Sunday, November 30, 2008

LPN Notes: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide

Pocket-sized flip chart contains commonly used critical information, charts, graphs, formulas, conversions, and lab values, for safe and efficient nursing care. Pages are waterproof with write on/wipe off surface. Includes specialized assessments in mental health, gerontology, and pediatrics.


Beginning Java™ ME Platform

Have you thought about building games for your cell phone or other wireless devices? Whether you are a first–time wireless Java developer or an experienced professional, Beginning Java™ ME Platform brings exciting wireless and mobile Java application development right to your door and device!
Beginning Java™ ME Platform empowers you with the flexibility and power to start building Java applications for your Java–enabled mobile device or cell phone. The book covers sound HTTPS support, user interface API enhancements, the Mobile Media API, the Game API, 3D graphics, Bluetooth, and more.
Further, this book is easy to read and includes many practical, hands–on, and ready–to–use code examples.
What you’ll learn
Discover the various aspects of Java ME, including J2ME and CDC, with special attention paid to the up–and–coming JSRs that will be integrated with future Java ME releases, such as MJSP (JSR248 and JSR249).
Solidify your understanding of the Java platform and which parts of the platform are in various JSRs to help you select the appropriate market–supported platforms on which to deploy and port your applications
Explore the full life cycle of Java ME application development, from design to application obfuscation to signing for carrier validation and release.
Create multimedia and game applications from scratch using the Mobile Media API, Game API, and other APIs most suited for mobile Java–enabled devices and cell phones.
Work with the latest tools, including NetBeans 5.5 and the NetBeans Mobility Pack.
Who is this book for?
This book is written for developers with a minimum of J2SE experience interested in making the transition to Java ME. It assumes some previous programming experience, but no experience with mobile application development or carriers.


Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concept to Code

Updated with the latest changes to C#, Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concepts to Code introduces complete beginners to C# coding practice with a solid methodological foundation written by two critically–acclaimed experts in the field, already authors of the best–selling Beginning C# Objects.
By building from first principles in object–oriented terminology, then advancing through application design with UML into practical examples, Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concepts to Code provides a completely up–to–date foundational guide written from the perspective of two experienced, working authorities on C#.
Working coders will benefit from the object–oriented cast of the book and its section on use–case modeling. This is the book to read if you want to deepen and advance your existing professional development in C# with an eye towards advancing out of pure coding work.
For the reader wishing to “simply learn C#”, this book will provide exactly that. In addition to listing code and syntax, Beginning C# 2008 Objects: From Concepts to Code also walks you through the design and architecting of a functioning C# application, showing the “why” and the “how” of the development decisions that go into professional C# coding.


Intro To JavaScript

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 : Introduction to JavaScript Programming
Chapter 2 : JavaScript Syntax
Chapter 3 : Basic Programming Constructs
Chapter 4 : Objects, Events, and the Document Object Model
Chapter 5: Alerts, Propts, and Confirms
Chapter 6 : Form Validation
Chapter 7 : Mouse Over Effects
Chapter 8 : Pop - Up Windows


Circuit Analysis Demystified

In the first part of the book, you'll learn the fundamentals such as voltage and current theorems, Thevenin and Norton's theorems, op amp circuits, capacitance and inductance, and phasor analysis of circuits. Then you'll move on to more advanced topics including Laplace transforms, three-phase circuits, filters, Bode plots, and characterization of circuit stability. Featuring end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam, this book will have you in a steady state when it comes to circuit analysis in no time at all.


Aerodynamics for Engineering Students 5th ed.

This volume is intended for students of engineering on courses or programmes of study to graduate level. The sequence of subject development in this edition commences with definitions and concepts and goes on to cover incompressible flow, low speed aerofoil and wing theory, compressible flow, high speed wing theory, viscous flow, boundary layers, transition and turbulence, wing design, propellers and propulsion.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tricks Of The Ebay Masters

Take the mystery out of eBay and the enviable PowerSellers. Tricks of the eBay Masters, Second Edition is full of advice and over 600 tricks from expert eBay users. They learned by doing and are now going to pass on their wisdom to you. Find out how to jazz up your auction listings with HTML, how to increase buyer traffic through key words and how to use photos to increase your selling potential. You'll even get tips on where to find items to sell, how to pack your items better and how to ship cheaply. Also find out what not to do as the experts give you examples of mistakes they made early in their eBay careers and how not to repeat them. Increase your auction income and successful bidding through Tricks of the eBay Masters, Second Edition.


