Thursday, April 29, 2010

Murach's ASP.NET 3.5 Web Programming with C# 2008

Murach's ASP.NET 3.5 Web Programming with C# 2008 By Anne Boehm
Publisher: Mike Murach & Associates 2008 | 974 Pages | ISBN: 1890774480 | PDF | 110 MB

This book is for C# developers who want to learn how to develop professional web applications with Microsoft's ASP.NET 3.5. The first 4 chapters present a quick-start course that works both for beginners and for experienced web developers who are new to ASP.NET. Then, the next four sections present: the skills you need for any business application, the skills you need for database applications, the skills you need for e-commerce applications, and the skills you need for developing code that can be reused in other web applications. Along the way, you'll learn about .NET 3.5 enhancements that streamline web development, like the ListView and DataPager controls, LINQ, and AJAX.


ADO.NET Step By Step Webcast Series

ADO.NET Step By Step Webcast Series
Microsofts Press | English | 2002 | PPT + PDF + WMV | 149 MB

This webcast series is devoted to those who want to learn to really use ADO.NET. Learn from Lindsay Rutter and Glen Gordon, featured speakers for Microsoft.


Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

Robert Lafore, "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java"
Sams | 2002 | ISBN: 0672324539 | 800 pages | PDF | 3,5 MB

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Second Edition is designed to be easy to read and understand although the topic itself is complicated. Algorithms are the procedures that software programs use to manipulate data structures. Besides clear and simple example programs, the author includes a workshop as a small demonstration program executable on a Web browser. The programs demonstrate in graphical form what data structures look like and how they operate. In the second edition, the program is rewritten to improve operation and clarify the algorithms, the example programs are revised to work with the latest version of the Java JDK, and questions and exercises will be added at the end of each chapter making the book even more useful.


HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition

Thomas Powell, "HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition"
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | 2010 | ISBN: 0071496297 | 856 pages | PDF | 8,3 MB

The Definitive Guide to HTML & CSS--Fully Updated

Written by a Web development expert, the fifth edition of this trusted resource has been thoroughly revised and reorganized to address HTML5, the revolutionary new Web standard. The book covers all the elements supported in today's Web browsers--from the standard (X)HTML tags to the archaic and proprietary tags that may be encountered.

HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition contains full details on CSS 2.1 as well as every proprietary and emerging CSS3 property currently supported. Annotated examples of correct markup and style show you how to use all of these technologies to build imive Web pages. Helpful appendixes cover the syntax of character entities, fonts, colors, and URLs. This comprehensive reference is an essential tool for professional Web developers.
Master transitional HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 markup
Write emerging standards-based markup with HTML5
Enhance presentation with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1 and CSS 2.1)
Learn proprietary and emerging CSS3 features
Learn how to read (X)HTML document type definitions (DTDs)
Apply everything in an open standards-focused fashion

Thomas A. Powell is president of PINT, Inc. (, a nationally recognized Web agency. He developed the Web Certificate program for the University of California, San Diego Extension and is an instructor for the Computer Science Department at UCSD. He is the author of the previous bestselling editions of this book and Ajax: The Complete Reference, and co-author of JavaScript: The Complete Reference.


Pro Php Security

Pro Php Security
Publisher: APress | ISBN: 1590595084 | edition 2005 | PDF | 528 pages | 13,2 mb

Pro PHP Security is arguably the most comprehensive PHP security book available, and is highly recommended to any developer or administrator of a PHP-based Web site.

Pro PHP Security is one of the first books devoted solely to PHP security. It will serve as your complete guide for taking defensive and proactive security measures within your PHP applications. (And the methods discussed are compatible with PHP versions 3, 4, and 5.)

The knowledge you'll gain from this comprehensive guide will help you prevent attackers from potentially disrupting site operation or destroying data. And you'll learn about various security measures, for example, creating and deploying "captchas," validating e-mail, fending off SQL injection attacks, and preventing cross-site scripting attempts.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Pro WPF in VB 2010

Pro WPF in VB 2010 By Matthew MacDonald
Publisher: Apress 2010 | 1231 Pages | ISBN: 1430272406 | PDF | 21 MB

Microsoft’s Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides the foundation for building applications and high-quality user experiences for the Windows operating system. It blends the application user interface, documents, and media content, while exploiting the full power of your computer’s operating system.

Its functionality extends to the support for Tablet PCs and other forms of input device, and provides a more modern imaging and printing pipeline, accessibility and UI automation infrastructure, data-driven UI and visualization, and integration points for weaving the application experience into the Windows shell.

This book shows you how WPF really works. It provides you with the no-nonsense, practical advice that you need in order to build high-quality WPF applications quickly and easily. Having built a firm foundation, it goes on to explore more advanced aspects of WPF and how they relate to the others elements of the .NET 4.0 platform and associated technologies such as Silverlight.

What you’ll learn

* WPF basics: XAML, layout, control essentials, and data flow
* WPF applications: Navigation, commands, localization, and deployment
* Advanced controls: Custom controls, menus, toolbars, and trees
* WPF documents: Text layout, printing, and document packaging
* Graphics and multimedia: Drawing shapes, sound and video, animation, geometric transformations, and imaging

Who is this book for?
This book is designed for developers encountering WPF for the first time in their professional lives. A working knowledge of Visual Basic (VB) and the basic architecture of .NET is helpful to follow the examples easily, but all concepts will be explained from the ground up.

