Start making money today ---with the ultimate guide for first-time investors
No matter what the market does, real estate stilloffers plenty of moneymaking opportunities. In thisnew edition of The Beginner's Guide to RealEstate Investing, Gary W. Eldred presents the toolsand knowledge new investors need to get started profitably. Packed with smart moneymakingstrategies and real-life stories from successfulinvestors, this edition also covers the latestinformation on financing, foreclosures, cash flow, and much more. You'll not only master the basics ofinvesting, but also discover specialized techniques that the pros rely on to grow their long-term wealth. Concise yet comprehensive, this practical guide shows you how to:
Find great deals on properties with big potential
Get started with low- or no-down payment financing
Utilize creative financing options and otherpeople's money
Buy low-cost foreclosures and REOs
Make value-adding improvements to any property
Craft winning offers and negotiate like a pro
Manage rental properties hassle-free
Flip investment properties for fast profit
In addition, Eldred shows you how to tailor your investment strategy to make money almost anywhere, in any type of market. With proven techniques, timeless principles, and totally up-to-dateinformation, The Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing, Second Edition is the perfect place to start building a prosperous future --- today.