Jack Mattingly| ISBN-10 : 0079121969| ISBN-13 : 978-007912196| Pages : 960| PDF| 9MB
This text provides an introduction to the fundamentals of gas turbine engines and jet propulsion for aerospace or mechanical engineers. The book contains sufficient material for two sequential courses i propulsion (advanced fluid dynamics) an introductory course in jet propulsion and a gas turbine engine components course. The text is divided into four parts introduction to aircraft propulsion; basic concepts and one-dimensional/gas dynamics; analysis and performance of air breathing propulsion systems; and analysis and design of gas turbine engine components.
hi sir...
i am a student of mechanical engineering from IITD
i need the book
"Mattingly, J.D., “Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion”, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1996."
the download is showing some error....
if u have a copy of this book please send it to me on "abhinav023@gmail.com"
Updated with new link.
hi sir .. i need elements of gas turbine propulsion mcgraw hill by mattingly the download links are not working anymore can you please upload it again