About the Author
Matthew MacDonald is an author, educator, and MCSD developer who has a passion for emerging technologies. He is a regular writer for developer journals such as Inside Visual Basic, ASPToday, and Hardcore Visual Studio .NET, and he’s the author of several books about programming with .NET, including User Interfaces in VB .NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls, The Book of VB .NET, and .NET Distributed Applications. In a dimly remembered past life, he studied English literature and theoretical physics.


Pascal Programming Fundamentals

P. S. Grover, "Pascal Programming Fundamentals"
Allied Publishers Pvt Ltd | 2001 | ISBN: 817764193X | 312 pages | PDF | 13,7 MB


Pascal Programming

Radhaganeshan P., "Pascal Programming"
New Age International Pvt Ltd | 1997 | ISBN: 8122410960 | 239 pages | PDF | 7,7 MB

A large number of substances are pumped into the earths atmosphere every day, because of endless anthropogenic activities. This has resulted in several chemical reactions and interactions. Understanding of different aspects of environmental chemicals is very vital for a proper and judicious management of toxic chemicals. In fact, global awareness on environment demands certain essential inputs.

These, for example, include information about different pollutants, nature of adverse and deleterious effects that the pollutants may cause to animals, humans and to the living environment; the kind of risks that these chemicals pose to humans and to the society at large; the protocols required to evaluate chemical safety; good laboratory
practices that should be followed to generate reliable and reproducible data and the manner of extrapolation of animal data to humans.

This book provides, in a comprehensive manner, some of the important information that is urgently required by a large number of readers representing a cross section of our society. In short, this book is a must for students, researchers and teachers studying the environment, and regulatory agencies and health managers involved in protection and preservation of our fragile environment.


Introductory Visual Basic.Net

P.K. McBride, "Introductory Visual Basic.Net"
Cengage Learning Business Press | 2004 | ISBN: 184480190X | 224 pages | PDF | 10,4 MB

Visual Basic is the standard programming language for Windows. Well over a million applications are in commercial use, so anyone who wants to become a Windows expert should master it, and all Windows users should have a grasp of it. Visual Basic has been evolving steadily with each new version offering more features. The current version, Visual Basic.NET is a highly sophisticated language. This book is written for those students from NVQ through to degree level studying on a Visual Basic.NET course. It provides a concise and practical introductory guide. The book introduces the concepts and techniques across a broad front. It then goes deeper into key aspects, bringing in new objects and language elements as needed, using larger and more interesting example programs for illustration.


Oracle Pl/sql Programming In Simple Steps

Kogent Learning Solutions ed., "Oracle Pl/sql Programming In Simple Steps"
Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. | 2008 | ISBN: 8177228552 | 240 pages | PDF | 11,2 MB

This book effectively explains the concept of PL/SQL programming. It gives short yet complete description of the PL/SQL programming concepts and explains them step by step. This book provides core information that every PL/SQL developer should know to write PL/SQL programs, interact with Oracle databases, perform complex calculations, and handle exceptions. Loaded with lots of examples and illustrations to explain concepts, this book would help you learn PL/SQL programming with minimal effort.


Asp.Net 3.5 In Simple Steps

Kogent Learning Solutions ed., " Asp.Net 3.5 In Simple Steps"
Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. | 2009 | ISBN: 8177229168 | 280 pages | PDF | 10,6 MB

This is a book that helps you to learn ASP.NET using Visual Studio 2008. Precision, an easy-to-understanding style, real life examples in support of the concepts, and practical approach in presentation are some of the features that make the book unique in itself. The text in the book is presented in such a way that is equally helpful to beginners as well as professionals.
The book covers:
· Basics of web programming through HTML, JavaScript and CSS
· Introduction to ASP.NET 3.5
· Working on Visual Studio 2008 IDE using Visual Basic .NET as the programming language
· Working with standard controls, navigation controls, validation controls, login controls and database controls
· Personalizing websites using WebParts controls
· Providing a consistent look and feel to websites through master pages and themes
· Creating database-driven applications using LINQ
· Deploying web applications using various methods
· Developing .NET 3.5 based Web applications using the Silverlight and WPF technologies
· Introducing LastView and DataPager Controls
· Working with web services and WCF Services
· Creating applications using AJAX and AJAX Control toolkit

Table of contents :
Chapter 1: Introduction to Web Applications
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Visual Studio 2008
Chapter 3: Standard Controls
Chapter 4: Navigation Controls
Chapter 5: Validation Controls
Chapter 6: Login Controls
Chapter 7: Web Parts Controls
Chapter 8: Database Controls
Chapter 9: Introducing Language-Integrated Query
Chapter 10: Introducing Language - Integrated Query
Chapter 11: Introducing ASP.NET AJAX
Chapter 12: Introducing Silverlight 2.0
Chapter 13: Windows Presentation Foundation
Chapter 14: Web Services and WCF Services
Chapter 15: Deployment


Netbeans 6 In Simple Steps

Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, "Netbeans 6 In Simple Steps"
Kogent Learning Solutions Inc | 2008 | ISBN: 8177228978 | 210 pages | PDF | 10,5 MB

This is a precise yet complete book that helps you understand difficult concepts and methodologies involved in developing scalable and distributed applications using NetBeans IDE 6. The book covers all advanced concepts of NetBeans IDE 6; and each concept is explained through simple steps and supported by numerous examples. This makes the book unique in itself.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program

Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program
Publisher: Prentice Hall | ISBN: 0130895601 | edition 2001 | PDF | 1875 pages | 14,7 mb

A book for experienced Java programmers who want to build robust, scalable, distributed Web and enterprise applications. Detailed coverage of XML programming with Java, including DTDs, DOM, SAX, and XSL. Softcover.


