Saturday, December 20, 2008

Guide to Internet Job Searching 2008-2009

While the Web is loaded with priceless information and resources for job hunters, finding exactly what you need for an efficient job search can be tough. The bestselling Guide to Internet Job Searching arms you with the tools and knowledge to find the job of your dreams and avoid surfing the Internet aimlessly.
Career search experts Margaret Riley Dikel and Frances Roehm will guide you through an efficient and successful job hunt-no matter how much experience you have using the Internet. With their proven advice, you'll be able to:
Find dream jobs in every industry, at every level, locally and around the world
Research potential employers
Identify the biggest employment growth areas and regions
Avoid time-consuming false starts and dead ends
Get to know the best job-listing and recruiting websites
Compose sure-fire online resumes and cover letters



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