Begging Red Hat Linux 9

This book guides you through that difficult time that comes just after you've installed a new operating system, by giving you the confidence to open your wings and fly with it. We'll take you through the installation, we'll get you working, and by the end of the book you'll have a well-configured, stable, secure operating system and a world of possibilities.


The Avionics Handbook

Avionics provide crews and passengers with an array of capabilities. Cockpit crews can operate with fewer pilots, greater efficiency, and immediate critical information. Passengers can enjoy the ultimate in inflight entertainment: live television and audio broadcasts and access to the Internet and e-mail.Since avionics are the among most expensive items on an aircraft, designers are continually challenged to produce cost-effective, highly reliable hardware. Whether you are a working engineer or a manager, you need a source you can refer to for the latest information on any aspect of avionics.The Avionics Handbook presents complete coverage of the field, from the building blocks of a typical system through the process used in designing, building, and testing modern military and civil aircraft avionics systems. It includes examples from emerging technologies, such as pilot-aircraft speech interaction and synthetic vision. With contributions from top practitioners in the field, this volume presents a complete overview of avionics to give you the knowledge you need to approach any problem.


8080-8085 Assembly Language Programming (Intel)


Chapter 5 : MACROS
Chapter 7 : INTERRUPTS


Analog VLSI Design Automation

Contents :

1. Analog VLSI Design Automation
2. System - Level Design Automation
3. Circuit Level Synthsis
4. Layout - Level Design Automation
5. Design Automation Case Studies
6. Conclusion and Future Directions

Appendix A CMOS Spice Models.


Financial Management: An Introduction

This first year text looks at the subject of financial management from a UK academic point-of-view. Financial Managementis perfect for the non-finance student.


McGraw-Hill's SAT, 2009 Ed.

Christopher Black, Mark Anestis "McGraw-Hill's SAT, 2009 Ed."
McGraw-Hill | 2008-06-10 | ISBN: 0071592288 | 864 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB


Foundation Rails 2

Foundation Rails 2 takes you through your first steps in Rails, explaining in plain English how to start building dynamic web applications. And there's never been a better time to jump in to the Rails world, as the release of Rails 2 is a major evolutionary leap forward from previous versions.
Unlike other Rails books, this book doesn't throw you into the deep end right away in the hopes that you'll learn to swim. Instead, we'll start out with the basics and continually expand your knowledge until, by the end of the book, we're building a Rails application with dynamic features such as user registration, geocoding, filtering results with AJAX, RSS feeds, and an XML interface. Meanwhile, we'll talk about the important issues that other books often leave out such as testing your application's code, securing your application from hackers, optimizing your code for the best performance, and of course, deploying your application.
This book takes a focused approach to guiding you through understanding how the pieces of Rails work individually and how they fit together. Instead of emphasizing boring theoretical discussions, Foundation Rails 2 lets you get your hands dirty with the framework and learn the hows and whys of Rails faster than ever.
We start with a tour of what makes Rails special and why you need to learn it, move into a gentle introduction to the high points of programming in Ruby, and then take a tour of a sample Rails application. Next, we dig deeper into the core components of Rails before building a complete Rails application together. By the end of this book, not only will you know how to build Rails applications but you'll understand the reasons behind what you do.


OCP Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-050)

A Fully Integrated Study System for OCP Exam 1Z0-050
Prepare for the Oracle Certified Professional Oracle Database 11g New Features for Administrators exam with help from this exclusive Oracle Press guide. In each chapter, you'll find challenging exercises, practice questions, a two-minute drill, and a chapter summary to highlight what you've learned. This authoritative guide will help you pass the test, and serve as your essential on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all OCP objectives for exam 1Z0-050, including:
Installation and upgrades
Partitioning and storage
Intelligent infrastructure
Diagnostics and fault management
Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Flashback
Oracle SQL Performance Analyzer
SQL plan management
Automatic SQL tuning


