Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Programming Android

Programming Android By Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, Masumi Nakamura
Publisher: O'Re..illy Media 2011 | 502 Pages | ISBN: 1449389694 | PDF | 11 MB

What does it take to build well-engineered Android applications? Explore Android's core building blocks and APIs in depth with this authoritative guide, and learn how to create compelling apps that work on a full range of Android devices. You'll work with proven approaches to app design and implementation—including application frameworks that you can use as a starting point for your own projects.
Delve into sensors, native development, 3D graphics, and many other topics, and discover how to build apps on the platform of your choice. If you're an intermediate to advanced programmer, you'll learn how to make great Android apps.
  • Learn how to use the Android SDK with the Eclipse IDE
  • Apply advanced Java concepts regardless of your experience with the language
  • Create an Android user interface that's captivating and easy to navigate
  • Understand Android's unique database design issues and the role of SQLite
  • Use sensors and gestures to expand your app's input beyond just tapping and scrolling
  • Explore Android APIs for multimedia, location, communication, NFC, and other applications

Android User Interface Development: Beginner's Guide

Jason Morris - Android User Interface Development: Beginner's Guide
Publisher: Pаckt Publishing | 2011-02-24 | ISBN: 1849514488 | PDF | 304 pages | 10.28 MB

There are over 30,000 applications for Android that have been downloaded over a million times already. What makes yours any different? Building a compelling user-interface that people understand and enjoy is vital for the survival of a new application in an environment where look and feel may be the only thing between a user purchasing your application; or deleting it forever.Working through examples, code-snippets, and screenshots this book introduces the fundamentals of good user-interface design from a developer's point of view. This book will put you above the rest by showing you how to build striking user interfaces to grasp your app users' attention enough to make them shell out some bucks to buy your application.The Android User Interface Development Beginner's Guide will tell you everything you need to know to style your applications from bottom up. Given the importance of user-interface design on a touch-screen device, this book aims to equip its reader with the knowledge required to build killer Android applications. Starting simply, and keeping things easy, this book will take you on a step-by-step journey to understanding the principals of good user-interface design, and how to implement the best user interfaces on an Android mobile device. It aims at building design understanding on a chapter-by-chapter basis, while introducing platform knowledge through examples.A practical definitive guide for developers who want to design and develop attractive Android user-interfaces.
This is a step-by-step guide that aims to give even a novice Android developer a good grasp of user-interface design, while working through examples, diagrams, and screenshots to showcase the various widgets and tools that the platform makes available.


Android Application Testing Guide

Android Application Testing Guide By Diego Torres Milano
Publisher: Pa.,.ckt Publis..hing 2011 | 332 Pages | ISBN: 1849513503 | PDF | 10 MB

It doesn’t matter how much time you invest in Android design, or even how careful you are when programming; mistakes are inevitable and bugs will appear. This book will help you minimize the impact of these errors in your Android project and increase your development productivity. It will show you the problems that are easily avoided, to help get you quickly to the testing stage.

Android Application Testing Guide is the first and only book providing a practical introduction to the most common available techniques, frameworks, and tools to improve the development of your Android applications. Clear, step-by-step instructions show how to write tests for your applications and assure quality control using various methodologies.

The author’s experience in applying application testing techniques to real world projects enables him to share insights on creating professional Android applications.

The book starts by introducing Test Driven Development, which is an agile component of the software development process and a technique where you will tackle bugs early on. From the most basic unit tests applied to a sample project to more sophisticated performance tests, this book provides a detailed description of the most widely used techniques in the Android testing world in a recipe-based approach.

The author has extensive experience of working on various development projects throughout his professional career. All this research and knowledge has helped create a book that will serve as a useful resource to any developer navigating the world of Android testing.

