Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Build Your Own Smart Home
From piping audio and video through the home to automatically watering the lawn, if you've got the inclination, there isn't anything that cannot be automated in your home. This complete, one-stop resource shows you how to plan and install Smart Home systems using clear, step-by-step instructions and illustrations. Discover projects for automating entertainment systems, home security systems, utilities, and more. Plus, get plenty of cost-saving tips and advice on outsourcing. Build Your Own Smart Home is the definitive, project-based guide to the skills, tools, and accessories you'll need to install and program professional-level Smart Home features in no time.
-Discover Smart Home advantages and assess needs, designs, and costs
-Integrate and automate your home entertainment components
-Set up lights with motion detectors, dimmers, and delays
-Put together a phone system with smart components, design, wiring, and configuration
-Automate kitchen and bathroom appliances
-Enable a smart garage, outdoor lighting, and a watering system
-Design, wire, and construct a smart security system
-Run your entire household like clockwork around the schedule of family members
-Tie everything together and Web-enable your home for remote monitoring and control