Sunday, December 21, 2008

Accounting in a Nutshell, 2 Ed: Accounting for the non-specialist

This book is designed primarily for middle and junior managers who deal with financial information without really understanding the content and for students who are studying accounting as a non-specialist subject, for example on a business studies or engineering course. The book will serve as a basic reference to be used throughout the course. It will also be particularly helpful in providing the basic grounding that is required before moving on to the more technical and in-depth study of the subject that may be required on some courses. Students who are embarking on a course of study to become a professional accountant will find this book of major benefit.
The book covers the basic principles and techniques of both financial and management accounting, assuming that the reader has no prior knowledge of the subjexts.
Written in a clear and concise style the book explains accounting principles and terminiology without the use of technical jargon. There are plenty of opportunities for readers to test their progress with regular review and self-test questions.
The second edition includes new material throughout and the number of practical exercises and real-life examples has been expanded. This edition also reflects the requirement for all EU listed companies to comply with International Finacial Reporting Standards.
Janet Walker is a Visiting Lecturer in the Faculty of Finance at Cass Business School. She also presents financial awareness courses for CIMA and for other organisations and presents financial awareness seminars in house for a whide varitey of companies.
* Clear and easy to read
* Does not use jargon
* Focuses on the principles and use of accounting information, rather than the technical detail
* Provides material for self-testing with review questions throughout to assess progress at each stage
* Many fully worked exercises and examples



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