There was a time when making an animated film meant, at the very least, a huge investment in time and equipment. Flash 5 Cartoons and Games demonstrates how things have changed, teaching a new generation of animators that all you really need is an ordinary PC or Mac and Macromedia's Flash authoring program.
Diverse and powerful, Flash can be used to create Web sites and multimedia presentations. Animation is an art in itself, and the book approaches the use of Flash from an animator's and game designer's perspective. Eleven chapters describe a production workflow, from early story development to using Flash to create a storyboard, adding sound, creating elements and movement, and creating backgrounds.
There are a number of outstanding features to this book: for one, it doesn't focus on the technology. There is as much information on using Flash as there is in composing a scene, using color and sound to evoke a mood, and using quick sketches for storyboard timing. Also, there is a strong emphasis on character animation. Chapter 5 is, in fact, called "Character Animation," followed by chapter 6, "Lip Syncing and Facial Expressions." These sections and others throughout the book show how to use Flash features like reusable symbols and libraries to create believable characters.
A little more than half the book focuses on animation. The second half covers game design, programming, and animation, with an emphasis on trivia and adventure games. You'll need to know a bit about Web scripting and how Flash scripting works to get the most out of the material.