Peter D. Hipson, Roger Jennings | Sams Publishing | 1996-04-01 | ISBN: 0672309130 | Pages:1104 | PDF | 11.90MB
There is no concrete example in this book! Only a few which is either generated by AppWizard or copied from the samples come with Visual C++ 5.0. You cannot get any idea how to develop robust DB front-end applications after reading it. Maybe you can use it for reference for some ODBC and DAO classes.
This book is supposed to be designed for an advance developer. Well, my opinion is that this is not designed for a developer but for somebody who has a management and non-technical background who just want to read something about Visual C++ Development. Most of the code in this book were created by just using the appwizard of the Visual C++ package. Anybody can do that! If you know Visual C++ software development and read this book, you will probably doubt if the authors really know Visual C++ and MFC programming. Perhaps the authors are expert in their own field but this book is poorly organized and I guess haphazardly written. I do not recommend this book unless you have nothing else to do.