Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hardcore Windows XP

Hardcore Windows XP: The Step-by-Step Guide to Ultimate Performance for all hardcore Windows XP users! If you’re a hardcore user, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Here you’ll learn how to enhance the performance of your computer by taking control of everything from screen savers to background applications to group policies. You’ll learn many of the tricks the pros know, too, including how to speed up the boot process, how to turn off unnecessary applications and services, and how to use built-in administrative tools like Event Viewer, just to name a few.
This book is for hardcore readers too. You don’t have to open and read the book from cover to cover. In fact, you should do just the opposite. Want to learn how to work remotely from home? Turn to Chapter 4. Want to find out how to take control of Service Pack 2? Chapter 5. Want to configure account lockout if a user has tried unsuccessfully to log on three or more times? Skip on over to Chapter 11. It’s all here—everything you need to know to work faster, smarter, and more securely.
Because the book is a reference manual and not a tome to be read sequentially, the book’s chapters are laid out a little differently than other books. In fact, each chapter is completely independent of the others. There is logic behind the madness, though, and the chapters are in a logical order. The book starts by showing how to personalize your user interface, moves on to describe how to tweak and enhance performance from the ground up, and continues through controlling the computer and its users with administrative tools and local security policies. So, if you want to do it all and take full advantage of what Windows XP has to offer, follow the chapters in the order in which they are presented; otherwise, skip around to your heart’s content.





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