Illustrating C (ANSI/ISO Version)

Illustrating C (ANSI/ISO Version) By Donald Alcock
Publisher: Cambridge University Press 1992 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 0521424836 | PDF | 8 MB

Reviewers and readers have enthused over previous ‘Illustrating’ books from the pen of Donald Alcock; his unique formula using graphics and calligraphy to explain what else would take a thousand words is here applied to illustrate ANSI C. As usual, Alcock emphasizes learning by writing programs and working through them. Plenty of real programs are used to good effect, so that by the end of the book advanced topics have been described by means of increasingly sophisticated examples. A feature of the layout is the double-page spread: each of these covers a particular topic making the book useful as a reference manual. Moreover each spread is made as self-contained as is reasonably possible - ideal for browsing. For the programmer with a grounding in one language, such as FORTRAN, this book will give an excellent introduction to standard C - one that emphasizes the self-discipline needed to write portable programs. This revised edition has benefited from many corrections and updates, and has now been printed in a wide-page format for ease of use.

• Established Press author (Basic sold over 170,000 copies) • Alcock’s style of handwritten book is a big success • Review in Computer Journal of Pascal expressed the wish that he would tackle C at some time • ‘Completes the set’ of fundamental computer languages • C is gaining ground on FORTRAN as the leading language for students

Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Concepts; 3. Components; 4. Control; 5. Organization; 6. Pointers, arrays, strings; 7. Input, output; 8. Structures, unions; 9. Dynamic storage; 10. Library; 11. Summaries; Bibliography; Index.


Principles of Computer Graphics: Theory and Practice Using OpenGL and Maya

Principles of Computer Graphics: Theory and Practice Using OpenGL and Maya
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 0387955046 | edition 2005 | PDF | 296 pages | 21,1 mb

Although computer graphics games and animations have been popular for more than a decade, recently personal computers evolved to support real-time, realistic-looking interactive games. OpenGL, a technology standard to develop CG applications, has had incredible momentum in both the professional and consumer markets. Once only the domain of production houses, OpenGL has grown to be the standard for graphics programming on all platforms, personal computers, and workstations. Now more than ever, people are eager to learn about what it takes to make such productions, and how they can be a part of them. Current literature on how to make movies/games focus more on the technology (OpenGL, DirectX, etc) and their APIs rather than on the principles of computer graphics.


The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems

The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems
Publisher: Charles River Media | ISBN: 1584502843 | edition 2004 | PDF | 482 pages | 11,5 mb

The Linux TCP/IP Stack: Networking for Embedded Systems provides an in-depth guide to implementing and using the Linux TCP/IP stack in embedded systems projects. It begins with a general overview of TCP/IP networking, with background information on applicable networking standards. From there, it details the TCP/IP implementation in Linux 2.6 by following a packet of data as it flows through the stack from the sending system, out the wire, and back through the input side of the stack in the receiving machine. This unique approach gives programmers an "inside" look at the entire process. Throughout the text, topics of particular interest to engineers implementing embedded systems are discussed, such as sockets, network interfaces, application layer protocols, and practical considerations. This is a great resource for embedded systems programmers and engineers, as well as networking professionals interested in learning more about the implementation of Linux TCP/IP in the 2.6 kernel.


Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Fundamentals of Software Engineering By Farhad Arbab, Marjan Sirjani
Publisher: Springer 2010 | 471 Pages | ISBN: 3642116221 | PDF | 4 MB

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, FSEN 2009, held in Kish Island, Iran, in April 2009.
The 22 revised full papers and 5 revised short papers presented together with 3 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 88 submissions. The topics include models of programs and systems, software specification, validation and verification, software architectures and their description languages, object and multi-agent systems, coordination and feature interaction, integration of formal and informal methods, integration of different formal methods, component-based development, service-oriented development, model checking and theorem proving, software and hardware verification and CASE tools and tool integration.


The Complete Thyroid Book

Kenneth Ain, M. Sara Rosenthal, "The Complete Thyroid Book"
McGraw-Hill | 2005 | ISBN: 0071435263 | 480 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB

The ultimate resource for the growing number of thyroid disease sufferers

Bestselling thyroid health author M. Sara Rosenthal has teamed up with world-renowned thyroid expert Kenneth B. Ain, M.D., to bring you the most up-to-date guide to understanding and managing virtually every type of thyroid problem, including Hashimoto's disease, Graves' disease, and thyroid cancer. An exhaustive source of information in accessible language with expert guidance, The Complete Thyroid Book:

•Is the only guide covering all state-of-the-art therapies and treatments for every clinically recognized thyroid condition
•Describes all diagnostic tests, scans, various forms of thyroid hormone, and all other medications used in thyroid disease treatment
•Offers expert advice for pregnancy, menopause, infants and children, obesity, and elderly people


Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy

Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Wiley-Blackwell | 2006 | ISBN: 1405135409 | 536 pages | PDF | 10,3 MB

This groundbreaking textbook intertwines the subjects of dental hygiene and dental therapy to provide a comprehensive resource for students of these courses, as well as those studying new degree programmes in oral health science. Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy has been designed as a dedicated companion text for these disciplines and should enable students to streamline their primary reading.
The opening section of the book is dedicated to relevant oral sciences: anatomy; histology; embryology; oral medicine and pathology. The clinical section contains fourteen chapters which provide coverage of the core syllabus for dental hygiene and therapy. The final section is dedicated to primary dental care services and law, ethics and professionalism. Each chapter features a revision section to reinforce learning.
Following course developments and an expansion in the remit of both hygienists and therapists, this book has been written not only for students, but as a revision and updating manual for practicing hygienists and therapists.



