Monday, March 16, 2009

Medical Biochemistry

N. Mallikarjuna Rao., “Medical Biochemistry”
New Age International | 2006 | ISBN: 8122418236 | 837 pages | PDF | 6 MB

I attempted to provide essential information on molecular basis of health and disease
that is mainly related to life of surviving cell(s) in the first edition of the book. However life
cycle of cell(s) includes cell(s) birth and cell(s) death apart from survival. For the last couple
of years these frontier areas are advancing rapidly which is viewed by many as good sign
for development of :
(a) new therapy or therapeutics for cancer
(b) immortalized cells.
The latter fuels growth of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries also. Hence, in
the second edition two chapters—1. Biochemistry of cell cycle (cell birth) 2. Biochemistry of
apoptosis (cell death) are added.
As living organisms evolved from simple unicellular to highly complex multicellular
mammals, several new systems and organs were developed. For example, blood which acts
as vehicle or communication between various locations of body, immune system which
protects body from intruders or foreign organisms.
Parkinsonism, psychosis, depression, Schizophrenia, loss of taste and olfaction are due
to disturbances in nervous, taste and olfactory systems. Various organs present in body
perform several organ specific functions which are essential for life. If functions of these
organs are disturbed, diseases in which may culminate in death. So, in this edition biochemistry
of blood including immune response in Chapter-32; molecular and cellular mechanism of
learning, memory, behaviour, taste and olfactory in biochemical communications Chapter;
tests, procedures that are done in hospital biochemistry laboratory to assess functions of
liver, kidney in Chapter-33 and thyroid in Chapter-29 are detailed.
Depending on disease a particular constituent of blood is either elevated or lowered.
Diagnosis and prognosis of disease usually involves detection and measurement of various
blood constituents in hospital biochemistry laboratory. Therefore advanced techniques like
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), affinity chromatography, and general
techniques like centrifugation and dialysis, instruments from spectrophotometer to auto
analyzer and methods used for detection and quantitation of blood constituents like
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes, electrolytes etc., in health and disease
are detailed in Chapter-34.
Humans and other mammals are able to remove waste products, toxins, foreign
compounds from blood and organs in the form of urine. In disease, composition of urine
varies from that of healthy state. So, detection, quantitation of various constituents of urine
is carried out in hospital biochemistry laboratory to confirm diagnosis of diseases. In Chapter
34, methods for detection and estimation of urine constituent under normal and diseased
conditions are also detailed.
Most striking feature in this edition of the book is inclusion of biochemical aspects of
diseases or disease causing organisms common to tropical countries like malaria, tuberculosis,
peptic ulcer or gastritis, pneumonia, leishmaniasis, giardiasis, trypanosomiasis etc. Since
most of the organisms are developing resistance to the existing drugs, there is need for
development of new drugs which requires thorough biochemical knowledge of these diseases
as well as disease causing organisms. Apart from adding new chapters, all existing chapters
have been updated by adding new subject matter. References of each chapter updated by
including reviews, books, research articles etc. Further, number of unsolved problems have
been increased in most of the chapters.



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