Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rapidshare E-Books Collections_1

Sams Teach-Yourself wpf in 24 hours

Python for unix and linux system administration

Robust intelligent systems

Ubuntu kf

pro sql server 2008 xml

Scheduling in distributed computing systems analysis design and models

Open gl-r-es-2-0-programming guide

The neuroprocessor an integrated interface to biological neural networks

web 2.0 the business model

Design concepts in programming languages

Mobile and wireless networks security proceedings of the mwns 2008 workshop singapore

Microprocessor theory and applications with 68000-68020 and pentium

Sketching user experiences getting the design right and the right design interactive technologies

Official isc-2 guide to the CISSP

Security of e-systems and computer networks

Co-operative control of distributed multi-agent systems

Migrating to ipv6 a practical guide to implementing ipv6 in mobile and fixed networks

Analog Circuits World Class Designs

The Ultimate IQ Test Book 1000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brain Power

Professional IIS

Manage software testing

Evolutionary scheduling studies in computational intelligence

Complete wireless design

Visual thinking for design morgan kaufmann series in interactive technologies

Java concepts for java 5 and 6

Wireless sensor and actuator networks technologies analysis and design

Intermediate business programming with c

Ipv6 second edition theory protocol and practice 2nd edition the morgan kaufmann series in networking

Algorithmic architecture

Control techniques for complex networks

Beginning php from novice to professional

Effective methods for software testing

Microsoft visual c 2008 express edition build a program now pro developer

Beginning ubuntu linux third edition beginning from novice to professional

Soa in practice the art of distributed system design theory in practice

The project managers toolkit computer weekly professional

Distributed and parallel systems in focus desktop grid computing

Beginning ubuntu server administration from novice to professional experts voice

Digital signal processing system design second edition lab view based hybrid programming

Learning asp net 3.5

Learning the vi and vim editors

Programming net 3.5

Mobile wimax wiley

How to prepare a business plan business enterprise

High performance mysql optimization backups replication and more

Learning perl 5th edition

Reconfigurable computing the theory and practice of fpga based computation systems on silicon

The developers guide to debugging

New algorithms architectures and applications for reconfigurable computing

How to think about algorithms

GRE Material

Nessus network auditing second edition

Mastering vmware infrastructure

Network models and optimization multiobjective genetic algorithm approach decision engineering

Applied software measurement

Digital storage in consumer electronics the essential guide embedded technology

Software development for embedded multi core systems a practical guide using embedded intel architecture

Ace the it resume

Algorithms on strings

Mastering active directory for windows server 2008

Distributed computing principles algorithms and systems

nmap in the enterprise your guide to network scanning

Net domain driven design with c problem design solution programmer to programmer

The art of multiprocessor programming

Herb schildts c programming cookbook

Ivor hortons beginning visual c# 2008

Pro wf windows workflow in net 3.5

Networked control systems theory and applications

Encyclopedia of algorithms

Intrusion detection systems advances in information security

Global ipv6 strategies from business analysis to operational planning network business

Php and mysql create modify reuse

Network infrastructure and architecture designing high availability networks

Linux command line and shell scripting bible

Algorithms and data structures the basic toolbox

Advances in evolutionary computing for system design studies in computational intelligence

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The making of information systems software engineering and management in a globalized world

The microsoft expression web developers guide to asp net 3.5 learn to create applications

An introduction to gcc

Data analysis machine learning and applications proceedings

Microsoft expression design on demand

Systems engineering with sysml uml modeling analysis design the omg press

Parallel port complete programming interfacing using the pcs parallel printer port

Serial port complete com ports usb virtual com ports and ports for embedded systems complete guides

Building telephony systems with asterisk

Asterisk hacking

Asterisk the future of telephony

CMMI distilled a practical introduction to integrated process improvement 3rd-edition

Practical tcp-ip and ethernet networking for industry practical professional books

Administering windows server 2008 server core

Microsoft windows server 2008 the complete reference

Java pocket guide

Illustrated c 2008 windows net

Linux networking cookbook

The art of agile development

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X-power tools

ASP.NET 3.5 unleashed

Microsoft ajax library essentials client side ajax 1.0 explained

Object oriented construction handbook

CISSP Certified information systems security professional study guide

Essential silverlight

Programming indigo

Microsoft mobile development handbook

Silverlight 1.0 unleashed

Programming ajax build rich web 2.0 style with ajax

C 3.0 in a nutshell a desktop quick reference

Interconnecting cisco network devices part-2 icnd2 ccna exam 640-802 and icnd exam 640-816 3rd-edition