John E. Glass Ph.D., Kathy S. Stolley, "HIV/AIDS "
Greenwood | 2009 | ISBN: 0313344213 | 241 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

Once thought to be a disease of homosexuals and drug abusers, AIDS has now impacted people across cultures, genders, and sexual orientations. Despite activism, new research, and treatments, many people are still dying from this disease. HIV/AIDS offers a comprehensive, one-volume resource that traces the history of the disease, and discusses prevention, along with current research and treatment. It examines issues such as care giving, health care settings, human rights, pregnancy, and insurance.

The incidence and prognosis for the disease among special populations, as well as their needs and struggles, are covered in detail. These groups include: drug and alcohol abusers, the gay and lesbian community, minority communities, pediatric patients, prisoners, senior citizens, and women. With education the key to both prevention and care of those infected, this volume is an invaluable resource for students and general readers.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Electronic and Electrical Servicing, Second Edition: Consumer and Commercial Electronics

Electronic and Electrical Servicing, Second Edition: Consumer and Commercial Electronics
Newnes; 2 edition | November 30, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0750669888 | 328 pages | PDF | 1.61 Mb

Electronic and Electrical Servicing provides a thorough grounding in the electronics and electrical principles required by service engineers servicing home entertainment equipment such as TVs, CD and DVD machines, as well as commercial equipment including PCs.
In the printed book, this new edition covers all the core units of the Level 2 Progression Award in Electrical and Electronics Servicing (Consumer/Commercial Electronics) from City & Guilds (C&G 6958), plus two of the option units. For those students who wish to progress to Level 3, a further set of chapters covering all the core units at this level is available as a free download from the book's companion website or as a print-on-demand book. The book and website material also offer a fully up-to-date course text for the City & Guilds 1687 NVQs at Levels 2 and 3.


The Art of Electronics

The Art of Electronics
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | ISBN: 0521370957 | edition 1989 | DJVU | 1125 pages | 15,2 mb

This is the thoroughly revised and updated Second Edition of the hugely successful The Art of Electronics. Widely accepted as the single, authoritative text and reference on electronic circuit design, both analog and digital, this book has sold over 120,000 copies, and has been translated into eight languages. This book revolutionized the teaching of electronics by emphasizing the methods actually used by circuit designers--a combination of some basic laws, rules of thumb, and a large bag of tricks. The result is a largely nonmathematical treatment that encourages circuit intuition, brain storming, and simplified calculations of circuit values and performance. This completely new edition responds to the breakneck pace of change in electronics with totally rewritten chapters on microcomputers and microprocessors, substantially revised chapters on digital electronics, on op-amps and precision design, and on construction techniques. Every table has been revised, and many new ones have been added. The new Art of Electronics retains the feeling of informality and easy access that made the first edition so successful and popular.


Basics of CMOS Cell Design (Professional Engineering)

Basics of CMOS Cell Design (Professional Engineering)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | ISBN: 0071488391 | edition 2007 | PDF | 2007 pages | 10,6 mb

Electronic circuit designers and electronic engineering students can turn to Basics of CMOS Cell Design for a practice-based introduction to the design and simulation of every major type of CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) integrated circuit.
You will find step-by-step explanations of everything they need for designing and simulating CMOS integrated circuits in deep-submicron technology, including MOS devices…inverters…interconnects…basic gates …arithmetics…sequential cell design…and analog basic cells.
The book also presents design rules, Microwind program operation and commands, design logic editor operation and commands, and quick-reference sheets. Filled with 100 skills-building illustrations, Basics of CMOS Cell Design features:...


Modern Biotechnology: Connecting Innovations in Microbiology and Biochemistry to Engineering Fundamentals

Nathan S. Mosier, Michael R. Ladisch, "Modern Biotechnology: Connecting Innovations in Microbiology and Biochemistry to Engineering Fundamentals"
Wiley-AIChE | 2009 | ISBN: 0470114851 | 433 pages | PDF | 2,5 MB

Biotechnology introduces students in science, engineering, or technology to the basics of genetic engineering, recombinant organisms, wild-type fermentations, metabolic engineering and microorganisms for the production of small molecule bioproducts. The text includes a brief historical perspective and economic rationale on the impact of regulation on biotechnology production, as well as chapters on biotechnology in relation to metabolic pathways and microbial fermentations, enzymes and enzyme kinetics, metabolism, biological energetics, metabolic pathways, nucleic acids, genetic engineering, recombinant organisms and the production of monoclonal antibodies.