Maximize Your Brainpower: 1000 New Ways To Boost Your Mental Fitness

Improve your mental well-being with this book of brand new mental tests in the IQ Workout Series...
Despite the enormous capacity of the human brain, we only utilise on average two per cent of our potential brainpower. There is, therefore, the potential for each of us to considerably expand our brainpower.
Maximise Your Brainpower provides readers with a series of mental workouts covering areas of creative thinking, problem solving, memory, logical thought, mental agility and intelligence. Chapters are each designed to exercise a different kind of brain activity, with a series of newly compiled exercises, puzzles and tests.
Use this and other books in The IQ Workout Series as a fun and informative way of testing, assessing, and expanding your brainpower!
Ken Russell and Philip Carter are MENSA Puzzle Editors and have compiled nearly 100 books on all aspects of testing, puzzles and crosswords.
A hints section is provided for the more difficult tests and puzzles.
Answers together with detailed explanations, where necessary, are provided for all puzzles and tests.
A guide to assessing performance is provided for each of the IQ tests in the Intelligence Test section, and for tests in other sections where appropriate.


Oracle CRM On Demand Reporting (Osborne Oracle Press)

Plan, build, and distribute data-rich business intelligence reports with ease. Oracle CRM On Demand Reporting details the entire report-building process and explains how to use the powerful features available in Answers On Demand to create and share comprehensive, integrated reports. The book includes proven strategies for report design and development, real-world examples, formatting tips, advanced reporting techniques, and sample formulas. Convert disparate corporate data into actionable business intelligence with help from this detailed guide.


Oracle 10g Administration II


1 Introduction
2 Using Globalization Support
3 Controlling Access to the Oracle Listener
4 Configuring Recovery Manager
5 Using Recovery Manager
6 Diagnostic Sources
7 Recovering from Noncritical Losses
8 Database Recovery
9 Flashback Database
10 Recovering from User Errors
11 Dealing with Database Corruption
12 Automatic Management
13 Monitoring and Managing Storage
14 Automatic Storage Management
15 Monitoring and Managing Memory
16 Managing Resources
17 Automating Tasks with the Scheduler
18 Workshop
Appendix A: Solutions
Appendix B: Basic Linux and vi Commands
Appendix C: Acronyms and Terms


Test Your IQ: 400 Questions to Boost Your Brainpower

These mental workouts include demanding word games, mathematical bell-ringers, prefix puzzlers, and algebraic twisters guaranteed to rile your brain, and make you feel like a genius when you get the right answer.


IQ and Aptitude Tests

IQ and Aptitude Tests contains 400 brand new practice questions together with answers, explanations, and a guide to assessing performance. The questions are organized into four IQ tests together with verbal, spatial, and numerical aptitude tests. These include tests of word meanings, grammar and comprehension, advanced verbal aptitude, logical analysis, mental arithmetic, numerical sequences, and number problems. Aptitude tests and IQ tests are increasingly encountered in recruitment, selection, and assessment procedures. This book is especially valuable to those who are faced with an aptitude or IQ test, and it will also help anyone improve their verbal, numerical, and reasoning skills.


Succeed at IQ Tests: Improve Your Numerical, Verbal and Spatial Reasoning Skills

IQ tests are a common feature of both the educational system and recruitment and selection procedures. Practicing the different types of tests can improve one's verbal, numerical, and spatial reasoning skills, boost confidence and improve IQ rating. Succeed at IQ Tests contains 400 questions, typical of those likely to appear in actual IQ tests. The questions are organized into 10 timed tests of 40 questions each. Each test includes a guide for scoring the results. In addition to providing practice for IQ test candidates, Succeed at IQ Tests provides readers with plenty of opportunity to exercise their minds for entertainment.


Biochemistry (3rd Edition) by Christopher K. Mathews Kensal E. van Holde Kevin G. Ahern

Biochemistry,Third Edition merges a classical organization and presentation with contemporary insight, information, and technology, to make modern biochemistry interesting and accessible to today's students. Thoroughly updated to include the latest information, perspectives, and experimental techniques, the text is now supported by integrated media resources designed by the co-author Kevin Ahern. Together, the text and media resources provide students and instructors with a doorway to the vast world of biochemistry that is continuously evolving and which greatly exceeds what could be covered in a conventional textbook alone. As in previous editions, the authors introduce nucleic acid structure early (to clarify presentations of protein structure and function), emphasize the experimental roots of biochemistry (past and present), continually emphasize the energy relationships in biochemistry, and take a stepwise approach to complex metabolic pathways. The result is a thorough grounding in biology at the atomic/molecular level. The explosive growth of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology makes this approach particularly relevant for today's life science students.