What you will learn from this book :
  • Apply testing techniques and utilize tools to improve Android application development
  • Learn the nuances of Unit and Functional testing and apply them to your Android projects
  • Create sample Android test projects to try out your testing techniques
  • Understand different development methodologies such as Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development
  • Test different components such as Activities, ContentProvider, Services, and so on that make up an Android application
  • Apply the Continuous Integration technique for ultimate application quality control
  • Improve application performance by analyzing the results returned from performance tests
  • Expose your application to a wide range of conditions and configurations to simulate real life network conditions and detect problems in the application

Adroid Application Testing Guide is a highly detailed book which gives step-by-step examples for a great variety of real-world cases, providing professional guidelines and recommendations that will be extremely valuable for optimizing your development time and resources. In the chapters you will find an introduction to specific testing techniques, and tools for specific situations.

Who this book is written forLink
If you are an Android developer looking to test your applications or optimize your application development process, then this book is for you. No previous experience in application testing is required.


Pro Android Flash

Pro Android Flash By Stephen Chin, Dean Iverson, Oswald Campesato, Paul Trani
Publisher: Apre..ss 2011 | 464 Pages | ISBN: 1430232315 | PDF | 45 MB

Did you know you can take your Flash skills beyond the browser, allowing you to make apps for Android, iOS and the BlackBerry Tablet OS? Build dynamic apps today starting with the easy-to-use Android smartphones and tablets. Then, take your app to other platforms without writing native code.
Pro Android Flash is the definitive guide to building Flash and other rich Internet applications (RIAs) on the Android platform. It covers the most popular RIA frameworks for Android developers—Flash and Flex—and shows how to build rich, immersive user experiences on both Android smartphones and tablets. You'll learn how to incorporate multimedia, animation, and special effects into your apps for maximum visual appeal. You'll also cover advanced topics, including input methods, hardware inputs, deployment, and performance optimization.

What you’ll learn
  • Deployment of Flash and Flex to Android
  • How to take your desktop RIAs and adapt them for mobile devices
  • How to integrate Android hardware inputs from the camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer
  • How to build an immersive user interface using Android audio and video assets
  • How to integrate styling and artifacts from a professional designer
  • Best practices for mobile performance tuning and optimization

Who this book is for
This book is intended for developers who are looking to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) for the Android platform, especially Flash and Flex.


Android 3.0 Application Development Cookbook

Android 3.0 Application Development Cookbook By Mew Kyle Merrifield
Publisher: Pa..ckt Publis..hing 2012 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 1849512949 | PDF | 10 MB

Android is a mobile operating system that runs on a staggering number of smartphones and tablets. Android offers developers the ability to build extremely rich and innovative applications written using the Java programming language. Among the number of books that have been published on the topic, what’s missing is a thoroughly practical, hands-on book that takes you straight to getting your job done without boring you with too much theory.

Android 3.0 Application Development Cookbook will take you straight to the information you need to get your applications up and running. This book is written to provide you with the shortest possible route between an idea and a working application.

Work through the book from start to finish to become an Android expert, or use it as a reference book by applying recipes directly to your project.

This book covers every aspect of mobile app development, starting with major application components and screen layout and design, before moving on to how to manage sensors such as internal gyroscopes and near field communications. Towards the end, it delves into smartphone multimedia capabilities as well as graphics and animation, web access, and GPS.

Whether you are writing your first app or your hundredth, this is a book that you will come back to time and time again, with its many tips and tricks on the rich features of Android 3.

Over 100 working recipes covering every aspect of Android development.

What you will learn from this book:
  • Design custom layouts and widgets
  • Connect your application to the Web
  • Animate your applications
  • Create touch and motion sensitive apps
  • Respond to your user’s every move with sensor control
  • Use GPS to create location sensitive apps
  • Create and play back sound and video
  • Augment reality through camera controls
  • Access WiFi networks and Bluetooth
  • Incorporate Google Maps in your applications

Beginning Android Tablet Application Development

Beginning Android Tablet Application Development By Wei-Meng Lee
Publisher: W.r.o.x 2011 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 1118106733 | EPUB + PDF | 28 MB + 52 MB

A full-color, fast-paced introduction to developing tablet applications using Android
The new release of Android 3 brings the full power of Android to tablet computing and this hands-on guide offers an introduction to developing tablet applications using this new Android release. Veteran author Wei-Meng Lee explains how Android 3 is specifically optimized for tablet computing and he details Android's tablet-specific functions. Beginning with the basics, this book moves at a steady pace to provide everything you need to know to begin successfully developing your own Android tablet applications.
  • Serves as a full-color, hands-on introduction to developing tablet applications with the new Android 3
  • Offers a helpful overview of Android 3 programming for tablets
  • Details the components of Android tablet applications
Highlights ways to build the Android user interface for tablets, create location-based services, publish Android applications, use Eclipse for Android development, and employ the Android emulator
Beginning Android Tablet Application Development is an ideal starting point for getting started with using Android 3 to develop tablet applications.