Biochemical Engineering: A Textbook for Engineers, Chemists and Biologists

Shigeo Katoh, Fumitake Yoshida, "Biochemical Engineering: A Textbook for Engineers, Chemists and Biologists"
Wiley-VCH | 2009 | ISBN: 3527325360 | 282 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Written by renowned professors drawing on their experience gained in the world's most innovative biotechnology market, Japan, this advanced textbook provides an excellent and comprehensive introduction to the latest developments in the field.
It provides an array of questions & answers and features numerous applied examples, extending to industrial applications with chapters on medical devices and downstream operations in bioprocesses.
Useful for students studying the fundamentals of biochemical engineering, as well as for chemical engineers already working in this vital and expanding field.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Expert PHP and MySQL

Andrew Curioso, Ronald Bradford, Patrick Galbraith, "Expert PHP and MySQL"
Wrox | 2010 | ISBN: 0470563125 | 624 pages | PDF | 17 MB

Best practices and expert techniques for today's most demanding apps
As the world's most popular, general purpose, open source scripting language, PHP is frequently used with MySQL to create high-traffic, mission-critical applications. This indispensable book shares proven, author-tested best practices and expert techniques that can be applied to even the most demanding MySQL-driven PHP apps. You'll explore ways to extend MySQL with user-defined functions, write PHP extensions, and solve problems when PHP and MySQL alone are not enough and other techniques or third-party tools are necessary.
Expert PHP and MySQL:
Reviews essential techniques, such as design patterns, complex queries, and advanced regular expression
Addresses advanced PHP concepts, such as iterators and closures
Demonstrates using Gearman for multitasking in your web applications
Discusses caching using memcached with MySQL and your PHP web applications
Discusses ways to create PHP Extensions and MySQL User Defined Functions
Shows how to use Sphinx for search functionality in your PHP web applications
Wrox Expert books present the wisdom accumulated by an experienced author team who is recognized as experts by the programming community. These experts challenge professional developers to examine their current practices in pursuit of better results.


C# 2008 In Simple Steps

Kogent Learning Solutions ed., "C# 2008 In Simple Steps"
Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. | 2009 | ISBN: 0000 | 280 pages | PDF | 13,8 MB

This is a book that helps you to learn C# using Visual Studio 2008. Precision, an easy-to-understanding style, real life examples in support of the concepts, and practical approach in presentation are some of the features that make the book unique in itself. The text in the book is presented in such a way that is equally helpful to beginners as well as professionals. Apart from basic concepts of C#, this edition of the book particularly deals with some new and advanced topics, such as WPF, WCF, WF and LINQ.
The book covers:
· C# programming basics
· Object oriented programming concepts
· Developing Windows applications
· Working with standard controls, dialog boxes and menus
· Developing WPF applications
· Creating database-driven Windows and WPF applications
· Deploying Windows applications using Windows Installer and ClickOnce
· Developing Workflow applications
· Creating and using Web Services and WCF Services

Table of contents :
Chapter 1: Introducing .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008
Chapter 2: Getting Started with C# 2008
Chapter 3: Working with Control Flow Statements and Exceptions
Chapter 4: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Chapter 5: Introducing Windows Forms
Chapter 6: Working with Tool Strips, Menus and Dialog Boxes in Windows Forms
Chapter 7: Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation
Chapter 8: Working with Data and ADO.NET
Chapter 9: Introducing Language-Integrated Query
Chapter 10: Deploying Visual C# 2008 Applications
Chapter 11: Windows Workflow Foundation
Chapter 12: Web Service and WCF Service


Maya 2008 In Simple Steps

Kogent Learning Solutions ed, "Maya 2008 In Simple Steps"
Kogent Learning Solutions Inc | 2008 | ISBN-10: 8177228625 | ISBN-13: 9788177228625 | 247 pages | PDF | 13,3 MB

Maya 2008 in Simple Steps is a book that helps you learn Maya 2008, the contemporary offerings from Autodesk. Being precise and complete, it offers the readers a cutting edge in the field of Maya 2008. An easy to understand style, lots of examples to support the concepts and use of practical approach in presentation are some of the features that make the book unique in itself.
Table of contents :
· Getting Started with 3D and Maya 200
· Working with Scenes, Projects and Objects
· Polygon Modeling in Maya 2008
· NURBS Modeling
· Animating Objects in Maya 2008
· Shading, Texturing and Lighting
· Rendering Scenes in Maya 2008


Expert PHP 5 Tools

Expert PHP 5 Tools By Dirk Merkel
Publisher: Packt Publishing 2010 | 468 Pages | ISBN: 1847198384 | PDF | 10 MB

Proven enterprise development tools and best practices for designing, coding, testing, and deploying PHP applications
Best practices for designing, coding, testing, and deploying PHP applications - all the information in one book
Learn to write unit tests and practice test-driven development from an expert
Set up a professional development environment with integrated debugging capabilities
Develop your own coding standard and enforce it automatically
Document your code for easy maintainability for yourself and others

In Detail
Even if you find writing PHP code easy, writing code that is efficient and easy to maintain and reuse is not so straightforward. Self-taught PHP developers and programmers transitioning from other languages often lack the knowledge to work with PHP on an enterprise level. They need to take their PHP development skills to that level by learning the skills and tools necessary to write maintainable and efficient code.
This book will enable you to take your PHP development skills to an enterprise level by teaching you the skills and tools necessary to write maintainable and efficient code. You will learn how to perform activities such as unit testing, enforcing coding standards, automating deployment, and interactive debugging using tools created for PHP developers - all the information in one place. Your code will be more maintainable, efficient, and self-documented.
From the design phase to actually deploying the application, you will learn concepts and apply them using the best-of-breed tools available in PHP.
Experienced developers looking for expertise in PHP development will learn how to follow best practices within the world of PHP. The book contains many well-documented code samples and recipes that can be used as a starting point for producing quality code.
Specifically, you will learn to design an application with UML, code it in Eclipse with PDT, document it with phpDocumentor, debug it interactively with Xdebug, test it by writing PHPUnit tests, manage source code in Subversion, speed up development and increase stability by using Zend Framework, pull everything together using continuous integration, and deploy the application automatically with Phing - all in one book. The author's experience in PHP development enables him to share insights on using enterprise tools, in a clear and friendly way.
An in-depth look at best-of-breed enterprise-level tools, methodologies, and tips for professional PHP developers to write maintainable, efficient code

