, clinical radiology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropathology, neuroradiology, and clinical skills/critical care), providing a comprehensive review not available from any other source. The first-choice board preparation guide for neurosurgery residents, this unique book will also serve residents and students in neurology and other neuroscience specialties.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Handbook of Cost Management

Handbook of Cost Management, Second Edition covers all of the essential topics in cost management and accounting. It includes conventional topics, such as job costing and cost allocation, as well as such current topics as balanced scorecard, economic value added, logistics and marketing cost, theory of constraints, inter-organizational costing, and the cost of quality.


Adobe InDesign CS Bible, Galen Gruman

Galens industry experience has made him a reliable source of information, and hes well respected and trusted. His books are lively, fun, and educational. Shellie L. Hall, Publishing Guru and Principal of the DuckType Consultancy If Adobe InDesign cs can do it, you can do it too ...InDesign CS brings dozens of exciting new features to an upstart layout program that is fast becoming a major powerhouse. This comprehensive reference helps you use them to create stunning catalogs, brochures, magazines, or interactive PDFs. Discover how to create and save assorted presets for easy access to proven formatting, and how to apply several levels of formatting intelligently using nested style sheets. Explore the enhanced behind-the-scenes capabilities that let InDesign make it easier than ever to produce cutting-edge documents. Everything you need to know is right here. Inside, youll find complete coverage of Adobe InDesign cs Apply formatting to almost any object through the new Control palette Make InDesign work the way you do with customizable keyboard shortcuts, workspace arrangements, and other saved presets that can be switched easily in multiuser environments.


Pocket Consultant Cardiology

Middlesex Hospital, London, UK. Concise reference on the many facets involved in managing cardiac patients. Includes topics about cardiac symptoms and physical signs, congenital heart disease, artery disease, cardiac rhythm, and infective endocarditis. Halftone illustrations. Expanded-outline format. Previous edition: c1998. DNLM: Heart Disease--handbooks.


MCAT Study Guides and Practice Test

Biology: Text reviews all the biology concepts tested by the MCAT. Provides nine 30-minute topical exams in exact MCAT format with explanations. Also contains more than 400 MCAT questions with rationales.

Organic Chemistry: Text is designed to review for the organic chemistry portion of the MCAT exam. Provides four 30-minute topical exams in an exact MCAT format with explanations, and more than 150 MCAT questions with rationales.

Chemistry: Provides extensive explanations of all inorganic chemistry concepts for those preparing for the MCAT exam. Offers tips and test-taking strategies and features seven 30-minute topical exams in exact MCAT format for self-evaluation.

Physics: Designed for those preparing for the physics portion of the MCAT exam. Offers insights into the concepts behind the terms and equations, supported by extensive explanations. Also provides eight 30-minute topical exams in exact MCAT format for self-evaluation.

Verbal Reasoning: Designed to review for the reasoning portion of the MCAT exam. Provides a common-sense approach to the verbal section of the exam. Includes a review of scientific notations, proportions, and graphs and offers time-saving techniques. Features 30-minute in-class exams with answers.

Essentials: Required reading for all MCAT exam registrants: Includes information about the MCAT refund policy, 2009 registration opening dates, and much more.

Practice Test: Updated to match the computer-based MCAT administered starting January 2007. Online practice tests include solutions for each item, automated scoring and diagnostics, customizable feedback, and test assistance features such as the ability to highlight and search the passage text.


The Company Secretary's Handbook ("Sunday Times" Business Enterprise)

'A concise, straightforward and jargon-free guide.' - "Business Executive". 'This is a practical handbook to help the newly appointed company secretary of a private limited company and will help in getting things right from the start.' - "All About Making Money". All public and private companies are required by law to appoint a company secretary. With a wide range of responsibilities, they are effectively a company's chief administration officer. If you are setting up a company or will be acting as the company secretary, this fully revised new edition will help you get to grips with all the basic aspects of compliance required by the Companies Act. It helps you get it right from the start, preventing problems arising during the day-to-day administration, and avoiding potentially costly omissions. Every topic is covered, including: types of company; formation of companies; directors' duties; keeping statutory records; board meetings; share transactions and dividends; and dissolution of a company. Helen Ashton leads you through the maze of detail with this comprehensive, jargon-free guide to the duties involved. Up-to-date with all the latest legislation, it also includes useful addresses and examples of the necessary official documentation.


A Handbook of Software and Systems Engineering: Empirical Observations, Laws, and Theories

This handbook presents the laws that significantly impact software engineering. This book begins with requirements definitions and concludes with maintenance and withdrawl. Along the way, it identifies and discusses existing laws that significantly impact software engineering. Software engineers who wish to reacquaint (or ecquaint) themselves with the basic laws of software engineering and their applicability in an industrial setting.


Cancer Drug Design and Discovery

The ultimate source of information on the design of new anticancer agents, emphasising small molecules, this newest work covers recent notable successes resulting from the human genome and cancer genomics projects. These advances have provided information on targets involved in specific cancers that are leading to effective medicines for at least some of the common solid tumours. Unique sections explain the basic underlying principles of cancer drug development and provide a practical introduction to modern methods of drug design. Appealing to a broad audience, this is an excellent reference for translational researchers interested in cancer biology and medicine as well as students in pharmacy, pharmacology, or medicinal and biological chemistry, and clinicians taking oncology options.

* Covers both currently available drugs as well as those under development
* Provides a clinical perspective on trials of new anticancer agents
* Presents drug discovery examples through the use of case histories


Geetesh Bajaj: Cutting Edge PowerPoint 2007 For Dummies

Get ready to add punch and pizzazz to your presentations and wow your audience using the latest PowerPoint techniques. This friendly book/CD-ROM combo covers all of the new features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, including interface changes, presentation themes, multimedia, the Slide Library, and more. The guide introduces you to the elements of PowerPoint: text; background, images, and info-graphics; shapes; fills, lines, and effects; sound and video; animations and transitions; and interactivity, flow, and navigation. Packed with numerous tips, shortcuts, workarounds, and timesaving techniques, it shows you step-by-step how to:
Dress up your text by using fonts creatively and using WordArt to create artistic effects
Work with masters and layouts, templates and themes, and fills, lines, and effects
Maximize visual appeal by combining Photoshop with PowerPoint
Add transitions, photos, motion, sound (narration and music), video, and animation
Use SmartArt to create diagrams
Create dynamic charts, equations, maps, and more
Use PowerPoint’s extensive clip art collection
Test and set up your presentation
Link to Flash, Acrobat, Word, and Excel
Print presentation materials and create helpful handouts
The CD includes templates, textures, backgrounds, background music scores, images, alpha channel equipped graphics, maps, illustrations, and more, so this combo gives you the know-how and the tools. An 8-page color insert shows you how to use color effectively. With this friendly guide, you’re ready to bring your presentation to life with PowerPoint 2007.


McGraw-Hill's Essential American Slang

Chow down on American English
This concise, easy-to-use reference defines and explains hundreds of contemporary American slang expressions and illustrates their use in real-life situations. You will learn to understand this integral part of living English as used by Americans in all walks of life


McGraw-Hill's Essential American Idioms

Learning idioms is as easy as apple pie
This concise, easy-to-use reference defines hundreds of contemporary American idiomatic expressions and shows how to use them in real-life situations. You will learn more than 2,100 idioms, each exemplified with contextual sentences.


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