Interconnecting cisco network devices part-1 icnd1 ccna exam 640-802 and icnd1 exam 640-822 2nd-edition

Beginning c# 2008 databases from novice to professional

Silverlight and revealed

Silverlight 1.0

C# 3.0 cookbook

Emerging technologies in wireless lans theory design and deployment cambridge concise histories

Character recognition systems a guide for students and practitioners

Router security strategies securing ip-network traffic planes networking technology security

Signal processing for wireless communications

Application acceleration and wan-optimization fundamentals

Gray hat hacking second edition

Quantum computing explained

Programming C# 3.0

C# 3.0 design patterns

Embedded multiprocessors scheduling and synchronization signal processing

Professional python frameworks web 2.0 programming with django and turbogears programmer to programmer

Todd lammles ccna ios-commands survival guide

Bluetooth essentials for programmers

Introduction to computer graphics using java 2d and 3d undergraduate topics in computer science

Professional IIS-7 and integrated programming

Router security strategies securing ip-network traffic planes networking technology security

Compiler construction

Computing for numerical methods using visual C#

Architecture of a database system

Open source fuzzing tools

Software evolution

Linux system programming talking directly to the kernel and C library

CWNA certified wireless network administrator official study guide exam fourth edition

Mobile 3d graphics with opengl es and m3g the morgan kaufmann series in computer graphics

Programming ajax build rich web 2.0 style ui with ajax

Advanced software engineering expanding the frontiers of software technology

Digital privacy theory technologies and practices

Mobile multimedia communications concepts applications and challenges premier reference source

Fundamentals of computer organization and design

The compiler design handbook optimizations and machine code generation second edition

Academic Press The Electrical Engineering Handbook

A broad Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer

Basic Electronics

Charge Transport in Electronics

Circuits and Electronics

Consumer Electronics Lifestyle 2006

DOSCH 3D Electronics Volume 1

Electronics workbench

Everyday Practical Electronics May 2007

Elektor May 07

Elektor Apr 07

Elektor Electronics May 2007

Electrical Installation Calculation intensity 1

Electrical Installation Calculation intensity 2

Elektor Electronics June 2007

Electronics Smart Antenna Systems

Electrical Encyclopedia of Electronics Circuits

Electrical Engineering Dictionary

Elektor Electronics July August 2007

Electronics Technician Volume 4 Radar systems eBooks

Electrical Wiring

Everyday Pratical Electronics August 2007

EGM July 2007

Electronics for Dummies

Teach yourself Electricity Electronics

Electronics projects for Dummies

Electrical Wiring Supplement

Electronics Theory Problems of Basic Circuits Analysis

Electronics Digital Animation Scripture Creating Professional Animation with 3d

Everyday Practical Electronics Sept 2007

Elektor Electronics Worldwide Magazine Nov 2007

Electronics Projects for Dummies

Electrical Distribution Engineering

Fundamentals of Power Electronics

Institution of Electrical Engineers Telecommunications

Institution of Electrical Engineers Telecommunications Network Modeling

Industrial Electronics for Engineers

Introduction to Medical Electronics Applications

Interactive Power Electronics Seminar

Low Power Electronics Design

Managing Power Electronics

McGrawill Hill inform yourself Electricity Electronics

Modern Dictionary of Electronics 7th edition

Military and Aerospace Electronics Magazine Oct 2006

McGraw Hill Electronics Demystified

New Electronics 2007

New Electronics Jan 23, 2007

Nomad Electronics Pocket Stars xscale

Newnes Starting Electronics 3rd edition

New Electronics March 27, 2007

Newnes Electrical Engineers Handbook

Practical Guide to the Packaging of Electronics eBook

Power Electronics Slides

Principles of Electrical Measurement

Power Electronics Devices Drivers Applications and Passive Components

RRM Electrical

Radio Electronics cookbook

Six Sigma For Electronics Design and Manufacturing

Solution Manual Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits 3rd Edition

Spin Electronics

Teach Yourself Electricity Electronics

The Electrical Engineering Handbook

Understanding Telephone Electronics 4th edition

Understanding Automotive Electronics Newnes

US Navy Electronics Technician Courses

Understanding Telephone Electronics 4th Edition

Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications


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