What you will learn from this book
Set up a development environment that provides code completion, syntax highlighting, interactive debugging, code templates, and more
Define a coding standard and automate compliance checks
Generate developer documentation in various formats using code-level comments and phpDocumentor
Manage revision and branching, tag, and merge code using a distributed version control system
Create your own debugging library and use Xdebug for interactive debugging
Shorten the development cycle by leveraging a suitable framework for your application
Write unit tests using PHPUnit and practice test-driven development
Automate application deployment and configuration using Phing - a PHP build and automation tool
Sketch class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and use cases using UML
Quickly find bugs and conflicts by setting up a continuous integration environment that automatically stages, tests, and documents your project

Each chapter focuses on one topic, such as version control or debugging. After initially discussing essential concepts, the author takes an in-depth look at one or more tools relevant to the topic. Sample projects and plenty of well-documented code are used to work through practical application of the concepts.

Who this book is written for
This book has been written for professional developers new to PHP and experienced PHP developers who want to take their skills to the next level by learning enterprise-level tools and techniques.

About the Author
Dirk Merkel is the owner of Waferthin Web Works LLC. In his spare time, he likes to ruin perfectly good open-source projects by submitting unsolicited patches. He also writes about Web development. He lives in San Diego with his lovely wife and two wonderful daughters.


Drupal 6 Attachment Views

Drupal 6 Attachment Views By J. Ayen Green
Publisher: Packt Publishing 2010 | 300 Pages | ISBN: 1849510806 | PDF | 7 MB

This is a fun, informative, hands-on learning guide. It uses a real case study in an interactive and informal manner, and presents examples that continue to build on each other. Clear, concise instructions and practical examples mean you can learn quickly how to increase the functionality and value of your web site. If you are a Drupal developer of any level and you are waiting to explore Attachment Views, then this book is for you.


SQL: Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition

Chris Fehily, "SQL: Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition"
Peachpit Press | 2008 | ISBN: 0321553578 | 496 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB

SQL is a standard interactive and programming language for querying and modifying data and managing databases. This task-based tutorial and reference guide takes the mystery out learning and applying SQL. After going over the relational database model and SQL syntax in the first few chapters, veteran author Chris Fehily immediately launches into the tasks that will get readers comfortable with SQL. In addition to covering all the SQL basics, this thoroughly updated reference contains a wealth of in-depth SQL knowledge and serves as an excellent reference for more experienced users.


Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide

Larry Ullman, "Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide"
Peachpit Press | 2008 | ISBN: 0321553853 | 432 pages | PDF | 6,2 MB

This book is for those new to programming or that know other programming languages and would like to know Ruby. The book teaches the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and starts with creating a basic program. Everything is covered such as control structures and variables, taking input, and creating output. Moving from the basic to more advanced topics, a solid understanding of Ruby is taught in logical progression. The book ends with an overview of the Web development framework, Ruby on Rails.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Professional C# 4.0 and .NET 4

Professional C# 4.0 and .NET 4 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) By Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Karli Watson, Morgan Skinner
Publisher: Wrox 2010 | 1536 Pages | ISBN: 0470502258 | PDF | 34 MB

This book starts by reviewing the overall architecture of .NET in order to give you the background you need to be able to write managed code. After that, the book is divided into a number of sections that cover both the C# language and its application in a variety of areas.
Part I: The C# Language: This section gives a good grounding in the C# language itself. This section doesn’t presume knowledge of any particular language, although it does assume you are an experienced programmer. You start by looking at C's basic syntax and data types, and then explore the object-oriented features of C# before moving on to look at more advanced C# programming topics. Objects, types, inheritance, generics, arrays, tuples, operators, casts, delegates, lambdas, events, strings, regular expressions, collections, Language Integrated, Query (LINQ), Dynamic Language Extensions, memory management, pointers, reflection, errors, and exception are all covered in part 1.
Part II: Visual Studio: This section looks at the main IDE utilized by C# developers worldwide: Visual Studio 2010. The two chapters in this section look at the best way to use the tool to build applications based on the .NET Framework 4. In addition, this section also focuses on the deployment of your projects.
Part III: Foundation: In this section, you look at the principles of programming in the .NET environment. In particular, you look at assemblies, instrumentation, security, threading, tasks, synchronization, localization, System.Transactions, networking, interop, XAML, Managed Extensibility Framework, Manipulating Files and the Registry, transactions, how to build Windows services, and how to generate your own libraries as assemblies, among other topics.
Part IV: Data: Here, you look at accessing databases with ADO.NET, ADO.NET Entity Framework, data services. This part also extensively covers support in .NET for XML and on the Windows operating system side, and the .NET features of SQL Server 2008.
Part V: Presentation: This section shows how to build applications based upon the Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, and covers writing components that will run on web sites, serving up web pages. It also has coverage on building classic Windows applications, which are called Windows Forms in .NET. Windows Forms are the thick-client version of applications, and using .NET to build these types of applications is a quick and easy way of accomplishing this task. Finally, it includes coverage of the tremendous number of features that ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.Net Dynamic Data provide.
Part VI: Communication: This section is all about communication. It covers services for platform-independent communication using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). With Message Queuing, asynchronous disconnected communication is shown. This section looks at utilizing the Windows Workflow Foundation 4, as well as peer to peer networking, and creating syndication feeds.
The book closes with an appendix covering Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 development.
Online Chapters: Even with such a large book, we can't fit in everything we'd like to tell you about C# and using this language with other .NET technologies, so we've made ten additional chapters available online at These chapters include information on a variety of topics: GDI+, which is a technology that is used for building applications that include advanced graphics; .Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO); NET Remoting for communication between .NET clients and servers; Enterprise Services for the services in the background; web services with ASP.NET, LINQ to SQL, Windows Workflow Foundation 3.0, and the Managed Add-In Framework (MAF). It also includes examples showing .NET 4 in others supported languages including Visual Basic, C++/CLI, and F#.


