PHP5 is the newest version of the preferred language for rapidly creating dynamic Web page content. While its main use is as a cross-platform, HTML-embedded, server-side Web scripting language, it now works equally well when creating multi-tiered applications or XML-based applications as well as Web applications. This book teaches you the features and functionality of PHP5, from installing and configuring it to designing and constructing complex data-driven Web sites.
As you proceed, you will build a number of fully functional applications. You’ll be introduced to basic programming logic, relational databases, OOP, PEAR, GTK, MSI, CLI, SQLite, and more. When you’re finished, you will understand how to create, test, debug, and put your applications to work in the real world.
What you will learn from this book
The fundamentals of object-oriented programming in PHP5
How to write PHP5 applications that run on Windows®, Linux®, Mac OS® X, and other operating systems
Why PHP5 works effectively in small to enterprise-level applications
Error handling with try/catch
Data manipulation in MySQL® using PHP
How to build practical applications such as an online text editor, a Web-based e-mail application, and an object-oriented contact manager application
Command-line scripting and GUI application development
Effective methods of maintaining and organizing your code, and more...