Biochemistry (Saunders Golden Sunburst Series)

Intended for the one- or two-term introductory biochemistry course taught at the junior/senior level, this beautifully and consistently illustrated text gives science majors the most current presentation of biochemistry available. Written by a chemist and a biologist, the book presents biochemistry from balanced perspectives.


Hacking Exposed 5th Edition

If you are a computer professional with an eye to the publishing world, you’re probably familiar with a big red book called Hacking Exposed. This bold book with its bold title often appears at the end of the aisle or in other easy-to-reach locations. The reason for all the attention -- and brisk sales -- is that this book really is different. For almost any computer book, you can find a clone. But not this one. Hacking Exposed is a one-of-a-kind study of the art of breaking in. The authors, a trio of security consultants for Foundstone, Inc., take the reader through a spectrum of intrusion tools and strategies. One of the biggest problems with security books is that, when you take out the OS configuration steps, most books offer little more than mundane pronouncements and recycled rules of thumb. Hacking Exposed is one of those rare books that actually show the reader how to think like an intruder. You’ll see the whole picture of the intrusion process from the top--a broad look at the phases of a network attack--to the bottom--examples of obscure Unix commands and discussions of specific hacking tools. And along the way, you’ll pick up valuable insights on how hackers think and how you can protect your network by thinking like a hacker. Hacking Exposed is also an impressive catalog of intrusion tools. You’ll find concise discussions of many tools, including information on how to obtain the tool and how to tell if the tool is currently deployed against you on your network. You’ll also find discussions of well known and lesser known attack methods, such as Trojan horses, buffer overflows, log doctoring, session hijacking, and SSL fraud. Hacking Exposed is divided into four parts. The first part, "Casing the Establishment," describes the footprinting, scanning, and enumeration phases, in which the intruder compiles a detailed map of the target network, including IP addresses, open ports, and relevant network resources. Part II, "System Hacking," describes specific techniques for hacking Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Novell NetWare, and Unix systems. (Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.) Part III, "Network Hacking," examines topics such as default passwords, SNMP, firewalls, denial of service, and dial-up attacks. Part IV, "Software Hacking," covers remote control vulnerabilities, Web hacking, and several advanced techniques, such as tricks with root kits and imaging tools. The best part of Hacking Exposed is the details. How many security books have you read that told you to beware of Trojan horses and then didn’t offer any specifics on what Trojan horses are out there and what to do about them? Hacking Exposed names at least a dozen specific Trojan horse programs currently operating on Windows, NetWare, and Unix systems. You’ll even find screen captures, URLs, and detection tips for each of the Trojans. This book shows clearly why you can’t assume anything is secure. You’ll learn tricks for compromising "secure" channel protocols such as SSL, IPSec, and PPTP. The details on Windows hacks are a particularly useful part of the book. You’ll learn about Registry hacks, remote access exploits, port redirection, and privilege escalation in Windows. If you ever felt inclined to believe Microsoft’s official version of Windows security, you’ll be interested in what the authors have to say about disabling auditing, clearing the Event Log, and hiding NTFS file resources. As one who has worked with computer books for many years, I can only imagine that Hacking Exposed must have evoked some secret envy from other publishers. This same book has been planned many times in many conference rooms throughout the publishing world, but in the end, it always comes down to the authors. You need creative and experienced authors with lots of energy to deliver this kind of detail and vision. If you spend enough time with Hacking Exposed, you could probably learn enough to start hacking networks yourself, although anyone else who has the book could probably learn enough to stop you. The fact is, if you really want to protect your network, you’ll need more information than any one book can hold. But if you want a head start on keeping your network safe, make sure Hacking Exposed is on your bookshelf. (Unix Review ) --This text refers to the Paperback edition.


