Friday, October 31, 2008

Biology (4 Vol.set)

Part of the Macmillan Science Library series, Biology serves students from middle school to the undergraduate level. It provides 432 signed entries on a broad range of topics pertaining to biology, including basic concepts (Antibody, Genetic code, Nervous systems, Wetlands); history of the science (Crick, Francis; History of medicine); related fields (Agronomist, Emergency medical technician); and issues (Environmental health, Genetic control and development) as well as topics of interest to young adults, such as smoking, birth control, alcohol, and STDs. Emphasis is on molecular genetics, human physiology, and biodiversity. The articles range in length from a few paragraphs to a few pages. They appear in alphabetical order, and each concludes with see also references as well as suggestions for further reading, including Web sites.
Helpful reference tools appear in the front matter of each volume, among them a geologic timescale, a metric conversion table, and diagrams of a typical plant and animal cell. Some 550 words appear in bold type in the text and are defined in the page margins as well as in a glossary. Each of the volumes contains a topic outline and index, and a cumulative index is found in volume 4.
The eye-pleasing layout features many colorful photographs and diagrams that will appeal to casual browsers, and the articles contain more than enough information to meet the needs of students. This informative set is highly recommended and would be a useful addition to a middle- or high-school library as well as a public library.



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