Monday, April 12, 2010

C# for Java Programmers

C# for Java Programmers
Publisher: Syngress | ISBN: 193183654X | edition 2002 | PDF | 642 pages | 12,9 mb

Java Programmers, Preprare for Microsoft's .NET initiative while enhancing your repertoire and marketability with C# for Java Progammers!
C# for Java Programmers will prepare readers for the .NET framework by building on what they already know about object-oriented languages and give them the means to maintain their flexibility and effectiveness in an un-certain marketplace. This book will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of both Java and C# to allow programmers to make their own decisions regarding what each language is best used for.


Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference

Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference By Rod Stephens
Publisher: Wrox 2010 | 1276 Pages | ISBN: 0470499834 | PDF | 48 MB

Build effective user interfaces with Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is included with the Windows operating system and provides a programming model for building applications that provide a clear separation between the UI and business logic. Written by a leading expert on Microsoft graphics programming, this richly illustrated book provides an introduction to WPF development and explains fundamental WPF concepts.
Packed with helpful examples, this reference progresses through a range of topics that gradually increase in their complexity. You’ll quickly start building applications while you learn how to use both Expression Blend and Visual Studio to build UIs. In addition, the book addresses the needs of programmer who write the code behind the UI and shows you how operations can be performed using both XAML and C#.
Coverage Includes:
Overview of WPF
WPF in Visual Studio
Expression Blend
Common Properties
Content Controls
Layout Controls
User Interaction Controls
Two-Dimensional Drawing Controls
Pens and Brushes
Events and Code-Behind
Styles and Property Triggers
Event Triggers and Animation
Themes and Skins
Data Binding
Transformations and Effects
Navigation-Based Applications
Three-Dimensional Drawing
Even if you only have a minimal amount of experience, by the end of the book, you will be able to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces with WPF.


Beginning JavaScript,4 Ed

Paul Wilton, Jeremy McPeak, "Beginning JavaScript,4 Ed"
Wrox | 2009 | ISBN: 0470525932 | 792 pages | PDF | 5 MB

The perennial bestseller returns with new details for using the latest tools and techniques available with JavaScript

JavaScript is the definitive language for making the Web a dynamic, rich, interactive medium. This guide to JavaScript builds on the success of previous editions and introduces you to many new advances in JavaScript development. The reorganization of the chapters helps streamline your learning process while new examples provide you with updated JavaScript programming techniques.

You'll get all-new coverage of Ajax for remote scripting, JavaScript frameworks, JavaScript and XML, and the latest features in modern Web browsers. Plus, all the featured code has been updated to ensure compliance with the most recent popular Web browsers.

•Introduces you to the latest capabilities of JavaScript, the definitive language for developing dynamic, rich, interactive Web sites
•Features new coverage of data types and variables, JavaScript and XML, Ajax for remote scripting, and popular JavaScript frameworks
•Offers updated code that ensures compliance with the most popular Web browsers
•Includes improved examples on the most up-to-date JavaScript programming techniques
Continuing in the superlative tradition of the first three editions, Beginning JavaScript, Fourth Edition, gets you up to speed on all the new advances in JavaScript development.

From the Back Cover
Step–by–step guidance to creating powerful web apps with JavaScript

JavaScript allows you to enhance your web pages and web applications by providing dynamic, personalized, and interactive content. Serving as a great introduction to JavaScript, this book offers all you need to start using JavaScript on your web pages right away. It′s fully updated and covers utilizing JavaScript with the latest versions of the Internet Explorer®, Firefox®, and Safari® browsers.

•Walks you through the basics of JavaScript: what it is, how it works, and what you can do with it

•Covers the various tools needed to create JavaScript web applications

•Escorts you through selecting a single character from a string, converting character codes to a string, and copying string parts

•Shows you how to join arrays, copy parts of an array, sort arrays, and reverse an array′s order

•Explains how using a JavaScript framework (such as jQuery, Prototype, and MooTools) makes JavaScript programming faster and more efficient

•Offers an in–depth look at Ajax

•Reviews common mistakes, debugging, and error handling


Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

S. K. Chang, "Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering"
World Scientific Publishing Company | 2005 | ISBN: 9812562737 | 528 pages | PDF | 28 MB

The book covers the recent new advances in software engineering and knowledge engineering. It is intended as a supplement to the two-volume handbook of software engineering and knowledge engineering. The editor and authors are well-known international experts in their respective fields of expertise. Each chapter in the book is entirely self-contained and gives in-depth information on a specific topic of current interest. This book will be a useful desktop companion for both practitioners and students of software engineering and knowledge engineering.


The 250 Job Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked... And The Answers That Will Get You Hired!

