Saturday, February 14, 2009

Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2 Ed.

Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, John R. Buck, "Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2 Ed."
Prentice Hall | 1999-02-15 | ISBN: 0137549202 | 870 pages | PDF | 7,1 MB

This is the standard text for introductory advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate level courses in signal processing. The text gives a coherent and exhaustive treatment of discrete-time linear systems, sampling, filtering and filter design, reconstruction, the discrete-time Fourier and z-transforms, Fourier analysis of signals, the fast Fourier transform, and spectral estimation. The author develops the basic theory independently for each of the transform domains and provides illustrative examples throughout to aid the reader. Discussions of applications in the areas of speech processing, consumer electronics, acoustics, radar, geophysical signal processing, and remote sensing help to place the theory in context. The text assumes a background in advanced calculus, including an introduction to complex variables and a basic familiarity with signals and linear systems theory.

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