Friday, November 28, 2008

C# E-book Collection

Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers ( 15 th Edition )

The Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers has served the EE field for nearly a century. Originally published in 1907, through 14 previous editions it has been a required resource for students and professionals. This new 15th edition features new material focusing on power generation and power systems operation – two longstanding strengths of the handbook that have recently become front-burner technology issues. At the same time, the entire format of the handbook will be streamlined, removing archaic sections and providing a quick, easy look-up experience



Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (Second Edition)

This book is geared toward two broad audiences. Technical managers responsible for planning, designing, and supporting Visual Basic applications should read it with a view to understanding what they can and can't expect from the teams they are or will be managing and what capabilities Visual Basic 6 has. Developers responsible for designing, programming, and implementing Visual Basic applications within the corporate arena should study it to find out how other experts handle the common, yet often complex and frustrating, problems they are likely to encounter


C++ Programming Books Collection

How Not To Program In C++ (2003).chm
Exceptional C++ Style - 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And Solutions (2004).chm
Exceptional C++ - 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And Solutions (1999).chm
Effective C++, 3rd Edition (2005).chm
Creating Games In C++ - A Step By Step Guide (2006).chm
C++ Templates - The Complete Guide (2002).chm
C++ Primer, 4th Edition (2005).chm
C++ In A Nutshell (2003).chm
C++ Cookbook (2005).chm
C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines, And Best Practices (2004).chm
C-C++ Programmer's Reference, 3rd Edition (2003).chm
Beyond The C++ Standard Library - An Introduction To Boost (2005).chm


Practical C# Charts and Graphics

This book provides everything you need to create advanced charts and graphics in your .NET applications. It shows you how to create a variety of graphics and charts that range from simple two-dimensional (2D) X-Y plots to complicated three-dimensional (3D) surface graphs using managed C# code. The author introduces readers to the C# graphics program in a simple way - simple enough to be easily followed by C# beginners who have never had experience in developing C# graphics and chart applications. You can learn from this book how to create a full range of color graphics applications and how to use C# controls to create impressive graphic and chart effects without having to buy expensive third-party add-on products.


Physics of Black Holes: A Guided Tour

Black Holes are still considered to be among the most mysterious and fascinating objects in our universe. Awaiting the era of gravitational astronomy, much progress in theoretical modeling and understanding of classical and quantum black holes has already been achieved.

The present volume serves as a tutorial, high-level guided tour through the black-hole landscape: information paradox and blackhole thermodynamics, numerical simulations of black-hole formation and collisions, braneworld scenarios and stability of black holes with respect to perturbations are treated in great detail, as is their possible occurrence at the LHC.

An outgrowth of a topical and tutorial summer school, this extensive set of carefully edited notes has been set up with the aim of constituting an advanced-level, multi-authored textbook which meets the needs of both postgraduate students and young researchers in the fields of modern cosmology, astrophysics and (quantum) field theory.


Graphics Programming with GDI+

GDI+ is a part of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that provides graphics, imaging, and typography functionality. It is a successor to GDI, the Graphics Device Interface included in previous versions of Windows. It improves on GDI in a number of ways, both by adding new features and by optimizing existing features. There is little documentation available on GDI+, and only two books available on it, both of which are written at a very introductory level. This book teaches .NET developers how to work with GDI+ as they develop applications that include graphics, or that interact with monitors or printers. It begins by explaining the difference between GDI and GDI+, and covering the basic concepts of graphics programming in Windows. It goes on to show the relationship between GDI+ and .NET. Chand then quickly moves to more advanced topics. The chapters start with simple code samples, and then move on to more complex real world applications. The author keeps a practical focus throughout, while teaching the entire GDI+ API defined in the .NET framework class library. All code samples in the book will be in C#. The companion Web site will have the code samples in both C# and Visual Basic .NET.


SAS Graphics for Java: Examples Using SAS AppDev Studio and the Output Delivery System

Jump-start your SAS graph skills! Here, in one convenient source, is all the information you need to create your own SAS graphs. This example-rich reference familiarizes you with custom tags in SAS AppDev Studio and shows you how to use ODS statements and the Java Device Driver to create graphs. Written for programmers at all experience levels, this dynamic book focuses on the attributes, parameters, and options that make graphs convey what you really want them to convey. It also provides SAS/GRAPH samples and WORK data sets. This text is suited for programmers who already know how to use SAS AppDev Studio to create and deploy a JSP or servlet application. A basic level of SAS ODS programming knowledge is required.


Graphics Programming with Perl by Martien Verbruggen

A reference and introduction to graphics programming with Perl and Perl modules that includes simple graphics recipes and techniques for designing flexible graphics software.