Pro Android Python with SL4A

Pro Android Python with SL4A By Paul Ferrill
Publisher: Apr...ess 2011 | 296 Pages | ISBN: 1430235691 | EPUB + PDF + MOBI | 6 MB + 6 MB + 6 MB

Pro Android Python with SL4A is for programmers and hobbyists who want to write apps for Android devices without having to learn Java first. Paul Ferrill leads you from installing the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) to writing small scripts, to more complicated and interesting projects, and finally to uploading and packaging your programs to an Android device.

Android runs scripts in many scripting languages, but Python, Lua, and Beanshell are particularly popular. Most programmers know more than one programming language, so that they have the best tool for whatever task they want to accomplish. Pro Android Python with SL4A explores the world of Android scripting by introducing you to the most important open-source programming languages that are available on Android-based hardware.

Pro Android Python with SL4A starts by exploring the Android software development kit and then shows you how to set up an Eclipse-based Android development environment. You then approach the world of Android programming by using Beanshell, which runs on the Dalvik, and learning how to write small programs to administer an Android device.

Next, discover how Lua, a lightweight language perfectly suited for scripting on smaller devices, can work with Android. Lua can be used for small but important tasks, like SMS encryption and synchronizing photos with flickr.

Last, but certainly not least, you will discover the world of Python scripting for SL4A, and the power contained within the full range of Python modules that can combine with the Android SDK. You'll learn to write small location-aware apps to get you started, but by the end of this book, you'll find yourself writing fully GUI-fied applications running on the Android desktop!

Pro Android Python with SL4A is rounded out with a chapter on distributing and packaging scripts, a skill that you'll find very useful as you reach out to a wider audience with your programs.

What you’ll learn
  • Understand the SL4A
  • Explore the Android software development kit
  • Write scripts to administer an Android phone
  • Write and execute full Python and applications
  • Learn how to write simple apps using Facades
  • Explore the full Android development process, from development to packaging

Who this book is for
This is a book for beginning and intermediate Android developers, and a book for anyone coding in Python, Lua or exploring Beanshell.


Android Programming Tutorials (Version 3.2 for Android 3.0)

Android Programming Tutorials (Version 3.2 for Android 3.0) By Mark L Murphy
Publisher: Com..monsW..are, LLC 2011 | 334 Pages | ISBN: 0981678041 | PDF | 7 MB

Android Programming Tutorials show you what you can do with Android, through a series of 40 individual exercises. Android Programming Tutorials gives you hands-on instruction in how to build sophisticated Android applications, using many of the technologies outlined in CommonsWare's other Android books. These exercises lead you through the basics of creating Android applications, all the way through many fun Android features like Internet access, location tracking, maps, integrated WebKit browsers, cameras, accelerometers, home screen widgets, and much more. Full source code to all the exercise answers is available, to help you if you get stuck. Android Programming Tutorials makes an excellent companion volume to more traditional Android books that merely tell you what is possible.


Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash and more

Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash and more By Steve Parker
Publisher: Wr..,ox 2011 | 600 Pages | ISBN: 1118024486 | PDF | 17 MB

A compendium of shell scripting recipes that can immediately be used, adjusted, and applied
The shell is the primary way of communicating with the Unix and Linux systems, providing a direct way to program by automating simple-to-intermediate tasks. With this book, Linux expert Steve Parker shares a collection of shell scripting recipes that can be used as is or easily modified for a variety of environments or situations. The book covers shell programming, with a focus on Linux and the Bash shell; it provides credible, real-world relevance, as well as providing the flexible tools to get started immediately.
  • Shares a collection of helpful shell scripting recipes that can immediately be used for various of real-world challenges
  • Features recipes for system tools, shell features, and systems administration
  • Provides a host of plug and play recipes for to immediately apply and easily modify so the wheel doesn't have to be reinvented with each challenge faced

Come out of your shell and dive into this collection of tried and tested shell scripting recipes that you can start using right away!


Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing (Digital Imaging and Computer Vision)

Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing (Digital Imaging and Computer Vision) by Stelvio Cimato, Ching-Nung Yang
CRC Press | English | 2011 | ISBN: 143983721X | 545 pages | PDF | 9 MB

With rapid progress in Internet and digital imaging technology, there are more and more ways to easily create, publish, and distribute images. Considered the first book to focus on the relationship between digital imaging and privacy protection, Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing is a complete introduction to novel security methods and sharing-control mechanisms used to protect against unauthorized data access and secure dissemination of sensitive information.

Image data protection and image-based authentication techniques offer efficient solutions for controlling how private data and images are made available only to select people. Essential to the design of systems used to manage images that contain sensitive data—such as medical records, financial transactions, and electronic voting systems—the methods presented in this book are useful to counter traditional encryption techniques, which do not scale well and are less efficient when applied directly to image files.

An exploration of the most prominent topics in digital imaging security, this book discusses:

Potential for sharing multiple secrets

Visual cryptography schemes—based either on the probabilistic reconstruction of the secret image, or on different logical operations for combining shared images

Inclusion of pictures in the distributed shares

Contrast enhancement techniques


Ivor Horton's Beginning Java

Ivor Horton's Beginning Java By Ivor Horton
Publisher: W.r,o.x; 7 edition 2011 | 1150 Pages | ISBN: 0470404140 | PDF | 69 MB

Find out why thousands have turned to Ivor Horton for learning Java
Ivor Horton's approach is teaching Java is so effective and popular that he is one of the leading authors of introductory programming tutorials, with over 160,000 copies of his Java books sold. In this latest edition, whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer switching to Java, you'll learn how to build real-world Java applications using Java SE 7. The author thoroughly covers the basics as well as new features such as extensions and classes; extended coverage of the Swing Application Framework; and he does it all in his unique, highly accessible style that beginners love.
  • Provides a thorough introduction to the latest version of the Java programming language, Java SE 7
  • Introduces you to a host of new features for both novices and experienced programmers
  • Covers the basics as well as new language extensions and classes and class methods
  • Guides you through the Swing Application Framework for creating Swing apps
  • Uses numerous step-by-step programming examples to guide you through the development process
There's no better way to get thoroughly up to speed on the latest version of Java than with Ivor Horton's latest, comprehensive guide.


Guide to Networking Essentials, 5th Edition

Greg Tomsho, "Guide to Networking Essentials, 5th Edition"
C..rse T,,nology | 2006 | ISBN: 1418837180 | 688 pages | PDF | 19,7 MB

Guide to Networking Essentials, Fifth Edition has been revised and provides a baseline level of knowledge for success in industry and preparation for networking certifications, including the MCSA, MCSE, CNA and CCNA designations. This new edition has been updated to cover new industry topics such as Networked Attached Storage (NAS), Cable Installation and Management, as well as, Fixed and Mobile WiMAX. Written with a focus on networking operating systems, this book continues to provide up-to-date coverage of Microsoft Windows XP and Server 2003 technologies along with UNIX, Red Hat Linux, and Novell Netware operating systems.


Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (7th Edition)

Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (7th Edition) by William Stallings
Prentice Hall | ISBN : 013230998X | March 10, 2011 | 820 pages | PDF | 7MB

Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 7e is ideal for introductory courses on operating systems. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles provides a comprehensive and unified introduction to operating systems topics. Stallings emphasizes both design issues and fundamental principles in contemporary systems and gives readers a solid understanding of the key structures and mechanisms of operating systems. He discusses design trade-offs and the practical decisions affecting design, performance and security. The book illustrates and reinforces design concepts and ties them to real-world design choices through the use of case studies in UNIX and Windows.


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