The Book for Electricians Who Need the Right Answer NOW! Here's the one on-site reference electricians can't afford to be without!
Electricians' Instant Answers provides all the information you need to solve just about any electrical procedure problem - quickly, effectively, and economically. Packed with calculations, tips, fast facts, charts, tables, and photographs, Electrician's Instant Answers features just enough text to get the job done right, without wasting your time. Electricians and electrical contractors can turn to Electrician's Instant Answers for expert, easy-to-understand coverage of:
* Appropriate codes related to calculation methods
* Basic tools and techniques
* Services, feeders, and branch circuits
* Wiring methods
* New construction
* Wiring of existing buildings
* Electrical terminations
* Underground circuits for outlaying loads
* Communications
* Troubleshooting
* Safety and first aid