SQL: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE 3/E (Beginner's Guide (Osborne Mcgraw Hill))

Written to the SQL:2006 ANSI/ISO standard, this easy-to-follow guide will get you started programming in SQL right away. You will learn how to retrieve, insert, update, and delete database data, and perform management and administrative functions. SQL: A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition covers new features, including SQL/XML, and is loaded with updated SQL examples along with notes on using them with the latest RDBMS software versions such as MySQL 5.0, SQL Server 2008, and Oracle Database 11g.

Designed for Easy Learning:

Key Skills & Concepts--Lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
Ask the Experts--Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
Try This--Hands-on exercises that show how to apply your skills
Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered
Self-Tests--Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge
Annotated Syntax--Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated


Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics

This new streamlined text offers a one-semester treatment of the essentials of how the fission nuclear reactor works, the various approaches to the design of reactors, and their safe and efficient operation. The book includes numerous worked-out examples and end-of-chapter questions to help reinforce the knowledge presented.

This textbook offers an engineering-oriented introduction to nuclear physics, with a particular focus on how those physics are put to work in the service of generating nuclear-based power, particularly the importance of neutron reactions and neutron behavior. Engineering students will find this applications-oriented approach, with many worked-out examples, more accessible and more meaningful as they aspire to become future nuclear engineers.

· A clear, general overview of atomic physics from the standpoint of reactor functionality and design, including the sequence of fission reactions and their energy release
· In-depth discussion of neutron reactions, including neutron kinetics and the neutron energy spectrum, as well as neutron spatial distribution
· Ample worked-out examples and over 100 end-of-chapter problems


Thursday, November 27, 2008

330 Java Tips

Code Examples
Databases & beans
Distributed systems
File Systems - I
File Systems II
Graphics, AWT, Swing-I
Graphics, AWT, Swing-II
General Java - I
General Java -II
General Java -III
General Java -IV
General Java -V
Java Hardware
Job, fun...
OSs & Java
Servlets & Servers
Sound & Multimedia
String, text, numbers, I/O- I
String, text, numbers, I/O- II
About Book
About Author


Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and Applications

The goal of Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) is to provide seamless access to GSM and GPRS mobile service networks via unlicensed spectrum technologies, including Bluetooth, WiMAX, and Wi-Fi. Expanding on the level of knowledge in this growing field, Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards, and Applications presents the first complete cross-referenced resource exploring UMA and UMA-relevant technologies.

When operating successfully, the technology supporting dual-mode enabled mobile terminals allows subscribers to roam freely and seamlessly between cellular networks. However, various technical challenges still occasionally impede clear communication. This book explores the complex issue of mobility management and emphasizes the need for intelligently designed vertical and horizontal handoff algorithms that will improve adaptability in heterogeneous wireless environments. In addition, it reviews the various strategies to guarantee Quality-of- Service (QoS) during movement and handoff.

The first chapters introduce the basic technology of these systems and discuss QoS, resource management, mobility management, and security issues in UMA technology. The middle section concentrates on protocols and security challenges in UMA-related technologies, which include Bluetooth, WirelessPAN, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) and WiMAX (IEEE 802.16). The final chapters present standard specifications and various applications.
Comprised of contributions from world-wide experts, this book is a complete reference, offering guidance on all aspects of the technical and practical issues in UMA technology.


Leading IT Projects: The IT Manager's Guide

Senior level IT managers are responsible for a wide variety of development projects. For the most part, these individual projects are handled by project managers. However, IT managers must be conversant in the field of project management. Additionally, they must understand the dynamics of managing the project manager and be familiar with the skill sets.

Leading IT Projects: The IT Manager¡¯s Guide provides a detailed roadmap for project success. The book provides information on the technical aspects of project management and also focuses on the human side of project management¡ªleadership skills, team building, and promoting creativity. Overall, it facilitates an extensive understanding of the planning, monitoring, and control of the people, process, and events that occur as a computer system evolves from preliminary concept to operational implementation.
Using ready-to-use forms and templates, this valuable resource enables you to increase productivity and ensures thatprojects come in on time and within budget.


Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance

While emerging information and internet ubiquitous technologies provide tremendous positive opportunities, there are still numerous vulnerabilities associated with technology. Attacks on computer systems are increasing in sophistication and potential devastation more than ever before. As such, organizations need to stay abreast of the latest protective measures and services to prevent cyber attacks.

The Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance offers comprehensive definitions and explanations on topics such as firewalls, information warfare, encryption standards, and social and ethical concerns in enterprise security. Edited by scholars in information science, this reference provides tools to combat the growing risk associated with technology.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

VLSI for Wireless Communication

For advanced undergraduate/graduate courses in Microwave Circuits and Devices and VLSI Design.This unique and comprehensive text delivers a unified treatment of both system and circuit concepts, and details how to design gigahertz-speed radio frequency integrated circuits from a system perspective. Throughout the text, underlying circuit theories are provided in detail to complement simulation results, along with complete design case studies of each circuit block, down to transistor level.


Rapidshare E-Books Collections_1

Sams Teach-Yourself wpf in 24 hours

Python for unix and linux system administration

Robust intelligent systems

Ubuntu kf

pro sql server 2008 xml

Scheduling in distributed computing systems analysis design and models

Open gl-r-es-2-0-programming guide

The neuroprocessor an integrated interface to biological neural networks

web 2.0 the business model

Design concepts in programming languages

Mobile and wireless networks security proceedings of the mwns 2008 workshop singapore

Microprocessor theory and applications with 68000-68020 and pentium

Sketching user experiences getting the design right and the right design interactive technologies

Official isc-2 guide to the CISSP

Security of e-systems and computer networks

Co-operative control of distributed multi-agent systems

Migrating to ipv6 a practical guide to implementing ipv6 in mobile and fixed networks

Analog Circuits World Class Designs

The Ultimate IQ Test Book 1000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power

Professional IIS

Manage software testing

Evolutionary scheduling studies in computational intelligence

Complete wireless design

Visual thinking for design morgan kaufmann series in interactive technologies

Java concepts for java 5 and 6

Wireless sensor and actuator networks technologies analysis and design

Intermediate business programming with c

Ipv6 second edition theory protocol and practice 2nd edition the morgan kaufmann series in networking

Algorithmic architecture

Control techniques for complex networks

Beginning php from novice to professional

Effective methods for software testing

Microsoft visual c 2008 express edition build a program now pro developer

Beginning ubuntu linux third edition beginning from novice to professional

Soa in practice the art of distributed system design theory in practice

The project managers toolkit computer weekly professional

Distributed and parallel systems in focus desktop grid computing

Beginning ubuntu server administration from novice to professional experts voice

Digital signal processing system design second edition lab view based hybrid programming

Learning asp net 3.5

Learning the vi and vim editors

Programming net 3.5

Mobile wimax wiley

How to prepare a business plan business enterprise

High performance mysql optimization backups replication and more

Learning perl 5th edition

Reconfigurable computing the theory and practice of fpga based computation systems on silicon

The developers guide to debugging

New algorithms architectures and applications for reconfigurable computing

How to think about algorithms

GRE Material

Nessus network auditing second edition

Mastering vmware infrastructure

Network models and optimization multiobjective genetic algorithm approach decision engineering

Applied software measurement

Digital storage in consumer electronics the essential guide embedded technology

Software development for embedded multi core systems a practical guide using embedded intel architecture

Ace the it resume

Algorithms on strings

Mastering active directory for windows server 2008

Distributed computing principles algorithms and systems

nmap in the enterprise your guide to network scanning

Net domain driven design with c problem design solution programmer to programmer

The art of multiprocessor programming

Herb schildts c programming cookbook

Ivor hortons beginning visual c# 2008

Pro wf windows workflow in net 3.5

Networked control systems theory and applications

Encyclopedia of algorithms

Intrusion detection systems advances in information security

Global ipv6 strategies from business analysis to operational planning network business

Php and mysql create modify reuse

Network infrastructure and architecture designing high availability networks

Linux command line and shell scripting bible

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The making of information systems software engineering and management in a globalized world

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An introduction to gcc

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Parallel port complete programming interfacing using the pcs parallel printer port

Serial port complete com ports usb virtual com ports and ports for embedded systems complete guides

Building telephony systems with asterisk

Asterisk hacking

Asterisk the future of telephony

CMMI distilled a practical introduction to integrated process improvement 3rd-edition

Practical tcp-ip and ethernet networking for industry practical professional books

Administering windows server 2008 server core

Microsoft windows server 2008 the complete reference

Java pocket guide

Illustrated c 2008 windows net

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