The 250 Job Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked... And The Answers That Will Get You Hired! (Audiobook) By Peter Veruki, Ken Kliban, Nona Pipes
Publisher: Listen & Live Audio 1999 | 3 hours and 13 mins | ISBN: 1885408323 | MP3 | 184 MB

Containing sample answers and explanations for 250 of the most common and challenging interview questions, this book helps prepare job seekers for any situation.

Why do you want this job? Why should I hire you? Why do you want to leave your current job? Do you have convincing answers ready for these important questions? Landing a good job is a competitive process and often the final decision is based on your performance at the interview. By following the advice of
prominent career planning and human resources expert Peter Veruki, you'll know you have the right answers at your job interview.

Landing a good job is a competitive process and often the final decision is based on your performance at the interview. By following the advice of prominent career planning and human resources expert Peter Veruki, you'll know you have the right answers at your job interview.

Peter Veruki has been Director of Career Planning and Placement at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University for ten years. In addition to serving on the College Placement Council Board of Governors for six years, Mr. Veruki was chairman of the CPC's professional Training and Development Committee, where he helped design and conduct interview training programs.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

JDBC Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Mahmoud Parsian JDBC Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Publisher:Apress | ISBN: 1590595203 | 2005 Year | PDF | 664 Pages | 5.24 Mb


Professional IronPython

Professional IronPython By John Paul Mueller
Publisher: Wrox 2010 | 480 Pages | ISBN: 0470548592 | PDF | 10 MB

Create applications that are more responsive to user needs
IronPython should be an important part of your developer's toolbox and this book will quickly get you up and running with this powerful language. John Paul Mueller clearly shows how IronPython can help you create better desktop or web-based applications in less time and with fewer errors. Throughout the pages, you'll find techniques for extending IronPython and making it a more robust language. In addition, you'll follow advanced steps such as building an IronPython extension that directly accesses the Win32 API. And you'll enhance your skill set as you introduce IronPython into other environments such as Linux® and Mac OS® X.
Professional IronPython:
Demonstrates how to build applications that every developer needs to know when starting a new language
Explains how to create Windows Forms applications, interact with COM objects, and work at the command line
Uncovers how to work with XML, the Dynamic Language Runtime, and other .NET languages
Shows how you can use IronPython to improve your testing process for just about any language
Discusses techniques for using IronPython with the Python Standard Library
Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job. Programmer Forums
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New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Ad Hoc Networks and PANs (Vol 4)

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Ad Hoc Networks and PANs (Vol 4) By Ramjee Prasad
Publisher: Artech House Publishers 2009 | 488 Pages | ISBN: 1607839733 | PDF | 12 MB

Based on cutting-edge research projects in the field, this comprehensive 4-volume book series provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications. Drawing upon the insights of leading experts in the field, each of the four volumes is dedicated to an area of critical importance, including Radio Interfaces; Networks, Services and Applications; Reconfigurability; and Ad Hoc Networks.


A Textbook of Electrical Technology

R. K. Rajput, "A Textbook of Electrical Technology"
Laxmi Publications | 2004 | ISBN: 9380386348, 8131806030 | ISBN-13: 9789380386348, 9788131806036 | 619 pages | PDF | 23,7 MB

This book on "Electrical Technology" has been specifically written for B.E. First year examination of K.U. Kurukshetra, GJU, Hissar & M.D.U. Rohtak, Haryana, Strictly according to the latest syllabus. It consists of 7 chapters in all, covering exhaustively the various topics in different chapters of the complete syllabus. Besides this the book also contains "Laboratory Practicals" to apprise the students about the practical aspects of the subject.

The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is lucid, direct and easy to understand.Each chapter of book is saturated with much needed text supported by neat and self-explanatory diagrams to make the subject self-speaking to a great extent.
A large number of solved examples, properly graded, have been added in various chapters to enable the students to attempt different types of questions in the examination without any difficulty.
At the end of each chapter Highlights, Objective Type Questions, Theoretical Questions and Unsolved Examples have been added to make the book a complete unit in all respects.
Table Of Contents :
1. D.C. Circuits and Network Analysis
2. A.C. Circuits
3. Three-Phase A.C. Network
4. Transformerss
5. Rotating Machines
6. Measuring Instruments
7. Miscellany
Miscellaneous Examinations'Question-Wtih Solutions
Laboratory Experiments


Schaum's Outline of Chemistry Foundations

Schaum's Outline of Chemistry Foundations (Schaum's) by David E. Goldberg
Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill | Number Of Pages: 304 | Publication Date: 1991 | ISBN-10: 0070236798 | PDF | 15.49Mb

A solved-problem Outline for students with no high school chemistry background or a poor course in high school chemistry. All topics are presented at an elementary level to commensurate with the introductory course; simpler math is assumed and developed, a less intense approach to the basic concepts of chemistry, and a simpler manner of presentation. There are hundreds of solved and supplementary problems.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Schaum Engineering Thermodynamics

Schaum Engineering Thermodynamics
Publisher: McGraw-Hill | pages: 371 | 1994 | ISBN: 0070507074 | PDF | 17,2 mb

If you want top grades and an excellent understanding of thermodynamics, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step by step through the subject, giving you lots of example problems with fully worked solutions. You also get hundreds of additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. This SchaumOs Outline of Thermodynamics for Engineers gives you clear explanations of theory, as well as numerous examples of practical applications. And the fully solved problems show you just how to work the kinds of questions youOll face on exams!


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