Biochemistry,Third Edition merges a classical organization and presentation with contemporary insight, information, and technology, to make modern biochemistry interesting and accessible to today's students. Thoroughly updated to include the latest information, perspectives, and experimental techniques, the text is now supported by integrated media resources designed by the co-author Kevin Ahern. Together, the text and media resources provide students and instructors with a doorway to the vast world of biochemistry that is continuously evolving and which greatly exceeds what could be covered in a conventional textbook alone. As in previous editions, the authors introduce nucleic acid structure early (to clarify presentations of protein structure and function), emphasize the experimental roots of biochemistry (past and present), continually emphasize the energy relationships in biochemistry, and take a stepwise approach to complex metabolic pathways. The result is a thorough grounding in biology at the atomic/molecular level. The explosive growth of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology makes this approach particularly relevant for today's life science students.